AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

Jun 7, 2008
Just wonder...
Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn 2 and SVN Bug Reports​

Thanks to Afforess we've found a nice tool to keep track of bugs you're reporting; you can check progress being made on the bug you spotted by just looking


When reporting a bug in this thread, please include all the information you can.

Savegames, screenshots, logs and a detailed description that includes the version or build number. Minidump are also appreciated if you're reporting a CTD (you find the minidump file in the main BTS folder).
Savegames are needed for most bugs, so it's fundamental you provide a savegame.

This thread is dedicated to bug solving, so every discussion about new ideas, gameplay, modding, etc should go to the dedicated thread here:

What's in the spoiler below is kept there for reference only. It should be nothing important now.

Spoiler :

Since the main bug thread is now a mess with bug reports from different AND versions (AND 1.75, 1.75C, 1.76, AND2, SVN versions, etc) and when someone reports a bug, it's almost never reported which version we're talking about, I'm opening this thread on behalf of the AND Resurrection Team.
Please feel free to report bugs and problems here, but PLEASE, only AND2 and SVN bugs. If you're using other versions, report the bugs in the old thread here:
Just be informed that the problem won't probably be addressed for any version before AND2.0 beta2 because those versions are not being developed anymore.

Please include all the information you can. Screenshots, logs, savegames and a detailed description that includes the version or build number.

This thread is dedicated to bug solving, so every discussion about new ideas, gameplay, modding, etc should go to the dedicated thread here:

Here's a list of the known bugs / things to look into:

Spoiler :


- Horse Archer (and Kehisk and Numidian Cavalry) can't range bombard --> It's ok but must be removed from civilopedia
- Too frequent civic changes for AI Could be a Rev problem, currently trying to solve it
- Minor civs evolution (too slow?)
- Check if commando promotion is available for stealth, future and plasma armor
- Reduce/remove mounted units penalties
- Barbarian World Option, here:
- River buildings improvement
- Resources for buildings
- Enemy can use roads and here (maybe a problem of paved roads?)
- CTD, possibly UN related?
- Maintenance cost for paved road, public transp and so on Also, check Jungle Camps balancing
- Missing CIV4Alerts_WarTrade in the Alerts BUG screen --> Code never completed, temporarily removed option in rev 603 until code can be written
- Stealth Destroyers problem
- Wonders bug?
- Unwanted Diplomatic Victory
- Negative Culture from hammers
- Rocket Artillery receives exp from Archery range, when in fact it correctly doesn't.
- More Events bugs (Baby boom and Slave revolt) + Barbarian civ dynamic name
- No Capital Unhappiness while switching from Monarchy to Republic To be verified, it looks like it doesn't happen usually
- Privateer "halo"
- Culturally linked start


- Nukes causing CTD Solved
- Game ending in different years for different gamespeeds (ethernity in 2275AD, snail in 2125AD, marathon in 2135AD, epic in 2281AD, normal in 2155AD) Solved after svn588
- Horse Archer and similar units have wrong attack bonus on different terrain types, although correctly indicated in civilopedia Not a bug
- Inquisitor mod Working properly
- Shields for cities or the Arcology building disabled Not a bug
- Science problem reported by OMG!!! ( Not a bug
- Remove UN Mission (it's totally useless) Solved after svn588
- Civs falling behind in techs from modern era (tech diffusion) it should be solved after svn588, need feedback!
- Inflation Fixed importing C2C code in svn588
- Remove free commando promotion for mounted/tank units Done in rev 601
- Increase cost for espionage mission cost for Anarchy mission and Change civics mission. Done in rev 601
- Make fixed borders an option Done in rev 595
- Remove :yuck: from carriage workshop Fixed in rev 594
- Default save is MaxComp save Fixed in rev 593
- Limit to 5 dreadnought armor units Done in rev 601
- Loyal/loyalty promotion for Praetorians Done in rev 610
- Unlimited Power Event Fixed in rev 612
- Events happening somewhere else shown as happening in your empire Fixed in rev616
- National Anthem event, is incorrectly linked. Fixed in rev619
- Blockade not working Fixed in rev671
- Missing Civilopedia after Chiefdom under Civics when you start the game Fixed in rev674
- Signs disappearing Fixed in rev671

Other suggestions:

- +1 Trade route with wheel
- Limited Exploration Range

:woohoo:AND Resurrection Team :woohoo:

"Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn" - Back under development!
I have two bugs, the Keshiks have a +25 bonus fighting in forests even when the tooltip says the opposite (-25%).
...aaand the Keshiks don't have range combat even with the tooltips saying the opposite.

