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Anyone getting much use out of the GDR?


Aug 16, 2011
I haven't seen a Giant Death Robot since the very first game I played - a Chieftan level match just to learn the mechanics. And the only reason I saw one was because I dragged out the game. It was amusing to see city states gifting them.

I'm not sure I've even popped the tech required to build one since that game. If you're that far down the tree, why haven't you won a Space Victory? Even in a Domination only match, what sort of situation would you be in where the game hasn't gone nuclear before the GDR rolls out?

I'm not getting much use out of them, but then again, that's probably a good thing! Would be kinda weird if they actually had a large impact on the game. They're more there as an amusing triviality.
Most multiplayer games I play with my buds end with all of us launching waves of GDR's at each other.

In normal multiplayer games they hold no significance at all. At all.
Most games are over long before robots come in to play.
Since I start 97% of my games in the Future Era, I see GDRs all the time and if I have access to Uranium right off the bat, GDRs are a huge part of my arsenal and have conquered many Civs and CSs. The AI is using them a lot more now too. In my current game, as Rome and after knocking off Siam with the aid of Spain, Izzy has turned on me and I have two GDRs (it was 3) coming my way across my southern border. But since I have no Uranium, I've had to try to take them out with Bombers, city bombardment and many Modern Armor.

I hate fighting them but I love using them. :D

My latest game as Korea, this is the first time since the game launched almost a year ago that I have ever used them. :)
And remember what an uproar people were in when they were announced . . .

They are game-breaking when used against the AI. One of my GDRs shot down fight jet fighers in a single turn and still had half his strength left.
They are game-breaking when used against the AI. One of my GDRs shot down fight jet fighers in a single turn and still had half his strength left.

I build them for fun if it comes to that point in the game, but would you not have already won that game even if you didn't have them? I suppose they'll help you "win more."
GDR was always meant to be a crazy 'fun' machine for games where one party is winning massively with a tech lead and I suppose if you only play future era starts, it might be a stock unit.

The unit name 'Giant Death Robot' should give it away.
Really strange to start in the future era. what's in it for you?

I want to get right into the warfare, the tanks, nukes and everything that comes with it. I also do play traditionally by starting in the Ancient Era, i just find the opening game slow. In the future era, you start with 3 settlers, 4 workers, and 5 Mech Infantry and 400 gold. All the other Civs get that as well. You hook up resources, research the very few techs left, and go to war. I've been playing this way since Civ 3 and I find it very enjoyable. I know it doesn't blend or sit well with some people, but it's a lot of fun for me.

I play with only the Domination victory setting on, Disabling the Start Bias, usually on Small maps with 8 or 10 civs and up to 8 CSs. The fighting is intense right off the bat for living space and resources. It's a hell of a good time for me. :D

I've only gotten to them in the post-game. It's on the dom tech path and, well, most dom games end earlier than that, except this interesting Future Start which sounds like fun.
And remember what an uproar people were in when they were announced . . .

...I was one. I still become absolutely pissed when I see them.

In my last game, Russia and I were in a very even end game war, going for each others capitals for the win. After I started to make a push towards her capital, what happens...a GDR spawns. I expend most my first wave on destroying it, just to have to get another a few turns later. Lost that game.

I will forever hate that unit, as multiple times I have stopped playing games in the modern era because of it. I still want to see the "No GDR" game option. It will still be a standard game unit for those who like it, but gives others the chance to not have to deal with it potentially ruining the entire end game for them.

anyways...fudge the GDR!
They are game-breaking when used against the AI. One of my GDRs shot down fight jet fighers in a single turn and still had half his strength left.

All military units are game breaking vs ai.

GDR has nothing on nukes. Nukes are ultimate. I can haz.
...I was one. I still become absolutely pissed when I see them.

In my last game, Russia and I were in a very even end game war, going for each others capitals for the win. After I started to make a push towards her capital, what happens...a GDR spawns. I expend most my first wave on destroying it, just to have to get another a few turns later. Lost that game.

I will forever hate that unit, as multiple times I have stopped playing games in the modern era because of it. I still want to see the "No GDR" game option. It will still be a standard game unit for those who like it, but gives others the chance to not have to deal with it potentially ruining the entire end game for them.

anyways...fudge the GDR!

GDR is a future era weapon. If you're routinely rolling it with an ancient start, there's something wrong. It's really a 'for fun' weapon and not meant to be the decider, though obviously it did in your game.

Most of my games end before I even get to build a GDR, and heck my last game was a spacerace win. I researched but never built it.
I start in the ancient era usually and wait for late game combat, I just prefer the way the game settles and paces itself when it naturally evolves, so I usually see them as I don't start my military campaigns until late on.

That said, by the time you have GDRs, you have so many ways to stomp all over the AI that the somewhat overpowered GDR doesn't actually make much of a difference.

Although I must admit that I have lost one to archers, yes, regular archers. That was funny as hell, especially as I'd been resting on my laurels saying "I have a giant nuclear robot, you guys have sticks, you're so boned!"

Lucky shots! :cry:
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