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Archos: Spiders seem weak


Arty person
Jul 13, 2006
Glasgow, Scotland
I'm presently playing a game as the archos. They're quite fun, and certainly not lacking in power. Their brutes are horrifically good, especially combined with the base 30% strength bonus from Aggressive + Defender. The problem here is not that the Archos race as a whole is underpowered. It's definitely not.

But so far, their unique mechanic is proving somewhat disappointing. I speak, of course, about the army of spiders spawning from Mother's Nest. Or, I wish it was.

I had hopes of leading a vast arachnid swarm across erebus, devouiring all in my path. But that doesn't really seem feasible.

Firstly, the spiders don't benefit from your trait bonuses. They don't start with Combat I or Homeland, which instantly makes them inferior to your regular troops.

Secondly, spiders don't get defensive bonuses. I don't think any animals do. But then, there's a reason why no other civ has an animal-centric army, I think.

Thirdly, their base strength is just too low. Baby spiders are 3 strength, but without your trait bonuses, they're essentially just poor-man's tribesmen, with hidden nationality, not that it helps them much.

Giant spiders are significantly better at strength 5, but considering that your Brutes are strength 5 also (WITHOUT weapons) and they also get defensive bonuses + your trait bonuses, and lack the crippling weakness to recon units, giant spiders seem pointless by comparison. Apparently they get the Strong promotion once the capital is size 20, but by then the enemy is likely to have str 8 iron champions, and str7 rangers (with their 75% animal combat bonus), and a strength increase from 5 to 6 isn't going to make one iota of difference.

As if them being generally weak wasn't enough, there's also the AI's alarming tendancy to spam recon units everywhere. I jut had to fend off no less than 20 bannor hunters.

Hunters, with their 50% strength bonus against animals, eat spiders for breakfast. And that's only a tier II unit. I can't see spiders having any reason to exist when the enemy has rangers, or even beastmasters. And if they're ever smart enough to give their hunters subdue animal, it's just giving them free units.

But Fourth point, they just don't spawn enough. Somewhere around 150 turns in, my capital is size 11 and I have 3 other cities. I've had a sum total of 5 spiders, all of which except the last have died in failed attempts to put them to some meaningful use. Meanwhile, my capital can churn out a fresh new brute every single turn, with Combat I, homeland, 6 str, and my choice of an extra free promotion from running apprenticeship. I'm left wondering why I should even care about spiders.

As far as I can see, the only redeeming quality the spiders have, is their Hidden Nationality. And while it certainly is neat to fight a shadow war and murder your enemies with a veil of peace, spiders just aren't capable of that. Their low strength, lack of defensive bonuses, and low numbers, give them no hope of surviving counterattacks. The thing about sending a unit deep into rival territory, is that it's full of their soldiers, who will easily slaughter your 1 lowly spider. And if you open your borders, a passing AI hunter will happily slay all your spiders for free experience, thinking he's doing you a favor.

Granted, spiders are naturally invisible. But not to hunters. And since the AI builds lots of those, their invisibility doesn't make so much difference.

So I ask, what is the purpose of spiders? I can't find any useful purpose for them, aside from decoration to make my empire more "in character". Compared to the numberless legions of greatly superior brutes, spiders seem to have zero military potential, and they're not even useful as city guards because of the no defence bonus.
I agree they are underpowered, but I think you are underestimating a HN war with them. I have pillaged so many things with them, and really destroyed some civs based only on Spiders killing workers without a scout/hunter near by.

But yes, they spawn too infrequently, and their special abilities based on their capital aren't strong enough either.
Hmm... I agree that the Archos' nest city mechanics are way too cool to just be a flavor mechanic-- it seems to me that we probably need altogether different spiders from the ones normally found in the wild. I would gladly trade stronger spiders for the two priest specialist slots from the Nest city, if something else must be given up to maintain balance. One thing that might help is turning the Archos spiders into Beast units, so that Hunters can't go after them as easily as they do currently (in addition to a simple strength bonus, of course).

It seems to me that ideally, the spiders should be strong enough that the Nest City mechanic (bigger capital + more numerous cities = more and bigger spiders) should play an important role in your overall strategy with the Archos, since it's a big part of what differentiates them from other barbarian civs. At effective Nest size 25 and above, we should be getting fairly strong spiders about every other turn, if not more. (Wait, do spawn frequencies currently depend on the Nest mechanic, or does that only affect their strength and abilities)?
They seem to have good early game use - a buddy of mine got a baby spider fairly early (frst 30 turns or so), fed it a barb golem, it turned into a full spider. Then he proceeded to munch up workers and warriors across several other players, quickly promoting it all the available promotions. I also believe it spawned a few babies.