The other bug, I had some cities building science, after upgrading the mod version to the last of SVN I have a penalization in science if I change production. I mean, if one city was "building" 12 science I get a -12 science penalty when the city is not producing science, and a 0 bonus when producing it. I have only +2 science in my capital because of this. Somebody have a solution?

Here my save:
Bugs found in AND 2, Beta 3 SVN 570

The Major bug I've encountered is;

1. The constant changing of Civics by the AI players. One example is from my current game. Napoleon, was the leader on the 2nd Continent, I play continents. He had roughly 2/3's of the land, and was Tech leader there, with myself being overall leader. Napoleon suddenly, from 1473 AD, keeps on changing his Civics, to appease rebels and malcontent's I suppose, to the point now in the year 2000, he has only 1 city, has gone from 50 Turns on rifling in 1500's to 153 turns on rifling in 2000. 5 other civs have gone past him, including one 'minor' rebellious civ who I world built into a major, see point 2.

2. The inability of minor civs, who evolve from either barbarian cities, (I have it set to 7 population on Eternity speed) or revolt through rebellion, they stay minors far too long. The tend to stay minor civs for an inordinate amount of time, and will either completely cannibalise the civ spawning them, as minors. Now this maybe be a function of game speed, but once the have researched writing, they should evolve into full civs, not stay minors and research steam power as Mansu Mana did.

3. Inquisitors mod has been incorrectly merged into the AND 2 version. This has been incorrect since 1.76 or earlier. Fixed in SVN 648 Thanks

4. Shields for cities or the Arcology building has some how been disabled, it did work in previous versions. Some how I got this wrong, it works...what was I thinking???

5. Abandon cities mod, or Cntl-A, has been disabled, again worked in earlier versions.

6. Hide the dot map or Cntl-X has has been disabled as well, worked on earlier versions.
No's 5 & 6 I need to use Capital or shift to use these key's

Many other minor ones, that I had written down, but have shredded the document I had them upon.

If any or all of these have been fixed you have my thanks, and I apologise for listing them here.

Any other major bugs I encounter, I'll post accordingly.

If you want a save, I'd have to post one from 1000 AD or earlier, as they exceed the upload limit.

We'll have a look at it. As for the Keshiks, they don't range bombard because they're mounted and not archery units and I think it's correct that they can't range bombard (horse archery and numidian cavalry - carthaginians - also can't range bombard). I'll have a look at the defense bonus, it should be correct -25% attack bonus in forest&jungle because mounted units should have a penalty inside a forest, but it looks like it works the opposite why as it should be on every terrain (for example -25% attack bonus on grassland while it says it should be +25%, as it should be). Then I'll have a look at the science problem.

Edit: I can't download your save as "FileServe can only be used to download and retrieve files that you have uploaded personally."; can you upload it somewhere else?
Bugs found in AND 2, Beta 3 SVN 570

The Major bug I've encountered is;

