Begining of game update

The save has been passed from the Brotherhood to the Eagles' Embassy. It was given to us about 3 and one half hours ago. Calis will return to pilot the save in about 16 hours or so.

At this time, Eclipse, only Calis and myself have access to the Eagle/Brotherhood Embassy. Everyone has seen screenshots of our two starting locations. There is not much more to see. As only our designated player can officially play the save, there is not much need for others to download the first turn. If there are any differences between the information we have now and the information from the official save, I am sure you will hear about it from myself or Calis. Future access to the saves for new Team Captain/Team Leader will be granted after the election. Access to future saves may be granted to all team members after that, tbd.
@Cyc: could you contact DaveShack to sticky the State of the Empire and Turn planning threads.

I was ignored when I asked for that a while ago.
No problem, Calis. DaveShack can get quite busy sometimes.
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