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All u Need to Play Ctp2

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All Im saying is that you come here and start ranting and raving!
you have never even gave a reason why you think CTP2 is better
all you said was its newer therefore its better!

The people in my cool book
vladmir sorry bout the langage but do u think any would have taken any notice if i hadnt of been sweering its a atention graber for some strange reson

and to VC i have said y i think its betta its becouse it has mor diplomacy options more units longer gamplay(which i love) and more options it is just plain betta and the reson y i mention the graphics so much is just coz there so good

oh yeah one more thing vladmir if your comp cant handle CTP2 then what u gonna do when CIV3 comes out that will blow ur comp up lol

any way
UT sayin u live to play
u play to die
and im that c*nt with the sniper rifle

CTP2 saying
Tripa OUT
Tripa: We are more polite than those snarling bulldogs at Apolyton, so you don't have to swear.

I'd rather buy a new computer to play Civ3 than to play CTP.
yes i notice that now

and u just admited that u need to by a new comp for CIV3 so y dont u just by one now it saves the hastle and u can also play CTP2 till its released

oh yeah and for all those ppl complaining how long it takes once u have glob sat here is a hint that i worked out if u turn "view enmy turns" off then it will run just as fast as it did in the begining of the game

Tripa OUT
Tripa, u got a serious attitude problem...

Whats the point in calling us honest civ 2 players *****es??????

If you like CTP2 better than civ2, then u probably also like bluesbros. 2000 better than than the org. bluesbros. making u a you-know-what... Sorry. But you made me think less of australians in general, and i even got a good friend in darwin...


"Those afraid of the darkness, have not seen what light can bring."
It is all rite Cool Buger your resect for Aussy's can be restored he is not even an Australian he's a Victorian hehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahaha
You know what, I like CTP2, it's a cool game with lots and lots of new features, that really makes the game quite fun to play. But as Vladimir says, it is kinda slow, even on big new shining computers, and even when you turn of the "view enemy move".
But I have to say to you Tripa Civ2 has more gameplay, it's just more fun, and somehow the Civ2 AI are better, CTP2 is just to easy!!!
And one think I hate about CTP2 is the max on the amount of cities you can have!!!!

P.S. Big_Burger hvor i Danmark kommer du fra, der er så mange steder som er øde og forladte???

Originally posted by Vedda:
It is all rite Cool Buger your resect for Aussy's can be restored he is not even an Australian he's a Victorian hehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahaha

Victoria was the best state while we had Jeff in charge. I think he was part Roman with all the roads he built. AND he got heaps of sporting events for us. One thing i can say about Victoria is, At least its not South Australia or Tasmaina

I am disrespectful to Dirt! Can you not see that I am serious?
well sorry i havent been in here but important ppl like myself have a clan to run so this will probly be the last post i put in this forum but maybe not so ill catch all yas when CIV3 comes out if ur comps can handle it lol J/K well l8r all

Tripa out
my famus UT saying
u live to play
u play to die
and im that C**t with the sniper rifle
hey Mr Sparkle there is nothing wrong with Victoria except all the Victorians in it, but hey my experience of Victorians has not been good and also it is limited. So I guess you all are not as bad as the ones I've meet but another example is Tripa who sounds more into playing CTP2 under the influence of Chemical drugs so who cares what he has to say
Well tripa that's a nice attitude you have there, i'd also like you banned but that's TF's responsibility, i'll just making a suggestion to TF about banning you for a week or 2.

Civilization God of War & Economic Prosperity
http://www.civfanatics.com Staff and forum moderator

<IMG SRC="http://www.homestead.com/house_of_lux/files/suntzu1.gif" border=0>
I dont think you need to ban him he said he was leaving!
But he will be back

The people in my cool book
And we will be waiting

You can run but you can't hide....

He said he is trying to make peace. I believe him. Just because he is a little rough around the edges doesn't mean we should jump on him.
Give Tripa a chance!

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Whoa this topic was alot of fun to peruse. I've played alot of different games like Tomb Raider, Warzone 2100, Starcraft, Descent Freespace, Caeser 3 etc. but once you beat them your done.Civ 2 is a good ol' standby.Its fun and different each time and I don't have learn how to play it.Like a card game its rules stay the same but what your dealt always changes.
Top Ten Things I'd rather do than play CTP:

1) Play Lemmings.

2) Eat SPAM and Velveeta sandwiches made with Light Mayo on Potato bread.

3) Scratch my armpit with a cheese grater.

4) Pick my nose with a knitting needle.

5) Repeatedly slam my johnson in a doorjam.

6) Download and extract the file 'allthelatest.zip'.

7) Walk barefooted in an adult movie theatre.

8) Watch Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, over and over and over. (Of course, anyone who would play CTP probably LIKES that god-awful movie!!)

9) Have a long, subject-roving conversation with Gilbert Gottfried.

10) Watch a Barney/Teletubbies marathon.

In short(too late), Civ CTP was perhaps a worse thing to have done to the Civilization franchise than Batman and Robin was for the Batman franchise. The civil engineering thing was a bad idea. The controls and displays were over-engineered and under-planned. The game basically took everything great about Civ, and threw it away, then replaced it with incomprehensible rubbish. I never finished a game. I got to the point where I had about twenty cities and simply could not abide to AI's colossal stupidity, the SLOWNESS(I have a 200mhz w/32 megs RAM), and the loss of everything good about Civ. To deny these facts is to mark yourself as a child interested in nothing more than pretty colors and flashing lights. Go play Dungeon Keeper(the original, II sucked), it will definitely be more your speed. Or better still Quake(what's it on, III? F-P-S's, feh.)

Fearless Leader
Hey now, don't lump Teletubbies in with the Purple Pedophile!

There are some who call me...Tim
Originally posted by FearlessLeader2:
Or better still Quake(what's it on, III? F-P-S's, feh.)

Fearless Leader

Hey, you lost me on the FPS slam. No need to pick on everything, stick to CTP and CTP2
FPS are fun once in awhile.

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ICQ: 744424 TimeZone: ET(-5GMT)</FONT f>
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