Hi everyone! It has been a very long time since I have been an active member of the community. I got interested in other things and moved on for awhile. But I am back now!
Why am I back? Well, long story short: my gaming computer died and I got a new(ish) one. It was given to me for free. The machine is not terrible, but not up to playing high-end games. This is mostly due to having a potato graphics card. I could just replace it but that's expensive and I am cheap.
The PC was built by my father-in-law as a toy for him to play with CentOS Linux and therefore didn't have MS Windows installed. I could have purchased (or pirated

) Windows and went that route, but I also have a soft spot for Linux. I installed Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa and tweaked it to my liking. Then I wanted to do some gaming, so I installed Steam.
I looked through my games list and thought "What can I play that is not graphics intensive but still very cool? Civ IV of course! BTS in particular... And while I am at it, I wonder how Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn is doing?"
As it turns out, you all have been very busy! ROM:AND is still alive and kicking. I put my brain to it and got it working properly in Steam Proton (Steam's new Wine implementation). This was not as easy as I had hoped, but I figured it out. Got a great game going right now as the Willem Van Oranje of the Dutch on a large archipelago map. In the process of getting all the bells and whistles straight for Linux compatibility, I reignited my modding curiosity. Seems that I can't just leave well enough alone. I always just want to tweak the way things work, just a little.
I'll probably not be super active here on the forum, but I'll be around, goofing off here and there. My modding skills are beyond rusty, but I gotta start somewhere. I think I'll try to update the Chronicles modmod to work with version 1082 first. All those extra civics are very enticing. After that, I am going to look into setting up a C++ IDE for Linux and seeing if I can dig around in the source files a bit. I may create a tutorial for getting the game to work on Linux if anyone is interested.
So anyway, hello AND Resurrection Team! This is jtanner28, former team leader lost in time, now returned and resurrected!