[Beta-test] v.45 beta 4

Ok, sorry to bring that again, I was a bit confuse about the whole thing. Its Wiston when a game is created but it is Elisabeth when you load a save....

I dig a little further about that and it seem that when I first load the mod its Elisabeth. But then instead of starting the scenario I go back to main menu then reload the mod it is Winston!
US_ACHILLES in RedDefinesUnits is referenced as US_ACHILLES, it should be US_M10 in Available units for major civs to be buildable. Ill warn you as I find other if there are. I managed to make the USA military active, only thing I didnt figured out is when they take Narvik its captured instead liberated. But anyway...

Actually, its not quite right since the Achilles is still not available.
I think the US_ACHILLES is the UK version (should not be listed in the build list), I need to check that.

You'll have to set the diplomacy relations for minor civilization in the defines for the liberation mechanism.

I'm going to give them some units and reinforcements in one of the next beta anyway, I've already edited the rebase code so that the AI try to use team's city to rebase it's aircraft, that was my first step to add the USAF on the map.

I also need to code something to give them resources without any cities.
US_ACHILLES in RedDefinesUnits is referenced as US_ACHILLES, it should be US_M10 in Available units for major civs to be buildable. Ill warn you as I find other if there are. I managed to make the USA military active, only thing I didnt figured out is when they take Narvik its captured instead liberated. But anyway...

Actually, its not quite right since the Achilles is still not available.

It appear there ix a mix between the M10_ACHILLES and the M10_WOLVERINE wich is the M10.
I dig a little further about that and it seem that when I first load the mod its Elisabeth. But then instead of starting the scenario I go back to main menu then reload the mod it is Winston!

It appear its related to my installation of CIV 5 because I have the same issue with a different mod (lords of the ring). When I charge the mod the first time its Elisabeth icon instead of the custom one and if I go back to main menu and reload the mod a second time its the custom icon. So the good news is your MOD is ok about that.....
Some things: Playing UdSSR on Immortal. December 1941, barely encircled Königsberg and Warsaw, almost infinite amount of damned Waffen-SS that never damn retreat are fighting on the frontlines. Bombers take my whole BTW I think germany is acctualy buying units with all the wealth they are generating in occupied France and Poland.

EDIT: -52% from not enough unit supply

EDIT2: They seem to have a near infinite supply of men and materiel.
Some things: Playing UdSSR on Immortal. December 1941, barely encircled Königsberg and Warsaw, almost infinite amount of damned Waffen-SS that never damn retreat are fighting on the frontlines. Bombers take my whole BTW I think germany is acctualy buying units with all the wealth they are generating in occupied France and Poland.

EDIT: -52% from not enough unit supply

EDIT2: They seem to have a near infinite supply of men and materiel.

this sounds like its functioning perfectly. That was precisely what the Waffen did. Build more tanks and attack air craft - you'll mow through them :)
Well they have more SS than Infantry and the whole line is covered by them. Also I am already building as many T-34s KV-1s and IL-2 as possible but the germans seem to generate units faster than they lose them. Also the supply situtation doesnt make any sense! How do they not run out of material and personnel like ever?
playing as Italy. Not in war yet.

Germany was not making much progress into Poland but Slovakia bee-lined right for Warsaw and took it. After Warsaw fell, Poland kept fighting as this did not trigger any type of Poland Falls event.

Also, restated game as Italy. easily took all of Africa with almost no opposition. During entire campaign, did not see a single British or French ship in Med. Similar to above, I captured Paris as Italy (as Germany was making no progress and war with Russia was on countdown). After taking Paris there was no Vichy or Paris falls event. Apparently, the capitulation events only work if Germany takes the appropriate capital.
great hours of playing!! thanks all so devoted in this project: DEEP RESPECT!!!

some input:

-Fortifications : Fantastic.. I missed them before ( if buildable even greater )

- If maginot and westwall are on the map: Sevastopol deserves its Fortress:
Maxim Gorki I ( north west from sevastopol) the germans even brought Dora the
railgun to finish it.

- The VICHY trigger didn't work the 3 times I played
( when paris counquered by either italians or germans well before the set deadline )

- Pripjat Swamps are really essential to easternfront strategy...
I fixed it with map builder but this should be standard in the map.

- In previous versions Baltic states were annexed on correct time..
this was perfect... now it is missing.. Even bessarabia is good to be annexed..

- I made the Dutch army smaller and removed the danish competely ( they surrendered with almost no fighting ) Otherwise german invasion is to slow as it seems mostly choking on maginot line ... and dutch armour / air power seems overdone...

