Avalon Hill's Diplomacy

Two weeks is about right... Probably on Sunday night at midnight GMT will be our suspense date.

Richard III
And Dip Guy that Richard knows;)

We need 1 more!!!!

Do you want me to randomly pick who you guys are? If not, send me a list of all 7 countries in order and I'll sift through and assign countries to everybody.
man, do I feel unfortunate for you guys! your lack of diplomacy info, and links! :)

this is a dip forum

This is the game I GMed on the USTX judge before I quit diplom.org the website isent done, but you can see the progress. the game IS done. perhaps I will update the website. we can use a geocities website for our games, I wanna offload this one, and can give the pass to everyone, so when someone is GM we can play

This is the Dip-Info HQ for the world... IMHO

and this, the MOTHER of all diplomacy links this is a internet gaming site, where you DONT have to play by e-mail. it means you just get a name and login, like hotmail, only a much shorter reg. time. then you start playing. I STRONGLEY suggest that EVERYONE sign up... after our game by e-mail :) I will then GM games like crazy. so far I have played in about 30 games, and have Gmed about 10. most on BOUNCED. all my games are now on BOUNCED. once you diplom.org guys get a tase of this, you'll never go back :)

and there are always pleanty of diplomacy links if you are willing to look. I predict I will win this game, mostley cause I play so often :) when I get online I do 2 things. first, off to bounced, then off to the democracy game on this froum :) in that order too! oddley enough, today I decided to visit the forum to see some civ III stuff, then I saw the new logo, and on my way to the feedback forum, saw I had a PM, and came here... what an epic jorney.

if everyone e-mails me at pellaken_kee@hotmail.com I will make a 7 person list, and e-mail it to the GM. I will also e-mail out the rules, so everyone knows what the hell is going on :)
let us begin.edit- I will contact crs, leader of BOUNCED, and ask that flatlander be givin GMing abilities as soon as he signs up. if flatlander will e-mail me ASAP, I will get him signed up, and GMing in no time. as soon as a game is set up, we can all join. its MUCH easier to learn how to play on BOUNCED them on diplom.org, since you arent always typing in 'press to R', etc...
ok, the leader of bounced, CRS, will set up a diplomacy game. the problem is that now we have 8 players...

we have 2 options...
this "guy that ___ knowes" can voloentarley step out
that we play the modern variant, with 10 players, meaning we must find 2 more.

go to www.diplobounced.com and sign up, then post your username on this forum. I will then talk to CRS and have the game set up.
That website is down...at least my links worked :p
I was planning on adjusting all by hand (Done it before) so anything easier is always appreciated. I of course would prefer to play, but if we just want to do it the old fashoined way, that is fine by me. I've done a few play-by-snail-mail before, so I can adjust by hand as well as any:).

Anyone with more experience with PBEM games is welcome to take the lead with this, if they have a better solution then I am all ears.
Sorry everyone, absent for a day. An update:

#1 - if we have eight, I'm quite happy to bounce my friend (who just confirmed his interest), as long as I How's that for a deal?

#2 - If it is no big hassle for our poor GM, I'd actually PREFER a conventional play-by-e-mail, as per snail mail rules. It's just a more distinguished, gentlemanly game, where worrying about posting to the damn judge properly disappears as a headache.

As I'd said earlier, I had avoided judges during the early days of the web because newbie registration seemed to be such a hassle. And I trust the decisions of a human GM as much as anything, since some of the more complex displacements sometimes - heresy to say, but I will - benefit from a teeny bit of subjective judgement. Since I know this is a burden, I will take the cop-out step of volunteering to be the GM for the second game if this can in any way reward our generous host on the first.

Two weeks is a nice, long, gentlemen-playing mail by chess pace, which is cool. One week per turn would be ok, too.

Can't wait. After all, Belgium really has always been mine by rights...

Oh and:


What the hell is an armed cultural consultant?

And obviously some conversations on this game are taking place elsewhere, e.g. off this forum. Is there somewhere that's not ICQ that I should be communicating on?


(For all to see, I guess)


try this linkhttp://www.dipbounced.com/

it's copied straigt from the site box

its not a judge exactley. lemme explain:

you log on as germany, lets say, I will do this is my game right now.

ok, I have logged on as Russia in a modern game I play. here. you got 4 frames. 1 main frame, 2 smaller ones, and 1 really small one. the really small one is pretty well useless. the small one at the top shows you what country you are, and the flag for it, and the coat of arms. it tells you the game you are playing in, who as, the current season, year, time it is at this moment, time the deadline is, and the time to the deadline. its really usefull.

the mainframe is empty, untill you scelect something from the leftermost frame, which has these options
Map & Judging
Read Press
Send Press
What If
SC Summary
Game Options

the map shows you a map of the game at current. here is the map of the game I am in.