1. The constant changing of Civics by the AI players. One example is from my current game. Napoleon, was the leader on the 2nd Continent, I play continents. He had roughly 2/3's of the land, and was Tech leader there, with myself being overall leader. Napoleon suddenly, from 1473 AD, keeps on changing his Civics, to appease rebels and malcontent's I suppose, to the point now in the year 2000, he has only 1 city, has gone from 50 Turns on rifling in 1500's to 153 turns on rifling in 2000. 5 other civs have gone past him, including one 'minor' rebellious civ who I world built into a major, see point 2.
2. The inability of minor civs, who evolve from either barbarian cities, (I have it set to 7 population on Eternity speed) or revolt through rebellion, they stay minors far too long. The tend to stay minor civs for an inordinate amount of time, and will either completely cannibalise the civ spawning them, as minors. Now this maybe be a function of game speed, but once the have researched writing, they should evolve into full civs, not stay minors and research steam power as Mansu Mana did.
3. Inquisitors mod has been incorrectly merged into the AND 2 version. This has been incorrect since 1.76 or earlier.
4. Shields for cities or the Arcology building has some how been disabled, it did work in previous versions.
5. Abandon cities mod, or Cntl-A, has been disabled, again worked in earlier versions.
6. Hide the dot map or Cntl-X has has been disabled as well, worked on earlier versions.

Many other minor ones, that I had written down, but have shredded the document I had them upon.

If any or all of these have been fixed you have my thanks, and I apologise for listing them here.

Any other major bugs I encounter, I'll post accordingly.

If you want a save, I'd have to post one from 1000 AD or earlier, as they exceed the upload limit.

I still haven't looked at these bugs but 5 and 6 are ok. Ctrl+A, abandon city, definetly works. Inside a city screen, click Ctrl+A and you can select which building you want to be demolished; if you scroll the list, the last option is to "abandon city".
As for dotmap it's Alt+x and not ctrl+x, and it works (edit: actually, ctrl+x works after you've created or edited a dotmap with alt+x. Anyway it works perfectly)

@OMG!!!: there's no bug with keshiks or archer units; they can't range bombard because they're not archery units (I'll remove the wrong indication from civilopedia) and attack odds are correct too; look at the attached screenshot:
a horse archer is attacking a barbarian axeman; it's +25% more difficult to attack due to the terrain the axeman is standing on (it's red because it depends on the axeman); then it's 25% more difficult to attack because horse archers have a -25% jungle attack (which is 25% more difficult to attack in jungle, it's green because it depends on your horse archer); then there's a -10% vs. barbarian because it's easier to attack barbarian (probably due to difficulty level, I think, anyway it always depends on you, so this is why it's green); which makes 25+25-10=40% harder to attack this axeman. If you Shift+click before attacking, you can have more in depth information about the odds and you'll see correctly that your horse archer has a 40% penalty against the axeman. Same goes for Keshiks and every other similar unit (up to mechanized infantry). Hence, there's no bug here, it's just a matter to understand what those % represent.


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ah, ok... but that is a bit counterintuitive, for example the indicators when attacking one city with cavalry (the -25% against cities) appears in red, and usually green means a bonus and red means a penalization in the attack.

Anyway, here my save, I hope you can download it:

You can use the Manage attachments under the Go Advanced Button to upload your save games. Just .zip, .rar, or 7z the save game and then upload. Use the same procedure for uploading screen shots except they do not need to be compressed.

Just in case you didn't know.

JosEPh :)
Game shows a dialog window that you cannot close.

Choose both game options Limited Religions and Choose Religion. If you only have 1 city and found a religion (I tried Polytheism and Ceremonial Burial) the "Choose Religion" popup displays. I am able to choose my religion, but once chosen, the popup opens again, listing the remaining religions. Since I have "Limited Relitions" selected, I cannot select another religion to found, because my civilization has already founded a religion. This causes the dialog to hang, and it is not possible to close it and continue with the game.

I tried to take a screen shot, but my laptop refuses to actually screen cap the game, and instead it takes a nice picture of my desktop.

If you cannot reproduce, I'll upload a saved game.

Using SVN version 585.
This "bug" has been around for awhile. It's inherent in the Choose Option which is basically an In game reminder that you can now choose to found the religion you just researched. Choose Religion needs to be removed from the Options list imho.

So until that gets sorted out, Don't Use Choose with Limited. (This was old news back in the day, but new crowd and new modders so I've made this post so others will know too.)

I've tried both Beta 2 and the SVN and haven't been able to get religions to work. No religions are founded when either I or the AI players discover a religious tech.
I've tried both Beta 2 and the SVN and haven't been able to get religions to work. No religions are founded when either I or the AI players discover a religious tech.

