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Beta 7 Talk

Papal States are now named... Roman Republic! It's funny considering that they are a divine monarchy :) It's the frst rename I got with this version, excluding vassals.
Norse converted to protestantism and then to catholicism on the same turn.
Papal States are now named... Roman Republic! It's funny considering that they are a divine monarchy :) It's the frst rename I got with this version, excluding vassals.
Norse converted to protestantism and then to catholicism on the same turn.
Actually they are an elective absolute theocratic monarchy
It is either disabling tech trade, or disallowing tech trade for X turns after its historic date. Thus whomever gets Chivalry first, will not be able to trade it for some time (and others will not get it instantly).

The solution I like the most is the way it's implemented in Total Realism
There is no tech trade at all - trading techs is pretty ahistorical anyway, it just didn't work this way.
My modified suggestion based on the TR system:

you get +20% research to the tech, if one of your neighbours have it
you get +10% research for each of the additional neighbours with that tech (+10% for the 2nd, +10% for the 3rd, etc)
naturally no bonus for a civ you are at war with
you get +30% research if a civ have it whom you have open borders with
+15% for each of the additional civs with the tech.

This system is the closest to reality, technological advancements slowly spread through open borders and neighbours historically, not by random "tech trades"

If a few civs get a tech, most other civs have about 50% total bonus, which means it's "cheaper" by 1/3 of the original turns
If most of the civs have a tech, you can even reach 200% bonus, which means that it's "cheaper" by 2/3 of the original turns
The solution I like the most is the way it's implemented in Total Realism
There is no tech trade at all - trading techs is pretty ahistorical anyway, it just didn't work this way.
My modified suggestion based on the TR system:

you get +20% research to the tech, if one of your neighbours have it
you get +10% research for each of the additional neighbours with that tech (+10% for the 2nd, +10% for the 3rd, etc)
naturally no bonus for a civ you are at war with
you get +30% research if a civ have it whom you have open borders with
+15% for each of the additional civs with the tech.

This system is the closest to reality, technological advancements slowly spread through open borders and neighbours historically, not by random "tech trades"

If a few civs get a tech, most other civs have about 50% total bonus, which means it's "cheaper" by 1/3 of the original turns
If most of the civs have a tech, you can even reach 200% bonus, which means that it's "cheaper" by 2/3 of the original turns

What you are describing is tech-leaking. This is a feature already implemented in BtS, RFC and RFCE. The numbers, however, are different.
The system you propose is already in place (techs getting cheaper the more civs know them), iirc Rhye even increased the effect it has. (Edit: crosspost with 3Miro).

I'll again warn against abolishing or severely limiting tech trade, because that's one of the core aspects of good gameplay, which shouldn't be sacrificed for historicity.
Really? Something like this is already included in RFC and RFCE?
Maybe it should be further increased, I never noticed the benefits in my games.
I would imagine this to be the biggest factor in teching, even if we don't abolish tech trades...
Really? Something like this is already included in RFC and RFCE?
Maybe it should be further increased, I never noticed the benefits in my games.
I would imagine this to be the biggest factor in teching, even if we don't abolish tech trades...

You don't get the benefit of it if you are the tech leader.
Of course, there are only benefits if someone else already has the tech :p
My point is that this should worth more compared to the tech trades...
German UHV 1/3 fail in 1360
bad idea to build Mainz as my capitol?
no city in Franconia
German UHV 1/3 fail in 1360
bad idea to build Mainz as my capitol?
no city in Franconia

I'm playing a game as Germany too. I have Wiesbaden as my capital (1 east of the Iron, no North-West of the Silver)
added a settler and founded Kassel in Franconia, UHV still failed
corrupt installation or something after all?
German UHV 1/3 fail in 1360
bad idea to build Mainz as my capitol?
no city in Franconia

The UHV works. I managed to get it. (With WB for testing.) The reason why you failed is that the required areas are changed. (I didn't check your game) The areas you have to control are: Lorraine, Swabia, Saxony, Bavaria, Franconia, Bohemia and Brandenburg.

@ 3Miro:

I think Bohemia should be removed from this list. The city in that area will probably be Prague, because it's prebuild. But that city will flip to Austria. Then, you have 26 turns to conquer it. But it isn't very useful to declare war the first 10 turns, because your units will flip to Austria. That means you have 16 useful turns to conquer that city.
@ 3Miro:

I think Bohemia should be removed from this list. The city in that area will probably be Prague, because it's prebuild. But that city will flip to Austria. Then, you have 26 turns to conquer it. But it isn't very useful to declare war the first 10 turns, because your units will flip to Austria. That means you have 16 useful turns to conquer that city.

I don't like any of the German UHV conditions, I think we should change all of them.

I want to make "Start the Reformation: be the first to discover the Printing Press" one if the UHV. Another one could be and early HRE one: Conquer Jerusalem (will have to change the French one) or amass x Catholic Faith Points. The last one could be militaristic/Prussian. I haven't done all the research.
I'm not sure anymore, but is there a "spread Catholicism" goal already? The early HRE emperors (Ottonians, Salians) played an important role in the Christianization of Poland and Hungary (both were part of German dioceses initially), so that would fit.

Another historical goal would be to control the entire Italian peninsula. Lombardy was an integral part of the early empire, but that region was difficult to hold on to due to the opposition of Milan and other Lombard cities, many emperors strived (and temporarily succeeded) in taking over Rome to support their claim of being Roman Emperors and lastly, Sicily was ruled by the Hohenstaufen dynasty for some time. The problem is that real opposition in terms of civs is missing here, but maybe the challenge is more not to collapse during that kind of expansion.

The last goal should then be to found Protestantism, which provides a tech challenge.

The HRE UHV definitely shouldn't cover anything after the first half of the 16th century, because then it definitely started declining.

On another note, maybe its tech speed needs to be lowered as well. The HRE was technologically rather stagnating compared to more dynamic regions like Italy, France or England.
In the last alpha I had no problems adopting a slow steady expansion, build troops to raze Prague and resettle one north just outside the Austrian zone long before they spawned. Has there been any major changes to Germany since?

Like the Printing Press idea and Catholic points though, never been a big fan of the flaky Jerusalem capture UHV. Prussian facet could be a Poland grab to collide with Lithuania's.
Goes back to the lack of a natural predator for Germany I mentioned in the other thread .. not sure how strong Lithuania can be in the 15th century though so might be a rather one-sided war.
Playing a game as France and achieved the first UHV (Much better now). I was going to achieve the next goal so I won the election for the crusades between Me and Frederick Barbarossa. When I got my units to Jerusalem the Arabs had a great General named TXT_KEY_GREAT_GENERAL_FREDERICK_BARBAROSSA. Besides this little bug I thought it was pretty funny how in my theory Frederick got pissed at me for going on the crusades instead of himself and decided to foil my plans by commanding Arabian troops against me. Another little funny thing was after I killed him the Germans declared war on the Arabs.
Another little funny thing was after I killed him the Germans declared war on the Arabs.

Realizing Barbarosa's treachery ... :lol:

We recently added a number of leaders to the game and previously those were simply great people Generals, Saints .... We have to revisit the Great People names file.
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