Attacko's Horcrux


Mar 26, 2002
an interesting tactic in multiplayer as well as single player- which is based on killing an opponent and building a second city on a one tile isle or on a tile behind a mountain you can only reach with a galley.

the point of this is having a city immune from attack for a great deal of the game.
you will not die.

in multiplayer when you are trapped and double attacked it is useful if you want to hang about and pirate around and claim second as the rest drop one at a time.
you can type taunts at them as they die.

the evidence is clear- the Attacko horcrux. for the superior
I can't believe I just watched the whole thing.
I hired this guy to review your strategy:

You will hear from him shortly.

I watched the entire link too and I am trying to figure out what this has to do with the strategy being discussed. I saw a cut scene from "A New Hope" and arrows pointing to big Empire ship and small Rebel ship. Am I to understand that you want to be like the poorly equipped Rebels and not the big bad Empire - that the backwards Rebels are the superior?
Am I to understand that you want to be like the poorly equipped Rebels and not the big bad Empire - that the backwards Rebels are the superior?

In the ending victory, just watch the entire films. The evidence is clear.
Well, okay you'd be alive but you'd still be freaking powerless.

Unless... You could always stock a huge army there. Of course, it'd drain your treasury - and it would be made worse by the lack of a people to tax - but still... It could work. After you wouldn't have to worry about having an empire to defend. Just overrun some backwards nation.
Fact- in game - machinery- three galleys- four ice islands full retreat and resettle
counter attack later in an almost empty empire- when another former non combatant strikes- would be victor quits- to taunts

Fact- "your no "attacko" you suck"- as hordes of horse pour in-isle horcux safety-
would be put all his eggs in one basket assassin? - quits-

Attacko Horcrux- 2

the fools- 0
can someone translate Tracko's insane mutterings into english?

Also, Fact big empire can produce a larger army faster than four ice islands

Fact, nobody who isnt ******** will leave their empire open to attack.

Fact, a large empire can build a navy large enough to destroy 3 galleys and capture four ice islands with little difficulty.

Insanity X: 3

Tracko: 0
I hired this guy to review your strategy:

You will hear from him shortly.

Obviously the Rebel Alliance was using the legendary Attacko's strategy otherwise they would have been eliminated when the empire counterattacked Yavin, and again when they attacked Hoth. You might say that the first three episodes of Star Wars demonstrate the most effective execution of Attacko's Horcrux in the history of man. And we all know how those movies end. The evidence is clear, Attacko's strategies reign supreme yet again.
that review was really good

they should have reviewers like that as mainstream

appreciate the link- ol christmas eve laugh

Fact- that reviewer knows that terminator and starship troopers are two of the best movies ever made - attack films

Fact- "time of the unholy" - short Attacko u tube documentary about cottage builders and reloaders - in one memorable scene an interviewee states, "reloading helps me learn" - while he is being filmed taking money out of his mom's purse.
Fact- No good chess players since fischer- proud american facists (we are facist here now but without scary uniforms -which is a jip)- at any rate, proud american facists build deep blue (chess horcrux they put their souls into- and beat kasporov)

Fact- A beginning player should focus on staying alive first and formost to watch the game's dymamics

the evidence is clear
Fact- No good chess players since fischer- proud american facists (we are facist here now but without scary uniforms -which is a jip)- at any rate, proud american facists build deep blue (chess horcrux they put their souls into- and beat kasporov)

Fact- A beginning player should focus on staying alive first and formost to watch the game's dymamics

the evidence is clear

Sociopolitical experience in the post-war western world has show that Crypto-fascism is much more efficient at keeping the population happy in the the long term, and thusly provide for a more stable utilization of military force. Drop the uniforms, focus on luxuries and black propaganda, and hold mock elections every few years. This allows you to keep on attacking while claiming self-defense, and maintain good international standing to boot.

The fascists were pure amateur pioneers.

Happy holidaze.
Fact- No good chess players since fischer- proud american facists (we are facist here now but without scary uniforms -which is a jip)- at any rate, proud american facists build deep blue (chess horcrux they put their souls into- and beat kasporov)

Fact- They cheated, and lost when they didn't cheat.

The evidence is clear- worldbuilder. For the superior
Sociopolitical experience in the post-war western world has show that Crypto-fascism is much more efficient at keeping the population happy in the the long term, and thusly provide for a more stable utilization of military force. Drop the uniforms, focus on luxuries and black propaganda, and hold mock elections every few years. This allows you to keep on attacking while claiming self-defense, and maintain good international standing to boot.

The fascists were pure amateur pioneers.
Modern Western authoritarianism, while reactionary and often ultranationalistic, is rarely truly fascistic in nature, as it so often lacks the dedication to a transcendant national mythology or the utopian, palingenetic ideals which both defined the original ideology. Indeed, the original fascist regimes, which so often sacrificed their proposed social revolution for the support of the reactionary property-owning classes, can become hard to describe as truly fascistic regimes.
As rarely as it is acknwoledged, fascism, like socialism, has never really been properly implemented, it's simply come a little bit closer.

Y'know, while we're being nerds. ;)
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