Not a bug; please read almost anywhere in the forum because it's been discussed millions of times.
3. Inquisitors mod has been incorrectly merged into the AND 2 version. This has been incorrect since 1.76 or earlier.

What's the problem with Inquisitors? I've never tried Intolerant and inquisitors until today but now that I've tried they seem to work fine. What's the problem? :confused:
45°38'N-13°47'E;11795566 said:
- Game ending in different years for different gamespeeds (ethernity in 2275AD, snail in 2125AD, marathon in 2135AD, epic in 2281AD, normal in 2155AD)
I can try to fix this (in terms of finding "normal-looking" sequences for you to consider), but I'd need various information:

  • I need to know start and end dates (6000 BC and 2200 AD (or December (month, week, or day? (for week and day I would need to know how they are distributed throughout the months)) 2200 AD if applicable?), respectively?).
  • I need to know the game handles year(s) 0 (BC, AD, or both?) and/or 1 AD (I need to know if 0 exists (and if so in what form it exists or they exist), and, if it doesn't, if 1 works as though it was 0 (i.e. 2 BC + 2 years = 1 AD, 1 AD + 2 years = 2 AD (+2 = 4, 6, etc.))).
  • Regarding speeds, you only went from eternity (you spelled it ethernity, though) down to normal. Are quick and blitz already good as they are?
  • I need to know the number of turns to advance for each speed setting (the game would start on turn 0 by this reckoning, so if you get N turns including both the first turn and a playable last turn before the mastery or(?) time win condition kicks in I'd need the number (N - 1), not N).
  • I need a full sequence of all allowable turn sizes for each speed setting. How much each turn length varies relative to the last one is obviously easier to adjust more slowly (without forcing "abnormal-looking" turn length periods; a 2000-year period of 40 50-year turns would be "normal-looking", while a 999-year period of 27 37-year turns would be "abnormal-looking") as the total number of turns to work with increases, so you could add new turn lengths between two turn lengths in one game speed if it's for a (hopefully considerably) slower game speed.
  • I need to know which dates, if any, are recommended to hit (i.e. 2000 BC, 1900 AD, etc.).
  • I need to know which dates, if any, are recommended to transition to a new turn length after (e.g. in 1000 AD's case if 990 AD + 10 years = 1000 AD, then 1000 AD + 5 years (a new turn length; these turn lengths are arbitrary and can change for each speed setting) = 1005 AD).
  • I need to know if any turn numbers (using the start = turn 0 reckoning as above, so these would be the numbers of times you ended your turn, not the total numbers of playable turns) should correspond to any respective dates (the date reached after you ended your turn, the AIs played their turns, and you then regained control on a new turn). For example, turn 10 after 100 years per turn would be 5000 BC if turn 0 was 6000 BC. This system will allow better matching of intended dates with intended era changes across all speed settings, but is likely to easily conflict with the previous method, so I recommend picking only one method. If the turn lengths you pick are "normal-looking" year (or month, etc.) multiples in the first place the resulting dates probably won't be too weird anyway.
Please respond to as much of what I said as possible if you want me to do this. If you want you can avoid giving me any sequences to work with, and I'll come up with my own, which will attempt to roughly meet various forms of mathematical regularity simultaneously (only "roughly" because I assume you want the dates to be "normal-looking").
I can try to fix this (in terms of finding "normal-looking" sequences for you to consider), but I'd need various information:

