• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Begining of game update

Probably I am going to be back on Sunday night. I'll try earlier but can't promise. Think about a tech we should do.
And it's not your fault that you are not German. Blame your parents. :D
I'm part German, I just don't speak it :D.
Still nothing in the way of a save. I keep checking, but I guess the Brotherhood didn't approach their game the same way we did.
I want you guys to pay attention to this thread. It's what we called the turn tracker:


The playing order is:

Die Küche
The Brotherhood
Die Anarchie

IDon't understand why I can view this link?

I guess this is a good place for an update, I've had troubles in the placed but somehow managed to keeep going here, I suspect i'm going through another transition, so key players might have to make a decision on my status. 12/18 I will not have an internet connection at home(its a long story) but while I'm a driver staying in hotels I'll have a connection but this is Monday threw Thursday, so Mon, Tues Wed I would be here an on board, the balance of the week have only Mobile, email. This probably a little past the Holidays
Don't worry about accessing that thread, Eclipse. Only a few people can get in at this time. Tighter security at this point is needed. That may change after the holidays. Especially now that CIFO wants to restart the game.
It appears now that the Brotherhood has found some error in the gme. Seems like something with the tribes traits or something to that effect. Trying to get an answer now.

Eclipse, I noticed that you were on the CIFO boards when I was there, then I got off them and came here to find you again. PLEASE DO NOT stay on there boards (forums) while you are in these private forums. Just as a safety precaution. Start now. Thanks.
It appears now, that "The Hood" is claiming no detection of an error. The Anarchy is claiming the detection. Apparently because of the way that Friepa set up the game (or maybe it's a default setting :dunno: ), when two teams choose to be the same Tribe (it seems Anarchy also chose to be the Byzantines or maybe not), only the first team in the turn order choosing that Tribe can build the UU. I was not aware of this and niether were they (maybe). But because they can't see their UU in the Tech tree, they're thinking they can't build it. Anarchy is the last team in the turn order (by their own choice!) so they take the risk (if any) of losing their UU.

It's just that "The Hood" had the save while Anarchy discovered this. I will keep you updated.
@Bowsling: that was discussed earlier.

@Cyc: Obviously Anarchie was able to build a unit that they were not supposed to. So they mentioned that. Worf has stopped the game for now till the problems are solved.

And I am sure nobody is trying to gain an unfair advantage!!
We might have to throw out disguised nationalities though, if it has been shown that two teams are Byzantine. Thanks for keeping us anglophones up to date on all this.
I'm not interested in the German forum, "pay attention to this thread" so I tried to look but Google translator does a poor job for me.
Sorry I've been off the boards for a ay, I've been really sick. Seem to be getting beter now. We should accept the reasoning for the biq change and carry on. Worf, the CIFO Ref has stopped the game, as he should, to examine things a little closer. If he doesn't find any more problems, then I'd say problems solved.

Gentlemen, let's take to the skies.
It seems as a result of the latest problems, we will get an altered map. Mazbe even a new one!?

Thus, we do not need to discuss the current starting position any more. Not that anzbodz did, but...
Leader Name: Thorondor (from Middle Earth lore)

I really must apologize for this, CommandoBob. I had Thorondor written down on the changes for the Eagles to give to denyd. Then he disappeared, Friepa made the map, and when i gave Friepa the info, I left out Thorondor's name.

Hopefully, we can still use the name in our Eagles lore.
The first team Deutsche Küche has passed the save on to the second team Knight's Brotherhood 20 minutes agao. The DK had the save for 4 days (minus 2 hours). The KB has not picked up the save yet, although there are members now lurking in this ISDG Forum.

There is no clock for the first turn, I'm just keeping you updated on where the save is.
The first team Deutsche Küche has passed the save on to the second team Knight's Brotherhood 20 minutes agao. The DK had the save for 4 days (minus 2 hours).

Hmm, 4 days. Perhaps settling in place wasn't a clear cut decision for them either. :coffee:
And I already sent a bump two days ago...

Nothing, yet.

As I am going to have a Christmas party tonight with the company, I won'T be able to play before tomorrow night anyway :cheers:
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