[NFP] April Update Video

With this continued power creep of buffing civs and now also including more units what do you all think should be done to address the pacing challenges of Civ6? Eras already felt like they flew by too quickly and units (specifically unique units) already felt like they had little impact because new, more powerful, units were always right around the corner.

Do you play on slower (e.g. marathon) game settings? Do you use mods to make techs and civics cost more? Do you mod units to have more move speed? Something else?
With this continued power creep of buffing civs and now also including more units what do you all think should be done to address the pacing challenges of Civ6? Eras already felt like they flew by too quickly and units (specifically unique units) already felt like they had little impact because new, more powerful, units were always right around the corner.

Do you play on slower (e.g. marathon) game settings? Do you use mods to make techs and civics cost more? Do you mod units to have more move speed? Something else?
I might have to start playing on slower settings. I think gold is another issue, as it wil mean that gold will have have be used to upgrade more often too, and slower settings won't help with that - in fact, they'll alert them worse.

This is where I appreciate GalCiv3 - it allows you to pace scientific progress separately, so your production speed remains constant, but you can make scientific research take longer so that the units last longer. Unfortunately, my PC is in no way able to cope with anything above a medium map on that game, where such settings really shine.
I also think that people underestimate Georgia as a low-key domination Civ. She has a lot of interesting tools that allow her to make a domination play:

— She can whip walls up quicker to prevent counterattacks
— She will likely control all the city states on her continent to either take the units or let the AI crash their units on the city state wave
— Crusade gives her a strong boost to attacking cities (like Byzantium except she would need to actually put effort in)
— She’s the only Civ (that I can think of) who can go domination and still hold a presence in the world Congress due to the sheer amount of city states
— Monarchy is insanely good for her
— She can hard buy units with faith
— She now gets faith on kills which strengthens a lot of the above
— She’s pretty much guaranteed God of the Forge now too

Is her buff passive and lazy compared to Spain and Khmer - absolutely, but y’all sleeping on the pious dominator Tamar
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Zees properly timed eras makes it easy to customize era progression, if you open it up to change parameters. Specifically setting eureka boost to 25%, ahead of era penalty of 100% and behind era bonus of 40%, it gets around the mod’s main issue of creating a string of 1-turn techs every era change. I then set ancient era to 70-100 turns, classical to 60-80, and then dial back ~5 turns per era going forward. This creates opportunities for an entire war in each era. Since this keeps unit/building cost standard, expect larger AI armies, and to get through the tier 2 and 3 buildings in most districts. I always play random tech tree, and it gets dangerous in games when don’t get to archery, like when I chases after chariot archers in the third column on a different branch.
With this continued power creep of buffing civs and now also including more units what do you all think should be done to address the pacing challenges of Civ6? Eras already felt like they flew by too quickly and units (specifically unique units) already felt like they had little impact because new, more powerful, units were always right around the corner.

Do you play on slower (e.g. marathon) game settings? Do you use mods to make techs and civics cost more? Do you mod units to have more move speed? Something else?
Well, I'm not sure these upgrades can count as a "power buffing" so strong that will make the game faster. In any case, I must agree with you, for me, the game goes too fast in all eras. I hardly have time to things before era changes.

I tend to play on Marathon, but something is off at this speed. It is like the game is not adapted to this speed, and nobody manages to do anything in time (maybe the costs/movements do not scale well).
If not marathon, I always play on Epic. I find it quite balanced but too fast to my taste.

I'm worried Hungary won't get any kind of buff. They look kind of lame compared to this.

I'm sure they will. Hungary is one of my favorite Civs (my favorite music in the whole game, too). But I think their bonus is quite good and has nothing to envy on the Spanish one.
Rivers you will find everywhere! continents not so easy (unless you are very lucky), and remember that is a 50% for districts but Buildings too!

That saves Hungary a lot of money that it can use to leverage city state troops, Spain will have to purchase these buildins! (true, the extra gold change will help them a lot at this regard).
hi Leucarum. Glad to meet you , let me introduce ourselves , we are the FANATICS.

Forget about detecting a few pixels or a lack of word in a tweet , we WILL go crazy ( the good kind ) over any details , existing or imaginary. That is half the fun in these forums and i wouldnt miss it for the world.

Kevin has figured out how to get us going and is using it shamelessly. Please dont change and for gods sake give us some more civ6 content , soon ™

Yup that was the joke ;)
I used to play Civ 4 BTS on King difficulty and the AI was a pretty good challenge in that game military/war-tactics-wise.

