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Hm, maybe teammates should exchanges their passwords so they can take over for each other in situations like this?
Agree. Turnrotation is catastrophic. I suggest if turntimer goes over 10 hours teammate should play if someone does not work for longer. Sleeping longer ist verboten!
10 hours? Are you serious? In what kind of world do you live?

24 hours would be the bare minimum for me before I say someone is taking too long with their turns.
Well I guess everyone has civ at their homecomputer. So then ppl should be able to take their turn at least before bed and in the morning, 2 times a day. Ofc it can become more than 10hours so teams can discuss when their teammate is allowed to do turn.
Because people sure like to stand up three hours early just to play their turns. :rolleyes:
Well I guess everyone has civ at their homecomputer. So then ppl should be able to take their turn at least before bed and in the morning, 2 times a day. Ofc it can become more than 10hours so teams can discuss when their teammate is allowed to do turn.

I have a life outside of civ. I have a family and RL responsibilities. I believe that my turn around time is more than adequate, but I can not promise that my AM schedule will have time for civ.

I am also (as are others) in several games and if they all get sent to me at once it could take longer than normal to play my turns. I play them in the order that it appears in PBEM Tracker and get to as many as time permits and the rest will wait till I get to them. Usually I am able to play my turn within a few hours of receipt, but there are times that it takes much longer to get to the turn.

If you are new to PBEM, it can seem like it takes forever to get your turn. But if you get involved in several games you should be able to get your "Civ Fix" :drool: more often.

Of course it will be up to each team whether or not you want to share passwords and taking each other's turns (And how long you want to wait until you take the other's turn) . If you don't care to do this, that is fine too.
Okay, so im the only one prioritizing civ over RL hehe. Well I dont mean to stress anyone. I agree with the last Osbitath said. No pressure, just encouraging people to consider letting their teammate take turns.

gpcii: I am new to PBEM so i might be a little too eager. Also since im boored with singleplayer and MP direct internetconnection does not work. So all my civenergy is channeled to my 2 PBEM and the forum to make it speed up:run:
gpcii: I am new to PBEM so i might be a little too eager. Also since im boored with singleplayer and MP direct internetconnection does not work. So all my civenergy is channeled to my 2 PBEM and the forum to make it speed up:run:

How so?

Wow u have a slowstarted computer:lol:

No, I just like to micromanage stuff very extensively, and some situations call for propaganda posts.
Okay, so im the only one prioritizing civ over RL hehe. Well I dont mean to stress anyone. I agree with the last Osbitath said. No pressure, just encouraging people to consider letting their teammate take turns.

gpcii: I am new to PBEM so i might be a little too eager. Also since im boored with singleplayer and MP direct internetconnection does not work. So all my civenergy is channeled to my 2 PBEM and the forum to make it speed up:run:

Well, who really needs RL when you can conquer the world? Right? LOL - Truly, my statement earlier may have been too strong and I did not mean to offend.

Also, I was the same way when I first started PBEM. That's why I suggested getting in several of them...

IMP also has a point regarding "Behind Closed Doors" deals. Sometimes it takes a while for ppl in different timezones to communicate on how they are going to destroy the world. :nuke:
IMP also has a point regarding "Behind Closed Doors" deals. Sometimes it takes a while for ppl in different timezones to communicate on how they are going to destroy the world. :nuke:
And ImpK is many worlds'champion at this... both the "skill" & the time. :crazyeye:
Don't judge most PBEM games by this. This was billed as an let's-try-it experiment.
As i'v cited; this is THE slowest out of 8 i'm involved in. Having teams = having to have "meetings" = slo-o-w-w, but necessary. I'm worried about the pace when we get into AD & beyond. That will start building up discussion freq & time. W/i & among all the teams. :eek:
Because of all the above, i am all for teamates sub'ing for each other. :thumbsup:
civtily: U mite put yourself out as available replacement.
&/or get involved in a "private" game where 2-3 max players that also have too much time & not enuf Civ PBEM; these are direct via email. Can fill hours, IF players' can synch play times.
Technically kenwyn this is moving faster than instant karma, at least from the point of view of plays per day. At least it is only natural that a 10 player game will move slower than a 6 player game in turns per day.

As for teammates taking turns I took ads last turn and I will be taking his current turn shortly. We assumed there was no big deal and just wanted to keep the game pace up. We have discussed with each other what we will do for the next few turns anyway so it is largely irrelevant who takes them.
Gpcii:I donbt see how u offended so :cool:
Imp knoedel: I cant see pin or connect to anyone:sad:
I understand u want to micro, same here and i dont want to stress u or force ur teammate to do ur turns;) Just want ppl to know about the possibility
Imp knoedel: I cant see pin or connect to anyone:sad:

Hm, maybe you're on at the wrong times? Just recently I had a live game with Nigthhawk and even a random join in.
I just managed to join a game. But it said my firewall blocked an incoming player despite being turned off:crazyeye:
Did you join a game or host one?
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