judging shows you the last orders that were done

map and judging shows bothexample here

orders lets you put in your orders. regular net syntax.
example, british fall 01 moves
A Yor-Nth-Nor
F Nth C A Yor-Nor
F Eng-Bre

read press, lets you read all press, even the ones you send. it shows the season it was sent it, who sent it, who got it, the exact time it was sent, and the first line to so. click, and it shows the entire press.

send press is much easier the other net methods. image attached below.
you just click weather its white press or gray press {white means people know you sent it, gray means no one knowes who sent it, cept the GM of corse}
then you click who you are sending it to. then you type.

the what if is confusing to me, but apperentley, it tests out moves...

the SC summary shows how many SC's each power has, plus a list of all SC's and who controals them. its updated each year, witha ll years recorded for history purposes

Recesses allow you to see if there are any game stoppages planned.

game options shows you the starting game window, which shows the game stats, example:

Welcome to "BritishChicksAreHotinaModernWorld"

A modern game with 72 Hour deadlines for moves and 48 Hour deadlines
for retreats and adjustments.

Observers are welcome and can press to all players.

Good luck and Have Fun.

Rob (GM)

Game Master: rkthurston
Created: Thu Dec 27 10:50:22 2001
Game counts for player statistics
Players' commitment ratings must be greater than 75
Players' rankings must be between 75 and 10000
White and Gray Partial Press
Observers may view press and send white press
Deadline calculations:
grace period
First Movement
First Retreat
Second Movement
Second Retreat

Deadline calculated from time of judging
Phases with no orders due are skipped
If deadline missed by a power, game is paused
Game starts between Jan 1, 2000 and Jan 1, 2010
Game begins paused.
The game starts at 10pm after the last player has joined.
Players are given powers according to preference list
Turns may advance early if all powers consent

and lastley, these help topics:
Help Topics:

General Information
Joining a Game
Player Statistics
Playing a Game
Starting a Game

there is general rule that games should take 48 hours to play each season. I prefer 72. 1 week game is a long game... 2 weeks is even longer. essentially each player should be online for atleast an hour each 24 hour time period, although in quiet seasons, only 5 minutes is required, an average of 20 minutes. your full hour isent needed unless you talk alot, or type slowley. if we cant drop any players, I will GM the game myself. I am an old hand at GMing on the bounced system, and can help out whenever needed. if you guys really want to paly by e-mail, with no judge weather it be the sucky diplom.org judges or this newer, better, BOUNCED judge, then so be it, here's my pref list

blank space
blank space
blank space
Austria... I HATE being Austria, I always loose...


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Is the consensus on that we are doing a modern game? Just curious if (a) I must now link in the Brantford guy and (b) I've never seen the modern variant, unless it is another variant by a different name, so what's the rumpus?


I have to duck out of work, will try this non-judge judge early tommorrow EST, and will write in then.
I like the idea Pellekan, but I think we will just shoot from the hip on this one...

I will judge the game, if there are no problems with that... (BooHoo for me though, but it saves you from being dominated by me;))

I need confirmation from everybody on what they want to do... If they wish to play with the system Pellekan showed, let me know now.

After I get confirmation from all players on what they want to do, then I'll set the first orders date.

I also need lists from Magnus, KoC, Beerman, and Pedro.

You can send them to me by PM or by E-Mail.

To the brave souls who have shown them to the world, good luck;). You can resubmit if you'd like.


Send it in both, so I ensure that I get it.

An Armed Cultural Consultant is anyone who changes cultural behavior by force. (U.S. Army:))

I haven't discussed anything with anyone else about the game (Except for Pellekan via PM).

I'm thinking that we should just play the original game, due to the fact it took two weeks just to get 7 people to play.:)
Agree with Flatlander Fox. I vote we keep it a simple game with 7 players and FF being the GM and playing by e-mail. one or two week turns are acceptable. I will take the country everyone else hates the most. If that cannot be ascertained, then I will list my choices alphabetically.
Well, comrades and cultural consultants. The game brews...

FlatFox and fellow diplomacy geeks,

Frankly, if we have a human GM, I'd prefer 1-2 week e-mail turns, direct e-mail letters for negotiation, "classic" rules and so on. Will resubmit preferred locations - just to give FlatFox my real e-mail address at work - via the yahoo address given.

(No offence meant, Pellekan, I will try the non-judge anyway, but for the first game or two, when it comes to Diplomacy, it's VERY personal to me, and I tend to be a conservative cigar-puffer and oak table type when it comes to this work of art)

Oh and "armed cultural consultant." Yeah, my brother has done a little bit of that in a FYR or two. :lol: Easiest way to eliminate odd cultural foibles in my view!

