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Best starting strat?

I start by making 2-3 warriors to explore and pop the Goodie huts, then start building stonehenge, then I order a settler to slow growth and found another city, then maybe another settler if terrain is really suitable, then go for a warrior /UU rush and gobble as many cities as possible (I play with no tech exchange, usually continents, and unrazable (sp ?) cities btw.
could be something you already know, but depending on how close other civs are, sometimes it's useful to start on a barracks to let your city grow, and then insert a worker or settler once you hit size 2. you don't lose progress on the barracks which you know you'll want someday, but your city isn't stuck at size one at the very start.
could be something you already know, but depending on how close other civs are, sometimes it's useful to start on a barracks to let your city grow, and then insert a worker or settler once you hit size 2. you don't lose progress on the barracks which you know you'll want someday, but your city isn't stuck at size one at the very start.

Why build when you can rush ? :p
Why build when you can rush ? :p

cuz i just don't rush. i'm like the worst slavekeeper ever. i don't remember to do it more than 3 times a game approximately. part of why i have to stay on lower difficulties i think.

it's not that i <3 my people too much. i just totally suck at using it as a strategy. i'm trying to learn, really, and i do remember to when a city gets unhappy, a whip is their reward!

good point tho hehe.
archery while the tech is beaing researched barracks it works for me
why even bother build or research archers???? Only time I would build some archer is when there is no copper available. otherwise you better go for axe and spear and later swordman. They are good for attacking and defending.
I think the starting strat (including build and research) depends on the overal strat you want to use.

Since I´m a builder, my overall goal is to get as much land as possible ASAP to found 6 - 10 cities myself. To do so, I always try to build my capital on a plain hill (extra hammer) even if I have to spend up to 3 turns walking there and don´t care much for the surrounding lands.

My build order is worker (warrior when possible to grow the city to size 2 in this time), worker, settler, warrior then axmen or chariot (depends on resources nearby), settler, worker.

The next city is founded ontop or next to horses/bronze and will build an axmen or a chariot (both workers going there to do the work), then worker, settler.

When you build the second city early enough you can bring out at least one axe/charriot before the barbs strart to run into your cultural territory

When doing so, about 1600 BC you can have 2 axes/charriots for defense against barbs, 2 warriors, 4 cities and 4 workers

When you then place the cities (except the second city, which must bring in horses/bronze) always in direction of the AI´s, with 4 cities you should be able to block of some more land to settle later (chop obelisks ASAP).

Research order: go bronze working for chopping, when no bronze near, then animal husbandry to see horses, then everything that lets you improve the surrounding lands

Attached a screenshot taken out of the world-builder (1640 BC) to show you, that even on deity is is possilbe to keep up (almost) with the expansion speed of the AI´s (Vanilla version):

1 AI with 3 cities (white)
2 AI´s with 4 cities (blue and tan?)
3 AI´s with 5 cities (green, orange and light blue)

View attachment 145199

So with our 4 cities, we are doing quite good. Since the AI is dumb, blocking him off like that works fairly good and normally lets you build 6 - 10 cities altogether. When you don´t open borders with your neighbours, you can relax after your blocking cities are founded, research codes of law, lightbulb philosophy, trade that for currency and only then build the backland cities (to avoid beeing broke)
Since I´m a builder, my overall goal is to get as much land as possible ASAP to found 6 - 10 cities myself. To do so, I always try to build my capital on a plain hill (extra hammer) even if I have to spend up to 3 turns walking there and don´t care much for the surrounding lands.

Have you ever checked city screen for production? You don't get any extra hammer by settler on plain hill. You always get 2food and 1 hammer when you settle down, even if you settle down on tundra or desert you still get 2 food and 1 hammer on the tile you settled. so if theres a choice between settling on a plain hill or desert, i will settle on desert and work the plain hill. If you do it the other way around, you have a city with one less tile to work with.
I research archery usually if:
- I'm playing Mali (Skirmishers are very nice and they're cheap due to being archers)
- I start with Hunting
- I play protective leader that doesn't start with Mining
- I have no copper
- I'm not on a mood to take chances and don't have immediate need for BW (not seeing much chopping or whipping to happen early on, depends on the start)

None of these is a hard rule of course. Sometimes I go for BW, sometimes for AH, sometimes for Archery. But of the three, only Archery is a sure shot - the other two are chancy.

