ok, listen up civinator!
I don´t know, why you are not answering to my PMs (since then, you were alot of times on this site...), but with your "cool work" by banning my IP, you´ve banned the whole University of Mainz. I talked to some of my friends. they are not pleased!
First. General jcl, I´m very sorry that these things from Vericitas from Mainz happen in the thread of your splendid scenario. But it seems there is no other way than to clear it here, as the poster who did the post says he didn´t receive pms by me and on the other side I only received one pm by him and he speaks about several pms.
@Vericitas, who ever or better how much persons hide behind this name (university of Mainz):
You received this message from me:
screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007
The screenes that were attached in that message are now deleted as I announced it. But for this post, I have downloaded them again.
In August 29th, 8:55 pm, I received the following reply message by you:
screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007
In August 29th, 9:30 pm, you got my reply on your answer:
screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007
I didn´t receive more pms by you than and if I would have received more, I would have answered them as I did with your only reply on August the 29th.
This was what happened on the SOE-site:
In May 7th, the following post was made in the Public SOE Forums using the slightly changed name of a poster at CFC:
screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007
That post came from a computer with the IP-adress that is shown in the screenshot.
Vericitas, on the following screenshot is your IP-adress:
screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007
As you can see, this mean post came from your computer.
You were asked for a statement on the SOE-Site, but as there was no reply, you were banned on that site. As you are talking here from "some friends that are not pleased", is this an open menace by you for the SOE-site and may be other civ-sites, too??
Fact is, from your computer bad things do happen and now it´s your turn to look what was done on your computer at the dates I gave you and what really happened to the pms you are talking about that you will have sent to me.
General jcl, I delete these screenes as soon as possible.