Artillery and Man-O-Wars


Retired Moderator
Jun 12, 2003
According to the pedia I should be able to build these in my current game, but can't. What are the real prereqs?
You can't build those. Only the King has them.

The Civilopedia says "Unique unit for Dutch/English/French/Spanish Empire", and it doesn't mean the colonies. Yes, confusing, I know. The whole Civilopedia needs to be overhauled because of things like this.
Thanks. I saw some Dutch ones around, but they must have been coming to fight that rebellion.
Thanks. I saw some Dutch ones around, but they must have been coming to fight that rebellion.

The weird thing is that the building notes for 'armories' and others will say 'required to build Artillery'... making it SEEM like you can build them. Thing is, there's no power (currently) where this is even possible!
That'll be in a mod soon enough I hope.

Actually, I keep thinking that they should be buildable, if you have the Ironworks (for both), and the shipyard (for Man O War). Most 'real world' colonial towns didn't have access to the biggest industrial facilities available, but they weren't unheard of either.

It's not like the American army and navy were completely devoid of the big-guns, particularly as the war went on. Granted, most of the early ships and guns were bought from French and Germans... (which is something I REALLY miss, mercenaries).. but they existed.
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