I hate to keep writing ad nauseum but also:

FFox - please consider my "guy I know" bounced until we need him to remove the overage.


well, I must object to hand-adjuctcating it being easier the BOUNCEDing it. it is the easiest system that I have run into. on a scale from 0-10, bounced is a 1 for difficulty, hand doing it a 2, and diplom.org a 11. its MUCH easier, so dont let your diplom.org experince scare you.

I will play by e-mail so long as I get TTD warnings. I had a commitment in diplom so low I couldent get into any games cause I was lat so often. the TTD Time To Deadline, has made me never late now. if FF will e-mail me and tell me 48 hours before the deadline, then I will play.

I'd like 72 hour deadlines best. and 48 hour minor seasons. look at it this way: thats about 1 and a half weeks for 1 year, and some games take 10 years +. thats 15, or even 20 weeks. that means a game started on feb 1 will not end untill July or August. if we play with 1 week deadlines, that means 3 weeks average for a year, meaning this game will probably not end untill 2003. I will be in university by then, and really dislike this idea. I have played 9 games on bounced, GMed 7, and have GMed 2 on Diplom.org, plus played in between 15-25 on diplom.org. thats a total of around 40 games. I am running into time shoratages in my life, and to be frank, playing a year-long, e-mail, very slow, game with newbies, just isent in my book of wants. I will do it, however, if we take 1 week deadlines with the possibility of a vote in the game year spring 1903 of shortening the deadline to 72 hours.

game deadline times:
15 minutes=real time
1 hour=net unofficial 'real time'
24 hours=fast
48 hours=fast-medium
72 hours=slow-medium
1 week=slow
2 weeks=so rare I dont think I have seen it happen
4 months=real time {as in a game year for a real life year} I have created one of these games. its been up for 3 weeks, and we have 2 of 10 players so far. this game dosent start untill march 2003.
a little overzealous perhaps...

first off, I never said we were playingh modern, it just was the gaem I had opened at the time. I paly Diplomacy all the time when I am online.

I just dislike the e-mail system. its really annoying. when you play BOUNCED its like playing the computer game of Diplomacy. its all there infront of you. I have played only 3 FtF {Face to Face} and then only against 1 other person. I won each time. I have never played by snail mail. I would like a few things though:

first, everyone, e-mail FF ASAP I hope we all can have this done within 72 hours.

second, please post here this following info, so we all know what we are up against:

how many games you have palyed, and under what system
my exmaple:
FtF 0 {no REAL games, with 7 players that is}
SM {snail mail} 0
NET 40 {I dont like PBEM, it sucks, Play By BOUNCED is now all I do}

so post your FtF SM and NET stats, and we can see what we are all ready for
some info
on a scale from 0-100 here is a list I have compiled of each nations power/popularity/ease of play
France 100
Russia 99
England 97
Germany 94
Turkey 90
Italy 84
Austria 78

although players may be more compatable with some nations than others.
nations like Italy and Turkey require a stedy hand and a cool head. risks often dont pay off, and they are the more conservative and traditional powers. Austria, on the other hand, requires a hot head and an iron fist. you need to be fast and cutthroat in order to get places, you also need, as I once heard an Austria who soloed refered to as a "velvet tounge". some nations require alot of talk, others very little...

on my first game, I was germany, and I moved
A Ber-Kie
A Muh-Ruh
F Kie-Hel
to you regulars, you'll realise how funny and yet stupid of a move that indeed was :) needless to say I was killed by a EFR attack by 1905
my second game ever, as Austria I was defeated by a joint attack by 1905...
my second game as Austria I was defeated by a joint attack by 1905
my third game as Austria I was defeated by a joint attack by 1905
my fourth game as Austria I was defeated by a joint attack by 1905
by fifth game as Austria is no press, and I am doing ok I guess. its 1903, and I am not dieing
my sixth game as Austria I am loosing cause of a joint attack, looks like I will be dead by 1905 :)

come to think of it... I do well as Germany... I want to change my preference list:


I will go on about my diplomacy carrer, the only other important thig is that you e-mail FF ASAP. I will do so when I finish bragging.

