Avalon Hill's Diplomacy

How about Kremlin?

You are banished to Siberia!!!

Too bad AH got eaten by such a useless company as Hasbro...

There are not too many boardgamers on this site, but there are a few lurking about...
I never played Kremlin, but if you could get banished to Siberia, that's the style I'm tawkin about. In Politburu, you had a number of soviet apprachiks moving their way up the ladder of power into different positions. You would get assigned secret control of different guys as a part of your faction (through matching cards, if I remember correctly).

What was so hiliarious about the thing - other than the endless purges and the stupidity of fighting for control of the agricultural secretary because you could - was the age factor. Each apparatchik got an age to start, and then kept getting old. It would get so that you'd be praying that your 91 year old Vice-Chair would live just one more year to outlive the 88 year-old Chair and take over.

Or at least something very close to it... I had a 96 year old guy once who refused to die... It became painfully obvious that he was under my control when I kept saving his ass from numerous purge attempts...

In Kingmaker, I would always kill the heirs, just to see the startled reactions on the faces of my fellow players...

Once, I had the Duke of Northumberland and TWO heirs with a ton of mercs in York...

Next card played "Plague in York"...

I could have vomited...

Ahhhh... The wonders of AH.
Originally posted by Flatlander Fox
Or at least something very close to it... I had a 96 year old guy once who refused to die... It became painfully obvious that he was under my control when I kept saving his ass from numerous purge attempts...

In Kingmaker, I would always kill the heirs, just to see the startled reactions on the faces of my fellow players...

Yep. It was that "refusal to die" that kept the game brutal. But I must express astonishment at your lack of sadism; normally my policy was to hold on to heirs for at least a good ten turns after capture if my current loyalties permitted it, and THEN kill them, just so I could watch the poor bastards elsewhere on the board waste their time maneuvering as though they were alive first.

Did you ever play that AH PC version of it? I always wondered if it was any good. Think I saw it on that site for dead games somewhere.

But I am not sure... No game from AH was really ever that good when brought to the computer...

As for Diplomacy, I am still holding out hope that this works...:(
Is anything happening?

Who is who? Can we have a list of countries with their respective player and their e-mail addresses posted?
I've got another player!

His name is Richard Morley...he is a quite experienced player (he plays Mrs Cake version and Crystal Ball diplomacy more often than the normal sort).

His e-mail address is r.w.morley@dur.ac.uk

I'll send out the E-Mail's tonight (hopefully);)...

Here is the list:

Kitten of Chaos: France

Beerman: Turkey

Magnus: Austria

Pellaken: Russia

Richard III: Italy

Brooksy: England

Richard Morley: Germany

As Pellaken's list and Richard's list were almost the same, they went almost to the bottom before they had a country that didn't match...

I think for the first turn we should have a 2 week deadline...

I'll send out the E-Mails and get confirmation from all that they are indeed ready to start the game...
Okay, German kitten friend, (Richasses II - very cute), speaking as a straight arrow classic (tm) diplomacy guy, what the hell is the "Cake" variant? Or the crystal ball?

Just curious
In crystal ball you do two submitt 2 turns at a time! (I think Mrs Cake is the owner of the crystal ball, not another version...but I only play the standard, honest to goodness version!)

E.G if you are germany you submit an order for:

F kiel - Denmark for spring then F kiel - Sweden for autumn ALL AT ONCE

Thus sneak attacks, stabbing and general confusion reign supreme as people have alot more uncertainty as to where units are or are going to!
:king: Hey I'm keen! I've played Dip since Dad introduced me to it when I was about 9 years old back in 1976! I even have a board version, if I can find somewhere to set ip up where my 23-month old won't destroy it .... I reckon PBEM would be an awesome way to go, although I'm used to all-day sit-down sessions on it. So count me in.

Hope I don't end up with the Austrians, Germs, or the Eyeties! Poms are my favourites.:D
When we needed you!!!

Sorry man, but this game is all full (Unless I get a no show)...

I'll keep you on standby, just in case someone doesn't show up!!!

I tried E-mailing yesterday, but %*&#$%$^ing Yahoo and Excite were both acting up...

Ahhh the trials of free e-mail...:rolleyes:
Crystal Ball is the variant. What happens is you submit your moves a turn in advance. It can be really quite clever trying to figure out what to do. So every time you submit orders you have one set "on hold" that you can't change. So you have to guess how well they will do given the real results from the last move.
Retreats are then done and builds normally.

Note you can order
A stp - lnv
F Stp - BAR

So then if you have a fleet or an army they will do different things!

Mrs. Cake is the name of the game to destinguish it from other games. All the games had Discworld names Mrs Cake (being able to predict the future) was thus the best choice for a Crystal ball game.

I also play Silverfish which is done on the map of the Discworld. However I am losing horribly in that one, and will be lucky to survive. The map isn't very good yet, and the starting locations are BAD for 3 of the powers (one of which was the one I got)BTW My Email is ricardo@4morley.com or r.w.morley@dur.ac.uk

Anyone in the game is welcome to email me.

Ricasses II

Oh well - looks like I am on the bench for now .... keep me posted.

Originally posted by Richasses II
Crystal Ball is the variant. What happens is you submit your moves a turn in advance. It can be really quite clever trying to figure out what to do. So every time you submit orders you have one set "on hold" that you can't change. So you have to guess how well they will do given the real results from the last move.
Retreats are then done and builds normally.
Ricasses II


Fascinating. I suspect this would be a hell of a training exercise for the "classic" game, since it would force you to think several moves ahead.

I'd post my real (daily) e-mail, but I'd prefer that stay within the group, for reasons that will become apparent when you see it. (it's xxx@medievalporn.com - really!)

I'm still denied e-mail at home, but I occasionally check the following: project@canoemail.com.

Carefully awaiting orders. Watch out, Tunis, I've got your number!

When is the deadline? Can we get some group e-mails out to tell EVERYONE THAT we've started and when the deadline is?

That way we can get this on properly? Are you gamemastering? If so some visual presentation of the results of the phases would be great especially if posted on the net.

WHERE is Weimar Republic, Beerman and all? We are seeing too few of the players in this game posting or just around the site in general!
Ya , I'm here! Ready to get beat down by you cats! Oddley enough I think it will be quite interesting.Don't worry ,I'm sure Flatlander will keep us properly informed with the needed dates and stats!
But I can't get the E-Mails out thru Yahoo, and Excite is not cooperating... Been trying for two days....

As for graphical stuff, I am pretty limited... But I will attempt to do what I can...

If you've got a tip, let me know via P.M.

More to follow...
Get a hotmail account!

Later today I'll send you details on how to do the graphical stuff...it is dead easy!
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