Anyone look at menu.txt?

Luca Brasi

Dec 12, 2001
Not sure if this file is used at all, because the shortcuts for many actions are wrong, but here's what's inside:

Activate Scenario Editor|Ctrl+K
Omniscient View|Y
Create Unit...|Shift+F1
Edit Unit...|Ctrl+Shift+F1
Technological Breakthrough|Shift+F2
Edit Technology...|Ctrl+F2
Set Difficulty Level...|Ctrl+Shift+F3
Set Energy Reserves...|Shift+F4
Set Mission Year...|Shift+F5
Eliminate Faction...|Shift+F6
Reload Faction|Ctrl+Shift+F6
View Replay...|Shift+F7
View Movies...|Shift+F8
Reset Technology|Ctrl+F8
Reset All Factions|Ctrl+Shift+F8
Edit Faction Diplomacy|Shift+F9
Edit Custom Rules|Shift+F10
Edit Scenario Rules|Shift+F11
Edit Scenario Parameters|Shift+F12
Edit Scenario Victory|Ctrl+Shift+F12
Load Scenario|Ctrl+Shift+F7
Save Scenario|Ctrl+F7

Save Map|Ctrl+F5
Load Map|Ctrl+Shift+F5
Place Elevations|1
Place Rocky Squares|2
Place River Sources|3
Place Special Resources|4
Place Unity Pods|5
Place Terrain Enhancements|6
Cover/Uncover Map Squares
Place Minor Landmark Squares
Place At Cursor|Ctrl+Left (+Shift paints)
Remove At Cursor|Ctrl+Right (+Shift paints)
Paint & Editor Only Mode|SCROLL LOCK
Change Brush Size|7
Toggle Round/Flat Map
Set Climate And World Parameters|8
(Slow) Generate Random Map|9
(Fast) Generate Random Map|0
Generate/Remove Fungus
Randomize Rockiness
Randomize Resources & Beacons
Toggle Random Resources & Beacons
Clear Map (All Ocean) and Set Size
Apply Polar Caps
Clear Terrain Enhancements
Toggle "Editor Only" Mode|Ctrl+Shift+F10


Anyone have a clue how this applies?
I believe these are taken directly from Alpha Century and not part of the Civ3 fuction (note things such as Energy Reserve, Faction etc which are all part of SMAC ;) )
Maybe, but then there is this menu:

Change Research Goal...|Shift+R
Design &Workshop...|U
Science Advisor...|F2
Economic Advisor...|F3
Interior Minister...|F4
Wonders of the World...|F5
Space Advisor...|F6
Defense Minister...|F7
Civilization III Score...|F8
View Palace...|F9
View Hall of Fame...|F10
Review Scenario Objectives|=

I don't think that's Alpha Centauri...

Some of it is Alpha Centuri, since there is no 'Design and Workshop' area in Civ3 but is in Alpha Centuri.

The rest seems Civ3.

Perhaps a list of not working shortcuts would clear this mess up?
Well, it might be there to save files as a conjuction ... maybe if you have SMAC installed or at one point or another installed it so therefore it used the same file.... uhh, nevermind. :confused:
Originally posted by Sirotnikov
This finally proves that Civ III is based on SMAC!

no, that only proves that the programmers lost their overview what files they have where on their comp and mixed all.
Chaotic, that's all.
Change Research Goal...|Shift+R
Design &Workshop...|U
Science Advisor...|F2
Economic Advisor...|F3
Interior Minister...|F4
Wonders of the World...|F5
Space Advisor...|F6
Defense Minister...|F7
Civilization III Score...|F8
View Palace...|F9
View Hall of Fame...|F10
Review Scenario Objectives|=

This exactly means it's a leftover from a modified SMAC.

And I'm freaking sure that Civ 3 is a modified SMAC, just modified alot.
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