But yep, should probably player a greater/more consistent/long term role.
Errr... spiders do, indeed, gain defensive bonuses, both from terrain and from fortification. They aren't the only animal able to do so, though they're definitely the most logically able to (webs).
While I agree that the spiders as a whole DO seem a little weak, and spawn too infrequently, they can't really be buffed too much... Remember, the Archos will most likely be researching Commune With Nature, and then building Nature's Revolt... It affects your spiders too. Was pleasantly surprised when even Mother suddenly had Heroic Str/Def. She was about 5 turns old. :goodjob:
But Nature's Revolt only affects currently existing animals, does it not? Unless FF has changed that. To get the benefit from it, you're going to have to ssve up every spider you get and keep them locked away safely until you can build it.

But even then, 7 base strength on a giant spider still isn't a lot. Iron champions have str 8, rangers are 7 with huge animal combat bonuses. Longbowmen have something like 9 defense with iron weapons. Etc, the list goes on.

With NR and Strong, they might just be able to maintain adequacy, little more than that

Errr... spiders do, indeed, gain defensive bonuses, both from terrain and from fortification. They aren't the only animal able to do so, though they're definitely the most logically able to (webs).

Are you sure about this? Maybe it's only baby spiders that don't, but I have a distinct memory of seeing the adults not do so either. Will check again...
Anyways a few small suggestions.

Firstly, I think they really should benefit from the Agg/Def trait bonuses. All spiders should start with Combat I and Homeland. It just doesn't seem right otherwise. They should also benefit from other external xp bonuses, like Apprenticeship, Conquest, etc

I think the archos could do with some unique buildings, that would power up the spiders. Ie, national wonders that wold be built in the capital, and would give some free promotions to all new spiders, as well as allowing existing spiders to upgrade. Tying enhancements to buildings would allow you to get more powerful spiders if you wished, by devoting resources to researching the techs and building the things,

For example
Venom Sacs:
Gives +1 poison combat, and poisons enemies in combat.

That would give them the early game punch to be able to take on axemen, and archers to a lesser extent.
I think they could also do with a unique promotion that gives +50% vs recon units. The idea being to counteract the hunter natural bonus.
Nature Kinship:
Double movement in forest
And some sort of advanced stealth that means hunters can't detect them (so normal stealth-revealing methods would e needed)
A substantial withdrawal chance promo (like 50% or so)
And maybe something that gives Mobility I to all spiders. Because their 1 movement is a bit pathetic

These sorts of enhancements would give them sufficient early game power, although unless they're recieving huge strength bonuses, they'll still need something substantial to allow them to remain relevant when rangers, berserkers, war chariots etc, start appearing.
One more oddity.

Yesterday while playing. I had a.... wild giant spider. rampaging around eating my workers.
While playing as archos.

This just doesn't seem right. Maybe wild spiders should automatically join the archos or somesuch?
Why? It is not of the Mother's brood. It is not your friend. Rather, it is competition to be wiped out.
I tend to agree their spiders are lacking enough to be a libility. After a while I simply saw them as exp bonuses for the enemy and either kept them back out of combat or deleted them outright.
Anyways a few small suggestions.

Firstly, I think they really should benefit from the Agg/Def trait bonuses. All spiders should start with Combat I and Homeland. It just doesn't seem right otherwise. They should also benefit from other external xp bonuses, like Apprenticeship, Conquest, etc
I don't know if that is possible but it would be a great 1st step.

I think the archos could do with some unique buildings, that would power up the spiders. Ie, national wonders that wold be built in the capital, and would give some free promotions to all new spiders, as well as allowing existing spiders to upgrade. Tying enhancements to buildings would allow you to get more powerful spiders if you wished, by devoting resources to researching the techs and building the things,

Again I think that would be interesting. Could maybe make them a random % chance. Each city you build BuildingA gives a x% chance for new spiders to spawn with PromoA. I don't think every spider needs to suddenly start gaining each additional promo automatically.

However I think one of the largest problems with the spiders is they are too easy to max out exp wise. Can get to the point there are no more promos to buy, and the spider is still pretty gimp. Make PromoA, PromoB, etc etc become buyable by any spider already in existence or that wasn't lucky enough to spawn with it.

Venom Sacs:
Gives +1 poison combat, and poisons enemies in combat.

Great idea

I think they could also do with a unique promotion that gives +50% vs recon units. The idea being to counteract the hunter natural bonus.

I disagree on this point. Especially with other suggested increases they will do better against the recon line, but still have a weakness to them.