I don't understand why Civ 6 AI is so bad. Pity, because the game is so good.

1. Civ IV had horrible AI until the developers borrowed substantial improvements from the community mods.
2. Civ IV was a vastly simpler game than VI.

But, let's please not make this a threat about the AI.
I've never used TSL maps before, so I have a question regarding the TSL Mediterranean Map. I want to play a game on a Mediterranean Map, but don't want to be limited to Mediterranean Civs. If I use the TSL map and leave all the Civs as "Random," will I be able to get non-Mediterranean Civs starting in random locations?
1. Civ IV had horrible AI until the developers borrowed substantial improvements from the community mods.
2. Civ IV was a vastly simpler game than VI.

But, let's please not make this a threat about the AI.
Well, yeah, but it's one of the main things in the game and improving it won't hurt.
I think it's something they could do easily. And when you're doing the Navy AI, why not the land AI too?
Well, yeah, but it's one of the main things in the game and improving it won't hurt.
I think it's something they could do easily. And when you're doing the Navy AI, why not the land AI too?

Simply put, AI isn't easy. It's actually very hard. Especially so if you don't want to increase turn timers significantly and you want to continue to support older hardware. Besides that, "we made the AI better" doesn't sell products. New content does.
Is it passive and lazy compared to Spain and Khmer - absolutely, but y’all sleeping on the pious dominator Tamar

There are already plenty of faith heavy domination civs, the game doesn't need another, especially after Basil.
I've never used TSL maps before, so I have a question regarding the TSL Mediterranean Map. I want to play a game on a Mediterranean Map, but don't want to be limited to Mediterranean Civs. If I use the TSL map and leave all the Civs as "Random," will I be able to get non-Mediterranean Civs starting in random locations?

On a TSL map, no; there would only be the inclusion of civilizations that are situated near the Mediterranean. It is possible though that they include a Mediterranean map without TSL, similar to the non-TSL Eastern Asia map.
For something a bit more on topic- For some reason I always liked Scotland's happiness bonus but it never felt strong enough.

Yeah, the problem with Scotland is that the amenity nerf hit them like a brick, the cost of getting happy and ecstatic cities now is so high that it's completely irrelevant. Scotland was the civ you were supposed to choose if you wanted quick bonuses to science and production, but now you're forced to delay with entertainment districts and Coliseum. It needed a huge rework and I don't really know what they're going to do, considering that the amenity change looks set-in-stone. I think all cities should have +5% if they're content, +15-20% for happy, and +30% if ecstatic. Maya gets the 15% bonus for just existing, so Scotland needs something far better. The game currently gives you very little incentive to reach ecstatic so a mechanic based around this needs to be ridiculously strong.

The other ability is flat-out useless and was a meme introduced to follow the precedent Australia set. I hope anything to do with war is completely eliminated from Scotland, even if Robert himself wasn't all that peaceful.
On a TSL map, no; there would only be the inclusion of civilizations that are situated near the Mediterranean. It is possible though that they include a Mediterranean map without TSL, similar to the non-TSL Eastern Asia map.
And they have a non TSL Earth as well - all the TSLs have a non TSL version, so far at least.
On a TSL map, no; there would only be the inclusion of civilizations that are situated near the Mediterranean. It is possible though that they include a Mediterranean map without TSL, similar to the non-TSL Eastern Asia map.

And they have a non TSL Earth as well - all the TSLs have a non TSL version, so far at least.

Thanks for the replies, guys. I'll keep my fingers crossed until the 22nd (ouch!).

I wish, for this patch at least, that they would release the patch notes earlier than "day of" so we'd have more time to pore through them (since they're the largest ones yet).
Why didn't anyone pay attention to the amount of gold at 2:10? What does it mean? Cheat code or some hint?

Why didn't anyone pay attention to the amount of gold at 2:10? What does it mean? Cheat code or some hint?

View attachment 593750
That's interesting... Maybe we're overthinking this again, but I'm sure you can't reach that amount of Gold by turn 86, even if you're playing as Mali or Portugal.
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You're almost certainly overthinking it. These example games aren't real games.

Yeah, these games are always modified because they need to show the mechanics in action. Gold would help buy land/units/buildings. In any case, their two trade routes are producing only 19 GPT, so unless they were previously making 1000 GPT the turns before... nothing special to see here.
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