[R&F] Based on the new features - which civilizations and leaders should be introduced in R&F?

Time to review my predictions - no one really does this, but I was curious how well I did. This is taken from my original list from December 4th. It evolved over time, but looking back at my very first attempt, the results are very surprising!

1. Korea (Seondeok 632 AD - Female and under represented time period, plus other tie-ins)
100% right
2. Mongols (I like the arguments for Kublai over Genghis)
Right Civ, wishful thinking on the leader.
3.Inca or possibly Myan or other South or Mesoamerican civ I am not as familiar with
As with many, I expected the Inca, but I'm going to call the Mapuche a win for this slot.
4. Western NA Native American Tribe (leaning south west due to TSL map, and also Delicate Arch)
Even though they went with the Cree in the north, again I will consider this another win.
5. Ottoman/Turks or Byzantine (likely including the other as DLC or expansion 2 - leaning towards Ottoman due to a sighting of an Turkish minaret on the box cover art)
My first true loss, but Georgia does fit very closely to this regional pick. I will count it as a loss, but I feel really good about the final outcome of this slot since at least some (all?) of Georgia was under rule of the Ottomans for a time. I didn't believe strongly enough that the Meme could overthrow such a powerful Civ to take it's slot.
6. Netherlands or Portugal (possible we could get both, but i'm leaning towards just the Dutch - i think they are going to do a better job of covering geography outside of Europe with these 8)
Another one where, although I hedged this a bit, the right answer was there all along.
7. New African Civ (or maybe Zulu or Mali, but my gut says it's someone new. i do see an argument against it being a new Civ, thanks to Nubia - but I can't see them completely bypassing the continent)
Not someone new, but grading on a curve, and since they were specifically named in my prediction, I am calling this another win.
8.Unexpected New Civ from left field (Canada, for me would fall into this category - but i don't actually think it will be them)
I am going to call this another win for Scotland. Later in my predictions I sometimes dedicated this slot to Europe, and sometimes to an Ancient Civ like Carthage. I realize that I left this as a somewhat open category, but I think the selection of Scotland is perfectly defined by the label I used for this slot.

Again, grading on a curve, I landed 7 of 8 of the R&F Civs 2 months before the release. I'm pretty happy with those results!

Alt Leader: Isabella of Castile - based almost entirely on Pre-release leader poster and the feeling that it will be a female leader of a Civ that currently has a male leader.
Swing and a big miss on the Extra Credit. I know Gandhi is a controversial base game choice for India, so I probably should have thought about ChandraG as an option here. Given this result, I am thinking Egypt and France are probably next in line for Alt Leaders.
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