  • I need to know start and end dates (6000 BC and 2200 AD (or December (month, week, or day? (for week and day I would need to know how they are distributed throughout the months)) 2200 AD if applicable?), respectively?).
  • I need to know the game handles year(s) 0 (BC, AD, or both?) and/or 1 AD (I need to know if 0 exists (and if so in what form it exists or they exist), and, if it doesn't, if 1 works as though it was 0 (i.e. 2 BC + 2 years = 1 AD, 1 AD + 2 years = 2 AD (+2 = 4, 6, etc.))).
  • Regarding speeds, you only went from eternity (you spelled it ethernity, though) down to normal. Are quick and blitz already good as they are?
  • I need to know the number of turns to advance for each speed setting (the game would start on turn 0 by this reckoning, so if you get N turns including both the first turn and a playable last turn before the mastery or(?) time win condition kicks in I'd need the number (N - 1), not N).
  • I need a full sequence of all allowable turn sizes for each speed setting. How much each turn length varies relative to the last one is obviously easier to adjust more slowly (without forcing "abnormal-looking" turn length periods; a 2000-year period of 40 50-year turns would be "normal-looking", while a 999-year period of 27 37-year turns would be "abnormal-looking") as the total number of turns to work with increases, so you could add new turn lengths between two turn lengths in one game speed if it's for a (hopefully considerably) slower game speed.
  • I need to know which dates, if any, are recommended to hit (i.e. 2000 BC, 1900 AD, etc.).
  • I need to know which dates, if any, are recommended to transition to a new turn length after (e.g. in 1000 AD's case if 990 AD + 10 years = 1000 AD, then 1000 AD + 5 years (a new turn length; these turn lengths are arbitrary and can change for each speed setting) = 1005 AD).
  • I need to know if any turn numbers (using the start = turn 0 reckoning as above, so these would be the numbers of times you ended your turn, not the total numbers of playable turns) should correspond to any respective dates (the date reached after you ended your turn, the AIs played their turns, and you then regained control on a new turn). For example, turn 10 after 100 years per turn would be 5000 BC if turn 0 was 6000 BC. This system will allow better matching of intended dates with intended era changes across all speed settings, but is likely to easily conflict with the previous method, so I recommend picking only one method. If the turn lengths you pick are "normal-looking" year (or month, etc.) multiples in the first place the resulting dates probably won't be too weird anyway.
Please respond to as much of what I said as possible if you want me to do this. If you want you can avoid giving me any sequences to work with, and I'll come up with my own, which will attempt to roughly meet various forms of mathematical regularity simultaneously (only "roughly" because I assume you want the dates to be "normal-looking").

Thank you for your offer Daisuki, but I've almost fixed this. I've started working on it months ago but I'm almost finished. It took so long because altering turns also implied altering research/culture/building times, it wasn't just a matter of "normal looking dates". Especially because the game as it was, wasn't taking into account anything about this. Now it should work and in the next SVN update this issue should be solved, although I still need some testing. I've discarded Blitz gamespeed because it's totally useless. Nobody ever used it and there were more techs than turns. I've reworked gamespeeds and in the next SVN update gamespeeds will be Quick (600 turns), Normal (1200 turns), Epic (1800 turns), Marathon (2400 turns), Snail (3000 turns), Eternity (4800 turns); the game will always start in 6000BC and end in 2200AD. Hopefully, from some tests I've done, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, Industrial, Modern and Transhuman era will start more or less about the right times (according to real history).
What you've posted looks good. But don't let players "dictate" that the, for example, Classical Era Must end at XXX date etc. Afforess at one time took dates completely out of AND because of this constant and uninformed complaints. Too many gameplay factors to get it "Exact". And I'm glad you didn't go as far as C2C did on their slower game speed's # of turns.

Waiting for this SVN update before I start a New Game.

Yeah, I assumed that you could only roughly get the dates "right" for eras, and that it would depend on luck with terrain, the map size, the difficulty level, the player's skill level, and luck with either avoiding or with profiting from wars, etc., but I wanted to leave the option open.

If you don't mind I could paste some ideas of my own (it won't take me months, although I'm sure your time has been split between various things) based on the turn [advancement?] counts you just gave. It might be interesting (or at least it would be interesting to me) to see how similar our solutions are.

I'd like to do one for 3600 turns, too, since to me that's a better point between 2400 and 4800 turns, although obviously you can keep 3000 turns as well. 900 and 1500 turns are other settings of interest given your range of numbers.

