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Battle Plans - Greece


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
General attack plan: (note, the map is slightly outdated, from a prior turnchat)

A previous scout (cav) when I had the turnchat revealed a musket in Sparta. Bombard Sparta's

musket until it's 1hp. Also bombard the knights around Thermopylae, and in the city if

there's any artillery left.

Phase 1 - Blue (note, if there's a regular hoplite, attack it with a vet cav if we're

running low on elites).

1st target - Sparta. Bombard the musket, and attack with at most, 2 elites (we have enough

for 2 elites per city, and then some).

2nd target - Mycenae. Attack with, at most, 2 elites.

3rd target - Thermopylae. Bombard the knight SE of the city, and attack it with an elite.

Attack the city with elites (1-2 at most) and vets.

4th target - Herakleia. Attack with elites, and bombard if possible.

(Note: Any workers captured during this time should build rails 2 west, and 2 south of


Move the cav army to the tile 1 north of Argos. Move 2 cav units along with the army.
Move atleast 4 cavs to tile 2 east of Corinth.
Move any remaining cavs (if we have atleast 3-4) to the hill 2 SE of Knossos.

(remember, this screenshot is outdated, as I started on these warplans before the last

turnchat was completed).

Phase 2 - Red

Please bring atleast 12-20 native workers (or their equivalent) to build rails directly to


1st Target - Knossos. With the 3-4 cavs in place, attack Knossos (using elites first).

2nd Target - Corinth. Attack with elites first, then vets.

3rd Target - Argos. Attack with elites first, then vets.

After these targets are met, scout Athens (i.e., move a cav on the hill, and stay there). If

it has hoplites, go for it. If it has muskets, wait for reinforcements. I'd like to be able

to bombard this city, but if we have enough troops (8 cavs with movement points left), then

attack the city.

4th Target - Athens only if we have enough troops ready, and health enough to fight).

Phase 3 - Yellow

pre-Target - Athens. If we chose to wait a turn, and complete the rail to Argos, shell the

city, and attack it.

1st Target - Delphi. Attack it with elites, and cavs. Bombard if needed.

2nd Target - Ephesus. Attack with elites, and cavs.

For the next war against Egypt (should we attack them), build rails to the closest points to

the Egyptian cities. The war should only take a total of the preturn, and 2 more turns. It

will be over on turn 2. (probably when they get out of anarchy).

Battle Plans
Just to note, when we take out Ephesus, and Knossos, we will lose a potential city spot.

This is because Egypt's culture will most likely overtake that spot 1 west of the saltpeter.

This presents several options:

1 - Bring a settler along, and wait on attacking the northern Greek cities. (no rep hit, because we'll be at war).

2 - Expand our culture (this will take a REALLY long time!)

3 - Forget about that city.

4 - Sign an ROP with Egypt, build the rails that we need, get our troops in place, build the city (declaring war) and attack!

The last option essentially means, "Reputation? This is conquest! We don't CARE about our rep anymore! :mwaha:")
I think we should just forget about that city. We can base troops for an attack on Edfu in Ephesus, and the other attacks can go on as scheduled with a railnet in place (the attack on Lisht may be delayed a turn, but that doesn't really matter and would be our only delay). There's no need to use an underhanded tactic to get that city.
Originally posted by truckingpete
Ct, you always get carried away..:lol:, but it is a good plan....

Just doing what I can to bring in some excitement. ;)

But, we can atleast take Knossos, build a rail north of the city.

When we approach Knossos, we should have some number of troops heading west in Greek territory so that they can reach Ephesus.

Knossos and Ephesus will need to have culture rushed ASAP.
I am against bombarding cities. If we attack without bombardement, we my loose a few more cavalries, but those can be rebuild fast. And we don't want to destroy infrastructure, which would (due to waste) expensive to build/rush again. Better bombard units in the open to red-line. Bring in the elite warrior to make a kill.

I am against the limit of 2 elites per city. If we have to kill 1 or more weakened units, use more elites to get "save" kills with hope for Great Leader.

Do not attack Sparta across the river.
We have a ton of cavs, and I want to save them for muskets. You're missing the entire point of having artillery (I remember someone else saying the same thing in DG2. Cyc I think. The resemblence is uncanny... almost.). Anyway, Most of the improvements that the AI cities will have are temples, libraries, colloseum's. So we may lose a cav or two if we don't, but if governor's don't supply us with additional cavs, our invasion stalls. Sure, the RNG's been kind to us 90% of the time, but it won't always be that way... But don't worry, there may even be units in the field that we can train our artillery on...

Also, I'm not attacking Sparta over the river. Notice how the line is going over the river, THEN attacking.

Also, here's a thought. Should we bring Egypt into the war for the sole purpose of taking Ephesus? It's looking like the Egyptian culture will block that city, and our cavs won't be able to cross into Greek territory before being kicked out.
For those wondering exactly how many troops we currently have in Audiac:

That's 3 Infantry, 1 Cav Army, 17 Arty, and 32 Cavalry (including 13 Elite, one of whom produced our last great leader). We also have 2 Cavalry and 2 Arty outside the city with no movement points left. Plus 8 galleons (6 with full movement points) in Raven's Flight
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