Making graphs out of Civilizations and Leaders links

This week, we welcome 2 brand new additions: Majahapit Majapahit and Charlemagne!


I've also put the Graph and media inside tabs for Civs and Leaders notes, and added a Short tab for Civs. One benefit is the note looks like smaller while all media are at the top, one another is the media are only loaded when the tab is accessed (but also each time the tab is opened :undecide: )
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I hope these graphs may help playthrough ideas to pop :)
Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to transform a lot of "some link" into unlocks or "historical choices" before release... I know what I will spend my first hours on!
that graph just made me realize....if Mexico gets a cavalry UU and cultural focus (IMHO very likely), a cultural domination run with Charlemagne Rome-Spain-Mexico seems interesting.
That would be actually so sick. Honestly just happy that Mexico is being implemented in a mainline Civ game, but it would be even cooler if they were meta.
This week we have Hawai'i and Amina, whose First Look also shows Trung Trac leading Majahapit Majapahit (so their graph 4 post earlier is a little more populated now!).


I also like how the view of all links for all civs and leaders not on the world map (Default view) is starting to show continents (Europe top right, Africa bottom right, Middle East / Central Asia at the center, India top left, South-East Asia on the left - Americas and China are still isolated for now):

(Disclosure: it may not look like that if you go see it yourself, as the positioning is not pre-calculated.)
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Mayans and Hawaii really need more connections and leaders, they are looking pretty isolated.

*checks the globe* Well that certainly tracks for one of those two groups. Both if my globe showed ancient jungles (which, sadly, it does not).
Remember this map is only for the Exploration Civs, so of course they are connected to no other Civ. There is another map with all of them, but it only displays confirmed unlock links. And as I only track confirmed and somewhat hinted links (and there has not been many for the american continent), no prediction or assumptions, on all graphs the links are still quite limited.
This week, we've got not only America, Benjamin Franklin and the newly revealed Harriet Tubman (who unlocks America), but from the Modern Age stream also confirmation of Qing and Siam, a whole lot of new potential uncategorized links, and some new Modern Age Independant Powers.

I've added a graph showing the links between Civs and Leaders inside their descriptions. The result is quite a chain from Isabella to Confucius and Trung Trac:
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This week has seen the release of the game guides for Catherine the Great, Russia and Siam.
And a whole bunch of info from previews, that I'm still gathering. For now, We've got the full roster revealed, and I've got most of which Civ(s) each Leader unlocks (but not all Civ to Civ unlocks, nor gameplay unlocks yet):

I'm slowly watching a lot of previews, picking unlocks and recommended choices while I'm it (more than the other way).
I've adjusted the gameplay unlocks to reflet that each is its own (so there can be 2 for one civ).
The recommended choices (be it Strategic, Geographic, or others I've not yet encountered) start to fill out nicely (mainly for the Old World though, as a lot of previews feature the same leaders or civs):

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