Barbarossa II - eastern front

Whoa... there is a person called Emil Bodnaras that was influent in the Romanian communist party?? That's news for me! :eek: I looked it up on wiki... I actually know a guy with EXACTLY this name! He's alive though, so not the one here, but still... I find it pretty amazing.
Emil Bodnaras was a young communist who flies in USSR before the war.
In the spring of 1944 Kremlin leaders sent Emil Bodnaras in Romania as a secret agent to coordinate the communist party.
He secretly worked in order to seize the power in the hands of the nationalists.
Later Bodnaras became Ceausescu's closest collaborator...
You will find many more information concerning Bodnaras on internet
ok, listen up civinator!
I don´t know, why you are not answering to my PMs (since then, you were alot of times on this site...), but with your "cool work" by banning my IP, you´ve banned the whole University of Mainz. I talked to some of my friends. they are not pleased!

First. General jcl, I´m very sorry that these things from Vericitas from Mainz happen in the thread of your splendid scenario. But it seems there is no other way than to clear it here, as the poster who did the post says he didn´t receive pms by me and on the other side I only received one pm by him and he speaks about several pms. :sad:

@Vericitas, who ever or better how much persons hide behind this name (university of Mainz):

You received this message from me:

screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007

The screenes that were attached in that message are now deleted as I announced it. But for this post, I have downloaded them again.
In August 29th, 8:55 pm, I received the following reply message by you:
screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007

In August 29th, 9:30 pm, you got my reply on your answer:
screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007

I didn´t receive more pms by you than and if I would have received more, I would have answered them as I did with your only reply on August the 29th.

This was what happened on the SOE-site:
In May 7th, the following post was made in the Public SOE Forums using the slightly changed name of a poster at CFC:

screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007
That post came from a computer with the IP-adress that is shown in the screenshot.
Vericitas, on the following screenshot is your IP-adress:
screene deleted, as Vericitas has seen it Sep 08, 2007

As you can see, this mean post came from your computer.

You were asked for a statement on the SOE-Site, but as there was no reply, you were banned on that site. As you are talking here from "some friends that are not pleased", is this an open menace by you for the SOE-site and may be other civ-sites, too??

Fact is, from your computer bad things do happen and now it´s your turn to look what was done on your computer at the dates I gave you and what really happened to the pms you are talking about that you will have sent to me.

General jcl, I delete these screenes as soon as possible. :sad: :sad:
Even though this scenario might be a bit too big for me (too many cities), I'd love to try it but I won't even try to download it if it is such a problem to download it.

I agree with the "put it on 3D Downloads" comments!!!

Perhaps it's not “easy” to download for everyone but that's not very complicated too!

Anyway it is much easier to download than to make it! ;)

Actually the difficulty he had with the DL was my fault. I made a change to the server and forgot that you had the DL links in a text file. So long as they Cut and paste the URLs into the address bar things should be fine from now on.
Actually the difficulty he had with the DL was my fault. I made a change to the server and forgot that you had the DL links in a text file. So long as they Cut and paste the URLs into the address bar things should be fine from now on.

it still does NOT work!
Steps (so far):
- You have to register in this site (stormoverciv)
- You have to wait some time before the account is active
- You have to have rar or download and install it
- You have to DL a .txt file in rar with the explanations of how to dowlnload the main file (?)
- Then what?

Sorry, but it's just too much hassle...
Read the text file, you'll find the links in it
All the informations for the setup of the game is in this txt file

You just have to read it....not so difficult ;)
I downloaded and aqlthough a bit of a hassle: WELL WORTH IT!!!! Great graphics and fantastically long list of unique units.

Takes a bit of getting used to units and instructions in French (biggest problem I have is I have absolutely little idea of what my cities are building, other than units).

Like the original barbarossa, this mod is excellent. Units galore all over the place and due to allies, germany can not just advance on a broad front as the soviets always seem to find the weaker axis allies, (thereby meaning Germans must keep some units within reach of their allies).

Played about 10-12 turns and then went into editor and took Germany out of an alliance. Makes for some tough fighting nearer to home for human playing Germany.

This mod makes it so much more difficult to just run rampant over Soviet AI.

Thank you very much Hammerwise

I am very happy that you like this game…
(in fact 7 games in one because, due to the separate tech tree, each nation as a different gameplay)

Some positive reactions as yours pay the heavy investment necessary to its development!

In order to facilitate the comprehension of the nonFrench-speaking players, I announce that I always seek a volunteer to help myself to translate the civilopedia into English
Absoltuely EXCELLENT WORK!!!!

I can see why some posters are angry, because they "mountain to climb" to actually get this scenario is tough, but it is worth it.

With Rocotech and Sarevok's WW2, WW1, Red Front scenarios they are awesome but you really have to tweak the editor to give the AI some help. When Italy can conquer the world in the WWII scenario there is something really wrong.