- I gave gibraltar a fortifications in the Mountain tile , historically fine I thought.

- made some time triggered SOVIET PARTISANS,
small in power and movement just 1 ) but really annoying behind the frontline..
( bryansk forests region ) it worked fine...

tried to fix gunboats and flotilla... for Soviet River control mostly
but failed so far on making a big river map tile.. :(

ICE AND SNOW... on the nordic and eastern front...

there is a developer WW2 commander that says he fixed this for his Great patriotic war version which is slowly growing... but he seems hard to reach: maybe you manage?
it would give the ULTIMATE historical / strategical element needed in this game....


oh yes... Player Colours are personal: so Yes I changed:
United Kingdom: Kakhi Brown ( PLAYERCOLOR_LIGHT_BROWN )
Ussr: Red with yellow ( PLAYERCOLOR_DARK_RED )
Finland: White with blue ( PLAYERCOLOR_FRANCE )
Switzerland: red/white ( PLAYERCOLOR_LATVIA )
Danmark: red/white ( PLAYERCOLOR_JAPAN )

and many other.... worked better for me...
- Put Istanbul in the middle of the Dardanelles waterway
( in this way only turkish ships can move through it , or you need to
conquer Istanbul and by this attack Turkey ; the germans even brought torpedo
boats over land because of this )

- Add Constantca coastal town for Rumania, +harbour, so they can build navy
--> Untitled-2.jpg
+ add 1 ruma. destroyer and 1 bulgarian. Above constanca 1 coastal fortification .
and danube delta: swamp and rivers...

- IRAN + IRAQ invasions: to be sure they happen when the time trigger is set:
( most UK troops for this campaign came from India... )
--> add --> DefinesEuro1940.lua

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[19410424] = {

{Name = "UK Invasion Iraq sea support", X = 103, Y = 5, Domain = "Sea", CivID = ENGLAND, Group = {UK_DIDO} },
{Name = "UK Invasion Iraq", X = 104, Y = 4, Domain = "Land", CivID = ENGLAND, Group = {UK_VICKERS_MK6B, UK_MECH_INFANTRY} },
{Name = "UK Invasion Iraq2", X = 105, Y = 2, Domain = "Land", CivID = ENGLAND, Group = {UK_A15_CRUSADER_MKIII, } },

}, -- END 19410424

[19410816] = {

{Name = "UK Invasion Iran India Reinforcements", X = 103, Y = 5, Domain = "Land", CivID = ENGLAND, Group = {UK_MECH_INFANTRY} },

}, -- END 19410424

also the Soviets get this boost:

[19410808] = {

{Name = "Soviet Invasion Iran eastern reinforcements", X = 106, Y = 29, Domain = "Land", CivID = USSR, Group = {RU_MECH_INFANTRY, RU_T26} },
{Name = "Soviet Invasion Iran eastern reinforcements2", X = 95, Y = 24, Domain = "Land", CivID = USSR, Group = {RU_INFANTRY} },

}, -- END 19410808

this worked perfectly

Connection suez -> Persian Gulf:

I made a canal on the edge of the map so that these to are connected,
as it is on the edge it partly covered in the "clouds"of the map edge, and doesn't look
too odd, but it makes Suez more meaningfull and allows some transport...
--> red sea - persian gulf.jpg

Pripjat swamps: forgot to add image in previous note; -->
pripjat swamps.jpg

If these adds are usefull so tell me, I can send some more....

Enjoy this Devine Porject!
I love the idea that I can create Unit supply by building Arsenals, Barracks and Military Bases. They were really expensive and sometimes only Barracks made sense.

Before I forget: The Hospital makes no strategic sence. Because having some more Food creates a very little personnel bonus and thats it. The healing doesnt improve nothere. Or do I misunderstand something? It cost 3 gold each round and does close to nothing. How does it heal anything?
BTW why is it so extremly easy to win as Germany? The difficulty I set was 5 but it says 2 and it seems like it is 2 :/
GUYS HOW CAN I CHANGE THE DIFFICUTLY IN THE BETA. It flip flops around and isnt working properly. Halp.
AFAIK the change in difficulty only affects the "unit supply". So at Diety you'll get far less unit supply then you would at an easier difficulty.

Affects the "base" material/oil/personnel you receive each turn.
It'll also do the usual handicaps, by lowering the "hammers"/production for the AI to build units/buildings

OR are you saying it's a bug that your difficulty is not setting properly?
I set the difficulty at 5 but it shows up as 2 and I get gold + supply like its 2 when playing germany. Same goes for other countries.
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