Another Colonies 3.2 PBEM Looking for 2 players

More Pirates in the Carribean?

English, what's taking you so long. ;) I'll have all of Spain dead before you can even take Florida even if they are full of arty forts :D

In Spain: Offensive launched at Seville, an artillery fort stronghold is encountered. Eventually the city is taken, but at great cost. Six Horse artillery's were wiped, almost the Spanish fronts entire complement. 3 dragoons were lost as well. This appears to be a sole strong point, though Cadiz has not been tested. But more French troops continue to be raised in the interior, and the army of the Netherlands is moving south to Spain as well. We expect the level of dragoons in Spain to double next turn, though it will be a little slower with the horse artillery.

The rock of Gilbratar is also taken, defenses were a sole pikeman. Seems a waste of a mountain.

Bajadoz is captured. While not as easy as Gilbratar, it was not the bloodbath of Seville, two dragoons were lost in the fighting. Slaves on the border between Spain and Portugal are slaughtered.

Mainland Spain now consists of the lone outpost of Cadiz, and the Portuguese cities.

Mexico: Mexico city is one tough little city, three dragoons lost, but the capital of Mexico is the latest addition to the French Empire. Slaves and refugees butchered in a fit of rage by French forces mourning for their fallen comrades.

A year of losses, yet more Spanish bastions have fallen, and fresh troops are already enroute to the field.
Originally posted by PinkyGen

English, what's taking you so long. ;) I'll have all of Spain dead before you can even take Florida even if they are full of arty forts :D

Well for one thing HALF of my Cavalry was supposed to take Natchez point. Thats fine that you decided to take it on the first move of the war but I wish you would have told me the Cav would have moved ages ago> They have just arrived in Florida from out west, plus I had to build a couple Arty units there was some tough units on a river in Timuca Flats. It ate about a half a dozen Cavalry thus far.p

I doing a come as you are war. Using existing units and building a few new. I need to get some more trade to Europe. Right now I dont have a lot of cash.

It will come, Spain obviously is yours however. Have Fun!

Ill polay tomorrow now Im off to sleep.
Just joking.
When the plan changed, and I realized I was attacking first, and that Spain would be able to move before you would, I decided I couldn't let Natchez Point survive that turn, as I wanted to send all my troops into Mexico, and could not afford to have that threat in the rear. And he did have three conquistadors there, and it took quite a bit of cavalry (1/3rd of Mexican assault force), some lost, to take.

Good luck storming Florida, and hope you don't run into those fort units, they are incredibly hard to kill.
Originally posted by PinkyGen
Just joking.
When the plan changed, and I realized I was attacking first, and that Spain would be able to move before you would, I decided I couldn't let Natchez Point survive that turn, as I wanted to send all my troops into Mexico, and could not afford to have that threat in the rear. And he did have three conquistadors there, and it took quite a bit of cavalry (1/3rd of Mexican assault force), some lost, to take.

Good luck storming Florida, and hope you don't run into those fort units, they are incredibly hard to kill.

Roger that no big deal I just wish you would have said something.

Im moving some seige arty towards Spain. Can I take a wack at Lisbon?

Hopefully Timuca Flats wqill fall next turn.
Depends how soon it gets down there, siege artillery is pretty slow, and you will need more than just one of those. But I'll let Lisbon be unless the AI continously launches strikes from it.
Originally posted by PinkyGen
Depends how soon it gets down there, siege artillery is pretty slow, and you will need more than just one of those. But I'll let Lisbon be unless the AI continously launches strikes from it.

Im bringing two with defensive units as well by ship, shoukd take about two or three turns to arrive.

Hey dont wait for me if can get it go for it.
First one to get to Lisbon gets the city. I don't know if I'll take it soon or not, depends on Cadiz and Lisbon's defenses.
Oops, didn't realize it was my turn.

The French army is 200 regiments strong. :D

Pirates in the Atlantic.

Spain: Cadiz falls, the defenses were far weaker than expected. The Spanish government has fled to Lisbon. It's a race between the French and English over who can take it first. New World Gold is plundered, both in Cadiz and a treasure galleon outside the city. Spanish treasury is near broke, and France is enriched.

Reinforcements arrive from France, troops prepare to invade Portugal.

Mexico: Guadalajar taken. Took casaulties, so butcher refugees, slaves, yadda yadda yadda. Puerto Estrel is levelled in heavy fighting. Most of Mexico is in French hands as we prepare to push further into Latin America.

Trade with Birmingham from Haiti.
Congradulations to the English on their success in Florida, and acquiring the rich island of Cuba.

Spain: Spanish demi-culverin and pikeman destroyed outside Lisbon. Lisbon and Oporto falls. Continental Europe is united under France (with of course our British friends occupying their island).

Med: Agadir razed. The Island of Palma is occupied, the Med is now a French Lake. :)

Mexico: Acapulco attacked. Main French forces prepare to enter the dense jungles of Central America.

Looks like this PBEM is going to be wrapping up soon. I think this may the 2nd or 3rd PBEM I have ever seen, much less been in, to actually run its course.
Congrats on your Spanish Conquest as well.

Ill use the seige guns in africa.

Are you sending troops there next or shipping to the new world?
Captured Boca Raton.

Yep the first PBEM I ever started, and the only one Ive ever finished, amazing.

Yep a few more turns rap up some Islands and Sout America and we are DONE!

Colonies 4 will be harder to keep going with 5 very playable sides:
No Spanish left in Africa, so I'm not sure where you would put those siege guns.

I'll probably keep most of my troops in the old world, I have plenty of dragoons in the new world, no use in shipping them over when they can't arrive to influence the action. I'll see how many islands my navy and troops can scoop up.

Spain is down to 41 units.

Naval Hull Improvement Discovered, ship movement increased. I forgot, but I'll gift it to English next turn.

Pirates sank after Santa Cruz.

New World: For some reason, my AI signed a treaty with the Spanish. Stupid AI. Treaty broken, Acapulco taken.
Radicalism is not the tech. Discovering the Rights of Man invalidates my wonders, don't do it!!!!!:mad: Do not research the rights of man, they deserve no rights. I will go to war on you if research that tech. ;)

Traded Naval Hull Improvement for Radicalism, and shared maps. Are those siege guns I see in Florida? :lol:

Central America: Killed some troops in fierce jungle fighting in Guetemala. Haitian forces take CartengasIndias.

Old World: Trade with Birmingham. Some slaves. Monteria island occupied, amphibious forces will need some rest before moving on.
Finally Trade from New World tp Paris.

Moving forces to occupy Spanish Canary Islands (Can I have one?)

Also build up and movement of forces to begin the end of Spain in the caribbean.
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