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bit of a favour need......

David In Asia

Feb 6, 2002
Barcelona, Spain (from UK)
hi all

okey dokey. a very good friend of mine had some very personal files (no, not sex pics ;)) in a folder on his Imac, and his dick of a relative, whilst being nosy, decided to inform others what he had seen. are there any mac users who now how to password-protect just one folder. like myself, if i password-protected my pc completely, people would wonder - so it's just one folder he needs private.

if anyone could help on this matter would be much appreciated.

also, what's this Masters of Orion i keep reading about, number three is due for release soon - it sounds excellent. were the other 2 successful?? as an avid computer gamer going back to the spectrum zx-81 (and tabletop wargames before then - hexagonal maps and all that :)), i feel a bit embarrassed that it seems to have completely slipped through my net - you're now going to tell me it was a multi-million selling game and make me feel more stupid.

thanks in advance
Just bury it in a whole load of empty folders. It will take anyone forever to find it, and even then you'd have to be crazy to put in all that time.
Just wondering, what exactly kinds of things are you hiding? If you don't want to disclose, don't feel obligated.
Soory, I cant help you on anything else, I use XP.
laugh out loud rm...... :lol: you're right, i'm not obligated.

ok, my mate just wants a bit of privacy for his own reasons which i'm really not going to discuss on a public forum.

any help would be much appreciated.

It would be those aerial photos of China that were stolen from
the US embassy in Bangkok, now would it?

Originally posted by History_Buff
Just bury it in a whole load of empty folders. It will take anyone forever to find it, and even then you'd have to be crazy to put in all that time.

I did that on my computer, but I used a binary wall (ie, you start off with 2 folders, 0 & 1, and those two folders have in them two folders, 0 & 1, etc..)So to find the files, you remember the chain eg. 01101001 ;) I recommend this method, but it takes a while to do..
I'm positive you can download software to encrypt those files. I don't use a Mac, so I'm not familiar with any software for them. However, I do use an encryption program called "Blackbox" to seal up all those files I don't want people getting into. Might I recomend though, that you (or your friend) not keep those files on the harddrive. Burn em on CDs, or into a zip disc, or floppies. Files are too easy to get to when they're on the HD; and a good hacker would know that even if he doesn't have the time to crack open a file on your harddrive, he can copy it to his own and crack it whenever he feels like it.
You could zip the folder and then uninstall winzip...Then when you want to open the folder you could reinstall the folder. You can also use this with the empty folder idea...Or even create loads of similar sounding folders and put them all in the same folder so that each one has to be opened first...Adding it to a CD or a floppy would be the best idea though by far, if you cannot password protect the folder.
If it is dodgy, either have it on a ZIP disk (100 or 250 MB), a floppy or a CD...

Zip disks are great if you want to keep the info on your person...but CDs can be hidden underneath other CDs in music boxes...especially under music no-one likes...that reminds me ;)
Or better yet you could get one of those keychain USB drives. Then your friend could carry the info on his person 100% of the time, w/o worrying about damaging a cd. I forget how much info they hold....
You don't say what version of Mac OS you are running. On the old Macs at the school my wife teaches at they run a program called Fool Proof. That allows you to lock items as determined by you. The best thing would be to hide it in subfolders, but then (thinking in Windows OS terms) it is easy to find the files by doing a search for the fle type he is trying to hide, so keep that in mind.

If you are using OS X then you can use the command prompt and hide the files from normal view....how you would go about this....I know not. I might suggest that you go into the Civ3 Macintosh Forum and PM some of the people in there for help. Do NOT post a message in there related to this.
aarrghhh!!! wish i never started this!!!! i can almost see those noses coming through the screen!! only kidding LOL! :lol:

well, from looking at the link that ice posted (thanks ice), it's obviously something that's not possible without some third-party app. weird, i thought it would be something easy to do. so, just out of interest, can you do it in windows 2000? i've got as far as right clicking on a folder, going to 'security', but no matter what combination i try, it never seems to work. personally, i live on my own, so i can have as many porn, er, i mean secret government files on my computer as i jolly well like.

palehorse, what did you mean by "Do NOT post a message in there related to this." eh??!

thanks all
Originally posted by David In Asia
aarrghhh!!! wish i never started this!!!! i can almost see those noses coming through the screen!! only kidding LOL! :lol:

well, from looking at the link that ice posted (thanks ice), it's obviously something that's not possible without some third-party app. weird, i thought it would be something easy to do. so, just out of interest, can you do it in windows 2000? i've got as far as right clicking on a folder, going to 'security', but no matter what combination i try, it never seems to work. personally, i live on my own, so i can have as many porn, er, i mean secret government files on my computer as i jolly well like.
Yes, in windows 2000 you can do have file security but you need to make different logons for each person and then restrict the use to only certain users.

palehorse, what did you mean by "Do NOT post a message in there related to this." eh??![/B]
I meant that you should not open another thread about the same subject. Meaning, don't have 2 threads going in 2 different forums and both of them are about the same thing. That is a no-no.
ph - "I might suggest that you go into the Civ3 Macintosh Forum and PM some of the people in there for help....."
"don't have 2 threads going in 2 different forums and both of them are about the same thing....."
aww, my brain hurts. :suicide:

anyhows, too late now - but i didn't know there was a macintosh forum until palehorse told me, so it's actually all his fault. ;) may the phorse be with you....

since it was an honest mistake I will let you live. :D
Hopefully they will be able to help you out over there.

Next time ask a moderator of this forum to move this thread to Civ3 Mac instead of posting a new thread about the same exact thing.
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