Battle for the Human Body V. 3.0

The filedropper link did not work for me for some reason, though the other one did; I will try this out later tonight when I get more time, though it looks like it might be rough as the Germs. Down with the Cells!

This is a million years late, but thank you! I will post on the front page now!

The filedropper link did not work for me for some reason, though the other one did; I will try this out later tonight when I get more time, though it looks like it might be rough as the Germs. Down with the Cells!

Let me know how it goes. I check back sporadically. Unfortunately, I don't place Civ III very often any more (maybe once every few months), but if there is a major hiccup, I'll try to fix it. I'm so thankful to have the files back now!
How do you win as the bacteria? We get two cities as they have about 10 not to mention that the soliders on their side are stronger. Fungi are the weakest. They send an endless number of cells into the needle and retreat if losing while easily killing you.

I beat it as the cells but bacteria seems impossible especially since you can't buy your soliders with oxygen because the government type makes you kill the population to get them faster. I have only been able to capture 1 place but don't have enough to continue.

Also I noticed something. If you move the sinus infection from the mountains near the brain the cells won't send their army through the needle until they kill it so I can send them out one at a time and have three turns of the needle un entered while I can move people from the cookie to reinforce it. I also saw ringworm constricts right between the humerous and left arm but I couldn't make them join my bacteria army. Also I don't understand the supervirus.

YOU ARE MOCKING ME! The answer to all my problems is sitting in the cookie but I can't move them.
How do you win as the bacteria? We get two cities as they have about 10 not to mention that the soliders on their side are stronger. Fungi are the weakest. They send an endless number of cells into the needle and retreat if losing while easily killing you.

I beat it as the cells but bacteria seems impossible especially since you can't buy your soliders with oxygen because the government type makes you kill the population to get them faster. I have only been able to capture 1 place but don't have enough to continue.

Also I noticed something. If you move the sinus infection from the mountains near the brain the cells won't send their army through the needle until they kill it so I can send them out one at a time and have three turns of the needle un entered while I can move people from the cookie to reinforce it. I also saw ringworm constricts right between the humerous and left arm but I couldn't make them join my bacteria army. Also I don't understand the supervirus.

YOU ARE MOCKING ME! The answer to all my problems is sitting in the cookie but I can't move them.

Hi there. You'll have to forgive me, since it has been 4+ years since I've really worked on this scenario, let alone played it.

To win as the germs is ridiculously hard. But there is a chance. Basically, you have to build a massive army and slowly but surely take 'em out.

I'm not sure what you were talking about with the sinus infection. Like I've said, it's been years since I've played/worked on this.

As for the supervirus, that was a trick I implemented to make the germs think they are stronger than they really are so that when you are playing as the body, they will attack. Otherwise, they do nothing.
I've recently got back into this game, so I plan on trying to update this scenario soon. I plan on making the germs start inside the body, and redo parts of the body so that the stomach/intestines are more interesting. Look out for an update! :P
This is a million years late, but thank you! I will post on the front page now!

Let me know how it goes. I check back sporadically. Unfortunately, I don't place Civ III very often any more (maybe once every few months), but if there is a major hiccup, I'll try to fix it. I'm so thankful to have the files back now!

The links are broken again, the file sender thing said it was deleted, and the filedropper redirected me to it's main page.
as atomicgamer was shut down I can't access the file. Reupload it please, I want to play it again!! :(:(:(
Does anyone still have the download file for this? The filedropper link is dead.
I have a 25 MB zipfile which I DL'd from [somewhere] in late 2016 (according to the file date in my mod-archive folder).

I assume it's the most recent version, but the Readme doesn't say, nor does the Scenario description that shows when I select the .biq in Civ-Content.

I think it might also be too big to re-upload here (and I don't have e.g. a DropBox account), but maybe @Lord Malbeth or @Blake00 could offer a suggestion...?

*invokes summons*
The man delivers again haha! Thanks Node60!

I've repacked (26mb down to 17mb) with 7zip and uploaded a copy of the mod to CivFinatics servers here:

Test Screenshot:
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