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Better? More or less civs?


Aug 29, 2007
How do you all feel when it comes to the amount of civs and what is your preference in how many you play against?

Personally I like no less then 4 at one time.
The more the merrier, to a certain extent. Standard map size is good with the default number, but large and huge maps are severely underpopulated. Too few = not much war, very boring tech races. Too many = constant warfare with too few cities per civ. I like to add an extra 1-3, depending on the map size, to ensure a fun and dynamic game with important wars.
I agree - lots of Civs with smaller empires / less cities per Civ. This really increases the importance of good diplomacy and early expansion. I think it's generally more challenging, too.
NOTE: there is still only a limit of 18 civs per game.

It just means that there's more to choose from, and more diversity.
I normally play a large map with 12 civs and me so 13 overall. Seems to be about right for an action packed game that still has space left to expand into
I always add 1-3 more than the standard number.
Ive started playing games with 17 civs (including myself) so im able to build colonies if i want. I've never seen the AI building colonies, and i dont expect them to be doing so either.
more civs the merrier, means one will rise normally alex or shaka, who will vassalize multiple nations, giving me a competitor in the late game.. (the human is always able to pick on the small nations with weak military, therefore be a super/great power end game unless you get steamrolled)
all this on a pangea map makes great fun.. thats also why i loved Earth with 23 civs i think, because there would always be one great nation in Europe, and one in Asia, who would have fun wars, and then a few times there would be a really powerful civ aswell who has all of America, or a civ with 75% of Africia and most of South America, but now thats all changed with colonies :(
More civs the merrier. I would play gigantic maps with all the civs if the computing time didn't take so long.

My figures may be way off, I tried to search for them but I cannot for the life of me find the info anymore. These are just off the top of my head.

Large maps (Medium Sea Level) - about 6500 tiles, default number of players - 9
Huge Maps (Medium Sea Level) - about 10500 tiles, default number of players - 11

Low Sea Level adds about 30% more land (40% vs 30% land tiles)? Low Sea Level = 60% Water Medium Sea Level = 70% Water

I think 15 or 16 players is a good number for Huge Low Sea Level maps, enough space for everyone (give too little space and the AI will suffer).
Yeah I like large maps with 14 players. Empires are still about the same size as on normal (on average), so it's not overly large and tedious, but there's more scope for trade and more complex diplomacy and stuff. Plus it's more likely an AI will dominate their near neighbours and grow into a rival powerhouse.
I can't ever have enough civs in my games. Currently I'm playing with 34 civs on a fractal, low sea-level FX-Mammoth map (16,000 tiles), about 50% larger than the stock huge maps.

Having so many civs means that the world isn't centered around me. There may arise powerful contenders who vassalize several other civs. There may emerge a peaceful, cooperative tech club with excessive research while I'm waging wars. There may be whole continents with backwards civilizations that can be conquered. There may be an industrial powerhouse on the other side of this more-than-huge world, giving me the challenge to somehow stop it from building a spaceship. There may arise blocks of civs with a religion other than BudHindJewism. There may be whole world wars with dozens of civs involved.

I always try to maximize the number of civs in my games.
I always go for 18 civs, no matter the map. My normal map is huge though so there is a lot of room to work with even at 18 civs.

What's really fun is to make a tiny map with 18 civs. I call that the "cage match."

I'm going to edit my game to get 34 civs on a huge map tonight, and I'm sure it'll be a blast.
I can't ever have enough civs in my games. Currently I'm playing with 34 civs on a fractal, low sea-level FX-Mammoth map (16,000 tiles), about 50% larger than the stock huge maps.

Having so many civs means that the world isn't centered around me. There may arise powerful contenders who vassalize several other civs. There may emerge a peaceful, cooperative tech club with excessive research while I'm waging wars. There may be whole continents with backwards civilizations that can be conquered. There may be an industrial powerhouse on the other side of this more-than-huge world, giving me the challenge to somehow stop it from building a spaceship. There may arise blocks of civs with a religion other than BudHindJewism. There may be whole world wars with dozens of civs involved.

I always try to maximize the number of civs in my games.

i can imagine on those maps, that religion is power lol, imagining all the money from having a dozen or so civilizations following your religion :D, imagining having a corporation and spreading it to the AI who will always spread it to its cities.. lets say 100 cities take it thats 500gpt before wall street ect!!
i can imagine on those maps, that religion is power lol, imagining all the money from having a dozen or so civilizations following your religion :D, imagining having a corporation and spreading it to the AI who will always spread it to its cities.. lets say 100 cities take it thats 500gpt before wall street ect!!

Yeah, religion is very powerful on those maps. I'm actually contemplating whether I should mod the per-city money gain of religions to be a bit smaller. On the other hand, you really *do* need lots of money to maintain a large empire on such a map. In my current game, I haven't founded a religion, and all holy cities are far away from me. I'm thinking about sending an army towards one of them to capture and hold it ... you could call it a crusade. ;)

Also, on the far end of the continent, Alexander has captured the Buddhist holy city from Isabella. There are currently 15 Buddhist civs on the map, with 1-13 cities per civ. Not all these cities are Buddhist yet, but it's by far the dominating religion in that part of the world. I'm really curious what Alexander will be able to pull off with these vast amounts of money. Currently the positive religious diplo modifiers with his neighbours seem to contain him ... mostly. He's already beaten up Washington badly. My guess is that whenever Free Religion makes its way up there, and the positive modifiers go away, there will be carnage.

Regarding the corporations: Yes, they hurt the AI even more on bigger maps. I'm hoping for the patch to improve the AI's handlung of the corps.
I can't ever have enough civs in my games. Currently I'm playing with 34 civs on a fractal, low sea-level FX-Mammoth map (16,000 tiles), about 50% larger than the stock huge maps.

How are people getting so many Civ's in one game? Is there an XML that you're modding for that?
i just started a large map with the default amount of civs. already i am liking it more then just 4 or 5 civs. by the way I am the Ottoman Empire by random choosing.
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