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Begining of game update


Looking for the door...
Mar 18, 2002
Behind you
Fellow Eagles,

I have attempted to keep my hand in the CivForum Forums as much as possible and relay important info to you on th main page. The CiFo teams kind of wander around with their discussions and occasionally discuss a point of interest.

Lanzelot is still not keeping us informed about issues that we should be concerned with. I understand that he is busy, but there's a lot of water going under the bridge that we don't see. You might want to drop by the CiFo forums sometime and browse the discussions. Just translate the main page and choose from there. Your translator will take care of sequential pages.

I haven't seen any real game breakers, but I have voiced my concerns many times. Has anyone got any questions about the future game?
Looks like CiFo's best guess for the start of the game is 3 weeks. :(

Don't quite understand this....
Here's a quote from Lanzelot in the NOW CLOSED Conference of Four thread at CiFo -

"justanick and kleinerHeldt both like to have semi-amph archers, I don't care that much, but I think it might be fun to try them, so --- let's have them!"

Hope you all like Archers that can attach from ships.
I didn't scan the whole thread, but...
Did they determine if attacking cities with amphibious units (besides marines and berzerkers) would not be allowed?
How do you program Archers to bombard from ships, but not allow them to bombard cities? Or even just use a regular attack with the Bow? Where is this in CivEdit?
So I was right about the archers, I just couldn't figure out where that was. They've simply made a rule that prohibits archers from attacking cities, nothing in the game stops it.
Looks like your idea may be correct, I'm not sure they've agreed on that rule yet.

A new notice:

It appears that Referee justanick may have given up his role as Referee and is now playing for one of the CIFO teams. A word of warning only. Be careful what you say to him. he may no longer be a Referee. Please don't confide in him any secret forum knowledge at all.
Wait, the referee joined a team? He hasn't already made the map yet has he?

I feel like this entire process so far just deserves a massive facepalm. This is actually reminding me a lot of Sullla's writeup of the Apolyton MTDG that I read recently; the run-up to the game included 28 (mostly irrelevant) polls, numerous (largely inconsequential) rule debates, and other delays that led to the game taking four months to set up and causing two of the would-be teams to drop out before the game even started.

It foreshadowed the horrible management of the game itself- the map was terrible and unfair, the referee accidentally implying that the team was in a settler rush to a location, and plenty of other nonsense.
No, the map hasn't been made yet. And I may be wrong about this whole thing. Lanzelot informed via email that justanick had quit as Ref and joined a CIFO team. But reading the CIFO threads today, I can't see any evidence of this, although a replacement for him was mentioned.

I will try to keep everyone informed.
What do they mean by this:

4. Turn logs and battle reports
  • Every team has done turn logs in the past, so we will just continue to do so, and if the logs from one team or the other turn out to be not detailed enough, the referees can request that more details are to be added.
Our turn logs are not private? They are open to another team?

Our turn logs are not private? They are open to another team?

No, they are private. Just the referees can see them. This means that in case someone doubts that you are playing correctly, the referee must be able to see what you did by reading the turn log.
No, they are private. Just the referees can see them. This means that in case someone doubts that you are playing correctly, the referee must be able to see what you did by reading the turn log.

No different from what we do here then, except that CIFO states the refs/moderators can/will examine the logs while here in CFC-land it was unspoken/understood that the refs/moderators could/would do that.

Not a big deal.
The key to the rule, I believe was that the "over-the-top" detail requirement has been lifted. Although it's still being discussed, Calis has brought our team to a point where others understand that we will just give normal turn logs. Everyone else can give ultra-detailed turn logs if they wish.

And as a heads up, justanick has stated that he plans on checking the teams private logs two or three times a day, to follow discussions and plans, so he can compare them to the unit moves. It's not going to be like our cool Mods, Ginger Ale and Regentman, who only become involved when asked.
Uh, not yet. They won't have access until they request it. This is a private group, and I am the manager. Request for access must go through me.

When the game starts (and we know who the Refs are) the Refs can request access.
And as a heads up, justanick has stated that he plans on checking the teams private logs two or three times a day, to follow discussions and plans, so he can compare them to the unit moves. It's not going to be like our cool Mods, Ginger Ale and Regentman, who only become involved when asked.
Two or three times a day?


Doesn't this guy have a life?

I know I check-in at CFC several times a day but that is because I want to. (Okay, so maybe I need a life, too!) I don't come here because it is "my job" to check threads.


However, if we discuss sending our worker 1E but the Turn Player misclicks and sends him 1W, well, that is a goof and all the preflight discussion in the world cannot change that fact. A referee cannot help that.

Overall, I think justanick wants to stay aware of what the teams are doing, but did not explain it well or the translation mangled what he was saying.
Uh, not yet. They won't have access until they request it. This is a private group, and I am the manager. Request for access must go through me.

When the game starts (and we know who the Refs are) the Refs can request access.

Alright, I was assuming so but the turnlog requirement made me wonder. The referees not having access to private forums would make accountability a pretty serious issue for all teams. Though it does raise the question of why we need to give them turn logs since they'll be able to see everything here every turn anyway. :crazyeye:
:) I'm going to want to see a turn log of some type. I'm sure others here feel the same way. If the Refs have access, they will see them too. Giving them access to the private forums will be a key feature in game disputes.
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