my carrer as France... well by 3rd game ever was as France. I dident do too bad, but was killed after getting 6 cetners. hey.
second France I did the same
third france I was attacked by Germany, and died evenmtually
forth france I was same as 1&2
fifth france, same deal as third

then as Turkey
fist Turkey was a replacement, he was ok in power, but I skrewed up a move, and lost in the end
second turkey was from the start, I lost

then as Italy
First Italy I did well, lasted till 1912. I had an alliance with Austria and Germany... Austria eventually soloed...
Then pretty well the same in my second game
in my 3rd game I tried alliances with France and Turkey, but my war with austria eventually killed me, when France and Turkey steped in against me
my 4th game I dont remember much... but I remember playing a 5th game.
my 5th game as Italy is a nopress game, its only 1902

then as Germany
first game ever was as Germany, I lost early
my second game as Germany was same as the first
my 3rd game as Germany resulted in my best shwoing EVER at EOG, I drawed!!! 4 way draw, I was weakest alive with 7 centers.
my 4th game as Germany is going superb. I have 9 centers, and am the #1 power alive!!! the game is named HappyDays, and thats a way to explain the feeling :)

then as... whos lefT?
england was another early cuontry I played as. I lost after a bit
I think I played 2 more games as England, not many anyways

then as Russia
I also drawed as a Russia once. in a 5 way draw... to STOP an Austria solo, I remember now, the man with the velvet tounge, dident win, we stoped him :) the draw was MY idea, even though I only had 3 units left, they were in StP and Nor, making a stalemate... but that was my most recent game as Russia.
my first game I dident do to well
nor my second
nor my third each time I was alive to see a solo.

then in variants, I played China in Youngstown once, lost, of course.
in Modern...
my first modern game was nopress, I took over a 2 center Germany, and played it to see the 3 most powerfull people, Poalnd, France, and Italy, all of whom were killing me, be TOTALLY destroyed by Russia, Egypt, and England. the game is not over still, but after a long 10 years, I was eventually killed. this game shoed me a alot about how to play a game near the end.
then I played a game as Italy, and lost
then I am in 3 modern games right now as Russia, Poland, and Ukraine. I am also signed up for another, where I want France or another western power.

I dont know if that adds up to 40. there were a number of games I was banned from due to some confusion. 2 that I can think of right now.
that adds up to... 32. but there were a number of games that I took over and palyed out for 1 or 2 seasons. in short, I am not a newbie, but I am not an expert eathier.
my best finishes:

Weimar's Gambit
its a move I coined when I was still weimar_republic. its done as so:
A Mos-Stp
F Stp-Gob
A Stp-Gob-Swe

its more of a surprise then a move to Lvn, and is usefull in co-hoots with England to kill Germany. I tried it 2 times, once as Russia, when I drawed, and once as England, when Russia Soloed. HE SOLOED!!! with MY MOVE!!! YEAY!!!
the second best finish is the one I just talked about, a draw as Russia. it was
17-3-3-3-8 A-R-I-E-F
then my best finish yet was a Germany in a 4 way draw
7-8-9-10 G-A-T-E where England and I drawed the Austro-Turkish alliance. its funny cause the single best alliance to 50%+1 of dippers is the England-Germany alliance, and the single worst alliance, according to most dippers is the Austria-Turkey alliance :)

well thats about it. enough talking about diplomacy, its time to log on and check my games. I'll send a map of that game where I am germany.
here;s the map
if they ask for a login and password, both are the word guest
And I agree with about 1903 or so perhaps picking up the pace...

By then, somebody's feelings will be hurt, and they will be out.;)

I think one week will suffice. But remember, everybody here has a life, and some are busier than others.

Once I get confirmation from everybody, I will set a date probably 2 weeks out. Since everybody has played this game before, you know that the first turn is probably the most diplo-intensive.

NEWBIES!!! Let me see you online in a different game:)!!!
I've been playing Dip for 15 years!!!

Nothing beats a face to face game...

A reminder: There are no rules to diplomatic relations. Be very careful what you write... Or what you don't;)...

Subterfuge is allowed or encouraged...

Those of you who have played face to face games know the deal.

Good example: While playing a PBEM game, a dastardly foe cut and pasted one of my scathing reports. He also wrote a report to this same guy in my name and alleged that another person had cut and pasted it.

Simply Brilliant, but he still lost:). Not to me, but to the guy who capitilized on MY anger.

The point is there is very little in terms of guidelines.

Anyway, once I get the confirmation from all players (and E-mail addresses), I will set the date that Spring 1901 orders are to be turned in.

I will also accept PMs here at CivFan for orders.
My my...alot of words!

What is happening?

We are playing diplomacy (e.g austria hungry etc)? with standard diplomacy rules?

It shouldn't be that complex to sort out...

Submitted my preference list (I wonder who will get austria).
Austria is a good country, with a chance to pull three supply centers on turn one, and three more on turn two... A very good chance I must say.

You people make the Hapsburg side of me very angry!!!;)

PEDRO!!! Where are you????
Richard, we are gonna need your guy after all...

Get him the E-mail, and probably the login for this site, so he can randomly check here on game updates.

Richard, I need your updated pref list, or at least a confirmation of the old one (intrigue already?!?).

Have the "guy" (We are desperate for a name here:)) e-mail me with the list...

I plan on having you guys set up by the weekend with your countries and E-Mail addresses.

I will start a new thread here in a few days for official notices and such.
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