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Ashes: Australia v England 2006/7

First time McGrath has bowled for over 100 runs in a test match without getting a wicket.

Warne bowling round the wicket. Leg Stump Line.

Langer out for 4.

Good Night ;)
Gilies dropped catch might become very telling
I sense there is a twist just beyond the horizon for this test, which will be either
(1) The Aussies get to about 100-150 runs of England, England sets a target to give the Aussies hope, Aussies chase down the target with ease.
(2) England enforces the follow-on early-mid day 4, Aussies bat for long enough to deny England a win.

Either way I can't see England winning the test, unless Hoggard bowls non-stop.
This England scored too slowly stuff is rubbish IMO...

They batted for 5 and a half sessions, scoring at 3.3 an over. There's nothing wrong with that rate. Also, it's a hell of an ask to win a 5 day test when you only bat for 1.5 days and your opponent for 3.5.

Also, Ashley Giles is a pillock.
Australia currently scoring at a lower run rate than England's Innings, laughing at all the Aussie media complaining about 'Boring' England.

Plus England are bowling an attacking field, unlike Warne's leg stump line.
Damn right, -0blivion-.

The Aussie arrogance is astounding. After the Gabba it was all "5-0...walkover" etc. - and see how long that lasted. Getting a bit carried away there IMO...

On the topic of this morning - Giles has been taking it up the arse again, but Gilchrist has just handed the man his wicket with a ludicrous shot - caught on the fence. Why is he playing shots like that?


Another chance for England then...

Also interesting to note a few deliveries with uneven bounce, and Sky informing us of fourth innings totals at Adelaide in the past 13 years - none above 250, plenty below 200.
Well, 105-1 this session. That should put to bed any chance of a result.

Pietersen bowling in tandem with the quicks really highlights the absurdity of the Giles selection though. He's contributed nothing in this match, and has looked completely toothless in his bowling.

A liability. Surely now he can't play in the next test...right? :scared:
Degenerated into a pretty dull match.

Hope the Perth pitch is a bit better, this ones just completely flat.

The bouncy lively Perth pitches of the past are no more. :( In the state cricket, its been all about the spinners at Perth the whole year, so dont get your hopes up.

Its good to see Clarke get a hundred though. :thumbsup:
Damn right, -0blivion-.
The Aussie arrogance is astounding. After the Gabba it was all "5-0...walkover" etc. - and see how long that lasted. Getting a bit carried away there IMO...

Given how badly England played, 5-0 looked like a possibility, but to their credit they have lifted their game greatly and this looks like it going to be a close contest all the way.

This games is heading for a draw unless there is a massive collapse by someone, although had Gilies caught Ponting i think would have been England's game.
Degenerated into a pretty dull match.

Hope the Perth pitch is a bit better, this ones just completely flat.
They are trying to make Perth back into a bouncy Pitch that is traditionally has been. Just because it is taking spin recently does not make it a bad pitch, since it is still a result Pitch.
Nice to see Hoggard show that he can take wickets on a good batting track. Looked like he got the ball to go both ways.

Word here is that Freddie has ankle problems. If he is out then we are well and truly stuffed this series.

Monty must be given a run out soo. England have to win to retain the Ashes - and we cant do that unless we get 20 wickets in a game.

I'd like to see Mahmood given a go ahead of Harmison. Yes he can go for a few - but he can also bowl 90+ mph inswinging yorkers that will take wickets on any track.
I'd keep Harmison. on his day he can destroy any team in the world. It just takes one world-class burst from him to win a test. Anmderson has loked inconsistent and toothless. He's not got the ability to rip through a team either, so I'd play Mahmood. Mahmood can bat 8, so Panesar can come into the team. My only concern with that team would be if Mahmood and Harmison are both off form on the day, particularly with Flintoff allegedly suffering from a niggle.
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