This scenario is beautiful to look at, has any and every unit I can possibly think of, and the game BEGINS stacked against human player. When your first turn consists of things like moving 40 panzer recon units that have 2AT 2DF 3movement, while the Soviets have a bunch of 9at,8df,3movement mechanized all over you know you're in for some interesting fighting. (A scenario with almost 50 different types of artillery? Yes)

I wish I had some french to english translation skills, but alas, (living in england), all I know is a few sayings and french to english food translations.


General jcl- awesome work.
Any chance of a text download/list of units and their attributes (AT,DF,MV’T)? Could you post in on this discussion?

I think some posters might be hugely impressed by the variety of units and attributes put into this scenario.

As per the WW2 Global, Fall Gelb scenario threads, unit naming, creation and attributes are huge draws to “historical” gaming.
Today, the list of german units:
Heinkel 111 H-22
Junker 87 B Stuka
Henschel 129 B1
Junker 87 D Stuka
Henschel 129 B2
Junker 87 G Stuka
Focke Wulf 200 Condor
Arado 234
Focke Wulf 189
Messerschmitt 110 F
Junker 88 S
Dornier 215
Junker 188
Heinkel 111 H21
Me 262 A2
Heinkel 177 A5
Messerschmitt 264
Heinkel 219 U-Hu
Me 262 A1
Messerschmitt 110 G
Focke Wulf 190 G3
Focke Wulf 190 F8
Focke Wulf 190 A-4
Messerschmmitt 109 G-2
Focke Wulf 190 A-8
Messerschmitt 109 G6
Focke Wulf 190 D9
Messerschmitt 109 G10
Dornier 335 Pfeil
Bachem Natter
Messerschmitt 163 B Komet
Arado 196
Heinkel 111 H6
Heinkel 115
Henschel 123
Junker 88 A
Messerschmitt 109 E
Messerschmitt 109 F
Messerschmitt 110 C
Messerschmitt 109 K4
Junker 52
Messerschmitt 323 Gigant
Heinkel 162

...german AA guns and AA tanks:
AA Wirbelwind
Flak 88mm Mobile
Flakpanzer I (20mm AA)
AA 20mm Flakvierling
Flak40 128mm
AA Sdfkfz 7 - 37mm
Flak 88mm Fixe

...german artillery:
150mm howitzer sFH18
240mm Leopold
Gun K18 170mm
800mm Dora
Karl Mörser 600 mm
Nebelwerfer 41
Nebelwerfer 42
Panzerwerfer Maultier 43
LeFH 105 mm
SIG 33
Gun K39 150mm
210 mm Morser 18
Bison II

german self-propelled artillery and tank-destroyers:
SIG 33 - Grille
Stuh 105mm
150mm Hummel
Stug III Ausf G
Stug III Ausf B
Stug IV
105mm Wespe

...german infantry:
Kriegsmarine Infantry
Bataillon anti-chars
Bataillon anti-chars SS
German refugees
MG Abteilung
Division Azul
Gebirgs Division
Gebirgs Division SS
GrossDeutschland Infanterie
SS Motorized Inf
Infanterie Division 41
Motorized Inf
Jager Division
Kavallerie Division
Kavallerie Division SS
Ost Bataillon
PzGrenadier GD
PzGrenadier SS
Sicherung Division
Waffen Grenadier SS
Infanterie Division 42
Luftwaffe Feld-Division
PanzerGrenadier 46
Festung Division
Infanterie Division 43
partisan Werwolf
Sturm Division
Volksturm special unit:
Adolf Hitler

..some german vessels:
german battleship
Dornier 24
U-Boot Type VII
U-Boot type XXI
U-Boot Type IX
Sous-marin de poche

...german anti-tank guns
PAK PzB 28mm
PAK 42mm
PAK 50mm
AT 75mm PAK40
AT 88mm PAK43
AT 128mm PAK44
AT 37mm PAK37
PAK 75mm 97-38

...german reco units:
Sdkfz 250-9 - canon 20mm
Sdkfz 251-22 & PAK40
Reconnaissance moto
Sdkfz 222
Sdkfz 250-9
Panzer II Lynx

...and finally german tanks
Jagdpanzer I
Pz IV F1
Pz IV F2 & G
Pz III L & M
Panther Ausf D
Panther Ausf G
Panther II
Marder II
Marder III
Jagdpanzer IV L48
Jagdpanzer IV L70
Stug III Ausf F
Panther Ausf G GD
Panther Ausf G SS
Panzer 35t
Panzer 38 t
Pz I
Pz III Ausf J GD
Pz IV Ausf F2 GD
Pz IV D & E
Tiger I
Tiger I SS
Tiger II
Tiger II SS
T34 mod41 (captured tank)
Panzer I F
Panther Ausf A
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