Nature Kinship:
Double movement in forest

I don't like the name but I do like the idea.

And some sort of advanced stealth that means hunters can't detect them (so normal stealth-revealing methods would e needed)

Personally I don't see this as needed. If they become TOO stealthy it becomes too easy to exp farm Workers or other soft targets. I think a better way to go all around it to reduce the AI's love of recon units.

A substantial withdrawal chance promo (like 50% or so)

Do they already have access to withdraw promos? I forget. I think 50% is way too high personally, remember adding homeland it self gives 10% withdraw. Flanking (if they can get them adds another 20% or 25%. I think I would rather have access to get flanking promos and homeland.

And maybe something that gives Mobility I to all spiders. Because their 1 movement is a bit pathetic

simply giving them access to take Mobility one would be fine with me.
The original 3 civs were designed to be "unintrusive" to the FfH experience, so their unique mechanics are fairly subtle. I think FF has moved beyond that point now though and a redux for the first 3 has been planned for a while. Just a matter of time...


Raw strength increases are a minefield balancewise - so I'll opt not to look in that direction. Granting them the civ trait promotions (from Aggressive/Defender) is definitely possible as they're generated via python. Granting giant spiders in general a "web" ability is also intriguing - an immobilizing ability similar to Blinding light would certainly be useful at any stage of the game. Buildings to empower the units are interesting, but buildings aren't really what the Archos do. Unique promotion-lines for various unit types is something I've wanted to do for a while, allowing specialized units that could take certain special promotions but lose the ability to gain others (which could include a set to allow you to specialise a giant spider into a Sword Spider, Phase Spider, Venomspinner etc)
By "buildings", I really only mean using the building interface. In the same way that "poison words" or "demonic citizens" arre buildings.

The term doesn't necessarily mean a construction of wood and stone.
I'm thinking things along the lines of the Dark Weald.

The phrase "Brood Pit" comes to mind as a possible name of one such thing. Looking to the Tyranids of Warhammer 40k will certainly provide other spidery-sounding words that would be useful. Like an "Anabolic Synthesis" promotion, which increases movement.

Think of it more along the lines of adding new features to Mother's nest. New ways to please her, and encourage stronger children from her.

I can understand that increasing raw strength can be problematic, but I think SOME of it is necessary. At a base strength of only 6 (with Strong), no amount of promotions can really help them to remain relevant when there are Phalanxes (base 12 before weapons), Beastmasters (base str 14 +50% vs animals) and such things running around.

At present, spiders are practically obsolete even when there are only hunters around.

i think they really do need somewhat higher base strengths. That sort of thing might be too powerful early on, which is why I've suggested tying such things to "buildings". thusly, spiders could become more powerful as things progress.

I... can't quite envision what a "sword spider" would be like. They don't have opposable thumbs, or even hands for that matter. I'm having trouble imagining a spider holding a weapon.
I've wanted to do for a while, allowing specialized units that could take certain special promotions but lose the ability to gain others (which could include a set to allow you to specialise a giant spider into a Sword Spider, Phase Spider, Venomspinner etc)

That would be awesome.
I... can't quite envision what a "sword spider" would be like. They don't have opposable thumbs, or even hands for that matter. I'm having trouble imagining a spider holding a weapon.

Typical Fantasy Lore a sword spider doens't use a sword, it has 2 legs that are very hard and sharp and uses them as weapons i.e. swords.
I am not sure how many hammers spiders are worth, but what if you could build them in the capital? That is, much like the Scions and their Awakened units, which either "pop up or get built", Giant or Baby Spiders may be something the Archos would spend time actually cultivating as a unit. Those ones would get the appropriate promos depending on the leader (including funny traits for unrestricted leaders I suppose). Just an idea if the problem is "tons of time passes, and your spider themed empire only ever got five spiders."
I am not sure how many hammers spiders are worth, but what if you could build them in the capital? That is, much like the Scions and their Awakened units, which either "pop up or get built", Giant or Baby Spiders may be something the Archos would spend time actually cultivating as a unit. Those ones would get the appropriate promos depending on the leader (including funny traits for unrestricted leaders I suppose). Just an idea if the problem is "tons of time passes, and your spider themed empire only ever got five spiders."

I think, well at least for me it was, less how often the appear, and more how long they lived. They were slaughtered any time I opened boarders (which Ya stop doing real fast) or they left my borders.
Just a thought, slightly off topic.

It really makes no sense for an enemy hunter to march into your city and start murdering things, just because their nationality is hidden.

I think HN units should not appear so, when they're inside friendly cities. Or at least not be attackable.
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