Also, Warriors are utter crap. Where scouts die when the see a lion, warriors at least face the lion with courage before dying.. If I can get archery fast, I prefer sending archers to the wilds - they are most likely to come back home some day, usually nicely promoted. Warriors.. they will probably die before I see much of a map.

How common is copper? Random. I've had maps where copper was everywhere, and OTOH on one map there were exactly two coppers on the whole continent (large map) - both in one (wrong for me) end of it. Incidentally the same map had two horses only as well - similarly on the wrong end of the continent for me (although not that close to the coppers - there was one civ that had all the copper on the continent, another that had horse monopoly). Later on I found that Iron was everywhere, including in all the three cities I had when I reached IW...
You do get two hammers for city tile from settling on a plains hill. The city tile will get 2F 1P 1C minimum, but if the tile provides more, it gets that.

The absolutely best tile to settle on that I can think of is riverside plains hill wine. That's 2F 2P 2C - or 3C if financial. And considering the utter uselessness of Winery improvement, settling on top of wine is almost always better than working it. So if I see one when I start the game, I'm almost certain to move to settle on it. The early benefit is large enough that possibly substandard surrounding terrain won't hurt much - I can always move my capitol to a better site later when it matters.
why even bother build or research archers???? Only time I would build some archer is when there is no copper available. otherwise you better go for axe and spear and later swordman. They are good for attacking and defending.

They are Fast to build about 2/3rds the time of a spearman and half the time of an axeman for the same defense str without promos. if you have xp coming on build just toss them another first strike as they already have +50% defense.
its weird, i almost always use

the 3d or 4th difficulty im not sure....
worker-> obelisk->stonehenge->warrior->settler->oracle.....

should i leave the obelisks and stonehenge for later??? usually my first city gets legendary culture because of the early wonders....
worker-> obelisk->stonehenge->warrior->settler->oracle.....

should i leave the obelisks and stonehenge for later??? usually my first city gets legendary culture because of the early wonders....

Take out building the obelisk in your capital if you are also building stonehenge. Stonehenge gives you a free obelisk.
Hi everybody!

I play in immortal
My strategy is regularly building:
worker-2 scouts-one or more settler-library, worker or immediately Oracle
The most important to build Oracle at the same turn (or a bit later) when you discover code of laws.

Since I play without barbs, I don't need military (AI don't attacks me most of the time, because I do everything for their friendship).
if i start with mining, i would go worker>warrior>chop>settler
if i start with mysticsm, i would go settler>warrior>worker and found religions
It's largely dependant on the map.

So true. I recently started with Workboat-Workboat-Settler-Workboat-Settler. I didn't build a single worker until about 1300bc, as the sea was providing all the food and cash I needed (financial leader), and forested plains (one on a hill) were giving me decent production to supplement the whip. In the end, I only built a worker to hook up marble and chop a couple of forests to rush the ToA. Had I not gone for a wonder, I could have left the worker much later still.
I had a starting strategy in my latest game that worked well, in part by chance.

First city did worker, worker (with chop) and settler (with both workers chopping). Ended up finding archery from a hut, so first and second city went archer, archer, then settler with whip in last few turns.

It was a good way to get four cities quickly when most of the AI Civs had just three, and it helped me get a jump on researching techs. I was able to get to alphabet and get almost every ancient tech I hadn't researched in trade without having to give up alphabet (polytheism was the only tech I had to research).

While it's true you have to worry about city maintenance, finding gold from huts will allow you to stay at 100 percent research for a good length of time, and you can usually stay at 70-to-80-percent research with profit once that gold runs out. Of course, by then, I'll have my fifth city founded, but you can still stay at 60-to-70-percent research. If you are financial or organized, it's possible to have six cities with 60-to-70-percent research and profit.
It really depends.

Recently I have been trying to build 2-3 worriors (a total of 4) and have them to rob my neighbors' workers. Good for higher difficulty because AIs will have workers very early, and you need a certain amount of military power to cease fire or they will refuse you for a treaty.
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