An archive of the legendary games

Well, we need to keep this high... So, can we sticky this? Maybe move it to the Stories and Tales forum and stickie it there, or sticky it in GD so that more people will see it?
'Poly ones do count, of course... (although I don't really like them)
you could steal their work if there was one rusting away out there...
The whole point in this thread is that I can't find an old one...
col said:
Aesons Its a cold cold world was an inspirational game for me. It can be found er elsewhere.

I think that's the one I keep thinking of that Aeson denies the existence of on CFC. :mischief:

Anyway, stickied. Although, I think this would be best in Stories & Tales.
I never saw your Index until now. You put it up twenty days before though... :p
Yeah...I guess you never look at stickies, huh? :P

I updated it occasionally (just did some now). It's more of an index then a selection - less subjective, more objective.
Should we call this a troll? :lol: Everyone has a different idea of what is legendary.

The best SGs I've played are not AG3 but AG10 and Bugsy2.1 (which could be found in the link to My SG History in my Sig). The best games are those throughout which you seem hopeless but in the end manage to win. AG3 is special but not legendary (or legendary not in the sense of great play, but great patience :rotfl: ).

One problem is that many of the ancient games are missing links. Pictures are cleaned up which makes reading them not a lot of fun.
@Microbe: That's why I'm open to suggestions! Many won't consider AG3 legendary, but it is legendary it the aspect that there are no other games like it. :lol:

a troll is a deliberate attempt to provoke anger\etc.this was not the intent of the thread....and even without the pics,the best games are worth the read.if they are not,they shouldnt be here

however,i would say that it should be 'notable games' not legendary games,as a game could be notable but not legendary.
Well, the flame that I got was a very warming one. :)
I was looking for one that belongs on this list, but could not find it.

The player was the Mongols and he never built a single military unit and won. I remember something about Temujin being smitten by the 'beautiful Catherine of Russia" (yecch) and having alliances and MPP's with all. He wins via UN vote I think.
Denyd, you're thinking of Charistales2. It's already up there. :)
Wackest Game In The History of Wakness.
^the name is legendary by itself, plus, it's a masterpeice.....well.....not really..:(
Tomoyo said:
Random Deity Troublemaking Nad the troublemaker is back! And this time it's all random, taking the first start they got, no matter how ugly. Participants: Nad, bed_head7, Sir Bugsy, Renata, Microbe, Aggie, el_filet.

I haven't played a single turn in that one. So my name shouldn't be there :)
Aggie said:
I haven't played a single turn in that one. So my name shouldn't be there :)

Yeah I remember that. You still owe me one game. :mad:

But I am glad I joined that game. That was definitely THE best game I've ever played, until now. :)
Tomoyo said:
Sid Vicious and the Magnificent 7+1 This game is absolutely great. This is the only game not played by myself that I have actually thought about while not on the computer. Eight Sid virgins, including the legendary Sirian, take on Sid and must muster a great comeback against the mother of all runaway AIs. Participants: Sirian, dmanahko, Doc Tsiolkovski, grahamiam, gozpel, Sir Bugsy, DJM Gator, and Bede. Map provided by scoutsout.
While I am honored that we make your list, I think it should be pointed out that, as far as I know, Doc T, gozpel, Bugs, and I were not Sid virgins. DocT, goz, and Bugs actually played in one that Doc hosted, and I was in Bz9 - Sid Space Race.

Also, Gator had to drop during the 1st cycle.
microbe said:
I shouldn't have joked it with troll. 'Flamebait' might be more accurate. :)

I agree with Flamebait potential. I find it hard to believe with 90+ LK series games that not one of them qualifies.
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