I suggest using 600, 900, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, and 4800 turns for blitz, quick, normal, epic, marathon, snail, and eternity, respectively. This doesn't change much from your settings, but 600 turns vs. 1200 is double speed, so bringing blitz back and making quick a reasonable "halfway" point would be nice. Similarly, 3000 turns for snail is not a good "halfway" point between 2400 for marathon and 4800 for eternity, so I'd move snail to 3600 turns. If you want you could add in 1500- and 3000-turn speeds, too.

Whole years would count as ending in December of that year, so 6 month turns would alternate between June and December, and 3 month turns would add March and September to that pair.

600 turn advancements: 20*100+70*50+75*20+65*10+60*5+70*2+60*1+60*6/12+60*3/12+60*1/12=8200; transitions at 4000 and 500 BC, and at 1000, 1650, 1950, 2090, 2150, 2180, and 2195 AD.
900 turn advancements: 90*50+95*20+90*10+100*5+110*2+95*1+100*6/12+100*3/12+120*1/12=8200; transitions at 1500 BC and at 400, 1300, 1800, 2020, 2115, 2165, and 2190 AD.
1200 turn advancements: 50*50+145*20+150*10+150*5+140*2+145*1+160*6/12+140*3/12+120*1/12=8200; transitions at 3500 and 600 BC, and at 900, 1650, 1930, 2075, 2155, and 2190 AD.
1500 turn advancements: 20*50+190*20+180*10+180*5+180*2+180*1+190*6/12+200*3/12+180*1/12=8200; transitions at 5000 and 1200 BC, and at 600, 1500, 1860, 2040, 2135, and 2185 AD.
1800 turn advancements: 200*20+220*10+230*5+215*2+225*1+230*6/12+240*3/12+240*1/12=8200; transitions at 2000 BC and at 200, 1350, 1780, 2005, 2120, and 2180 AD.
2400 turn advancements: 100*20+330*10+320*5+345*2+335*1+330*6/12+340*3/12+300*1/12=8200; transitions at 4000 and 700 BC, and at 900, 1590, 1925, 2090, and 2175 AD.
3000 turn advancements: 450*10+410*5+430*2+430*1+440*6/12+420*3/12+420*1/12=8200; transitions at 1500 BC and at 550, 1410, 1840, 2060, and 2165 AD.
3600 turn advancements: 350*10+520*5+550*2+540*1+560*6/12+540*3/12+540*1/12=8200; transitions at 2500 BC and at 100, 1200, 1740, 2020, and 2155 AD.
4800 turn advancements: 150*10+750*5+760*2+770*1+790*6/12+800*3/12+780*1/12=8200; transitions at 4500 and 750 BC, and at 770, 1540, 1935, and 2135 AD.

These turn length quantities were made to ensure constant "normal-looking" dates, only one outlier (the earliest one) in terms of quantities of turns at each turn length, and a low standard deviation for the non-outlier turn quantities (for regularity per turn length quantity after you pass the outlier).
What you've posted looks good. But don't let players "dictate" that the, for example, Classical Era Must end at XXX date etc. Afforess at one time took dates completely out of AND because of this constant and uninformed complaints. Too many gameplay factors to get it "Exact". And I'm glad you didn't go as far as C2C did on their slower game speed's # of turns.

Waiting for this SVN update before I start a New Game.


No, players can't dictate exact dates for era switching. They are approximate to some extent at noble level, to make the game more balanced. Let me explain, it works like this (I'm simplyfying some concepts):
given a difficulty level, mapsize and speed (mainly, but there are of course other factors), leading AI will always reach certain techs more or less at given turns. For example at normal speed, large map and noble level, Liberalism is being discovered between turns 240 and 260 (more or less). Theology between 150 and 180 (more or less). Same for other techs. So if you want the game to be balanced, human players should also hit the same tech at the (very loosely approximated) same turn. A range of 30 turns over 600 turns to hit a tech gives plenty of room for different games every time you play. Of course human players can be good players or bad players, so difficulty level will fine-tunes this issue.
I also remember Afforess putting dates back into the game because people were complaining dates were taken away. I suppose people will always find something to complain for. :lol: Well, I'm one of them... :goodjob:
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