I hardly get much further into renaissance or industrial era due to the fact that my computer loves to lag during those times, and I been mostly playing Rise of Mankind, and trying to reach pretty far in that game, while trying to withstand the incredible amounts of Lag I get into that game.
I try this mod one more time maybe, if it works for 3.19. The reason why I think this is more of a minor mod is because I look at the first page and only see small changes, the power, trade and supply theme going on have little information plus only contains what for the beginning, not very detailed similar to fall from heaven or rise of mankind when they release what features it has. also there is a spelling mistake on FOCUS.
I also count other mod to be minor mods if they don't got alot of improvement into their games, such as new improvements, buildings, religion, corporations, new civics and changes, new UI changes, more civilizations and leaderheads, different traits, new options to use on custom games, have custom scenarios, etc, etc, etc.
Minor mod only have about 2-5 out of those changes, while major mods have 6 or more changes, it's how I categorize which is the best of the best of mods and recommended to play due to it's massive content for civilization 4.
I played your mod and i stop playing after I got too much lag on my computer, and dislike it when I get too many religions and don't got a limited religion option cause this mod don't got bug mod. Also you do need to provide pedia info on your new civics as well. You need to change religion to cooperate with your system you develop. Add new buildings for renaissance, medieval, and classical, improvements, routes, update each and every building and object to see which is different and which has not changed, also fix your papyrus, artifacts so that it won't complete and ask me to change.