- Put
Istanbul in the middle of the Dardanelles waterway
( in this way only turkish ships can move through it , or you need to
conquer Istanbul and by this attack Turkey ; the germans even brought torpedo
boats over land because of this )
- Add
Constantca coastal town for Rumania, +harbour, so they can build navy

+ add 1 ruma. destroyer and 1 bulgarian. Above constanca 1 coastal fortification .
and danube delta: swamp and rivers...
IRAN + IRAQ invasions: to be sure they happen when the time trigger is set:
( most UK troops for this campaign came from India... )
--> add --> DefinesEuro1940.lua
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[19410424] = {
{Name = "UK Invasion Iraq sea support", X = 103, Y = 5, Domain = "Sea", CivID = ENGLAND, Group = {UK_DIDO} },
{Name = "UK Invasion Iraq", X = 104, Y = 4, Domain = "Land", CivID = ENGLAND, Group = {UK_VICKERS_MK6B, UK_MECH_INFANTRY} },
{Name = "UK Invasion Iraq2", X = 105, Y = 2, Domain = "Land", CivID = ENGLAND, Group = {UK_A15_CRUSADER_MKIII, } },
}, -- END 19410424
[19410816] = {
{Name = "UK Invasion Iran India Reinforcements", X = 103, Y = 5, Domain = "Land", CivID = ENGLAND, Group = {UK_MECH_INFANTRY} },
}, -- END 19410424
also the Soviets get this boost:
[19410808] = {
{Name = "Soviet Invasion Iran eastern reinforcements", X = 106, Y = 29, Domain = "Land", CivID = USSR, Group = {RU_MECH_INFANTRY, RU_T26} },
{Name = "Soviet Invasion Iran eastern reinforcements2", X = 95, Y = 24, Domain = "Land", CivID = USSR, Group = {RU_INFANTRY} },
}, -- END 19410808
this worked perfectly
Connection suez -> Persian Gulf:
I made a canal on the edge of the map so that these to are connected,
as it is on the edge it partly covered in the "clouds"of the map edge, and doesn't look
too odd, but it makes Suez more meaningfull and allows some transport...
Pripjat swamps: forgot to add image in previous note; -->
If these adds are usefull so tell me, I can send some more....
Enjoy this Devine Porject!