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Boff-03 pleasenomonty (Sally, Monarch, Ice Age)

hmm ok so conjure xbows and trebs from magical mystery hammer locations while building up south with "stuff" :crazyeye:


Got it hehe.

Preturn:1475 AD Ok so hmm at thats a ton of crap in Basra. Notice we have 3 spy's in Nova already with a 4th auto pathing there as well... uh ok lets move him to Rostov instead as silver is gonna blitz that rock with camels prolly. Actually going to send the fortified spy in bags over now since it is easily replaced.

Ok so mass x bows and trebs gonna be spammed here.

[1]1480 AD
Lots of garbage building so sorry for the boring report folks, just not much can be done about turns like this.

Damascus nails a treb and uh 4 turn xbow.

Bag bags a spy and builds a spy, if a spyspy could spyspy would a spyspy spyspy? Wait, that's a horrible attempt at a tongue twister.

Kyoto builds a treb and goes for hmm... hehe a 2 turn treb, sure.

Basra builds its courthouse saving us money on our car insurance so it uh... goes for 3 turn walls, amazed it doesn't have them yet.

Aden (Whitedot) built it's granary and moves to a Harbor now so it can get it out of the way. Might looking into revolting slavery to whip it along with blackdot's habor in a last gasp use of slaves later.. or not, we'll see how bad black dot is.

Churchill built the UOS.

Send the spy built to Rostov.

Operation Deny iron moving to a new icecube closer to the action.

Fran is 11 exp so I use the cash we have to upgrade her into a Camel.

Our battered Caveral is about to pop the circum bonus, yay!

Oh I name a few people so you care about them silver.

[2]1485 AD

Wang comes demanding we Convert to Hindu... well ok sure, for 5ish turns.

Medina gets it's bank (yay) and so it gets to spend 12 quality turns building military before education comes in. That bank is worth a ton of cash for us. Dial up a 4 turn x bow.

Kufah plunks down a pike so dial up another pike in 3

Send that pike off to where Cathy's Jumbo is gonna land.

A spy ends up in Rostov. Forgot to name the spy's but wait, they took their names away gave them numbers didn't they?

[3]1490 AD
Cathy comes demanding compass from us... Get lost.

wow how low can Cathy's relations go and still maintain open borders?

Kyoto grows to size 16 and builds it's treb so look and hmm... I actually go for a 2 turn X bow.

Good news and bad...

Sigh, redirect a few spy's towards Nova.

so A great person next turn

[4]1495 AD
Grrr Anjar grows to size 12 but one of our spy's in transit is caught by wang... what the heck, 3 spy's in 2 turns?

Basra finishes it's walls so.... Forge in 17.
Khurasan builds it's courthouse and we save a ton of cash hehe. I just bite the bullet and start on a caveral in Khurasan to get the last two out of the way for harbormaster quest.

We roll odds and get a GS who bulbs education. I make a command decision here and..


Choosing Liberalism at a lazy 13 turns with positive cash flow So instead I take Mecca off Wealth and put it on its 10 turn university (for oxford's 6). Lower Science to 40% which delays Liberalism by 2 turns for a total of 15. No issue here as I don;t see a point draining our coffers to save two turns on a done deal.
Medina starts on a university as well.. duh hehe.

Next Gp is in Kyoto

England and india get a bonus wedding dip mod, yawn.

Need to make more spy's since the rng pooped on ou intrepid Agents early on. So I dial up the north to do it. Basra Kurasan and Anjar. meh.

[5]1500 AD
Damascus xbow->xbow(4)
Kyoto Xbow-> Xbow(1)
Bags Spy->spy(4)
Kufah Pike-> Pike(4)

Black Dot's final chop ushers in it's granary.
In more exciting news, Pinky and The Brain, a pair of innocent trebs, make it to basra safely.

Wang and Cathy get another wedding dip penalty event making this ice cube that much more friendly.
Naj grows to size 9 so I make sure it's not hitting caps... nope all good. Next growth is in 15 by which time harbor will be done for 3 more health: for even more Glacial Growth!

[6]1505 AD
Kyoto xbow -> Xbow(2) should be the last of the xbows for stack.

That was the last chop for blackdot hehe.
Cathy Moves towards divine right in 2k turns as she's revolting to merc and organized religion.

Black dot's harbor is 29 turns meaning no real reason to Whip it as we have time before industrial.

[7]1510 AD

Lots of growing... still positive cash!

Cathy and Wang will both trade drama and theo hmm drama would be nice but it's too cheap to trade for phil outright and he won;t throw in theo for phil + gold so eff him

Our 2nd galley finally gets back from operation Deny Iron so no more 1 turn waits for the troops hehe.

[8]1515 AD

Speaking of the Iron Denial Crew, seems culture bounced in the last 6 ish turns so they say hi and pass the vodka around before heading north to free ice.

hehe a chop goes to kurasan for an effing spy ROFL. That wasn't exactly planned but oh well.

Seems wonty popped another Great General.

Kyoto xbow->treb(2)

[9]1520 AD
Damascus xbow->treb(6)
Bags spy->spy(4)
Kufah Pike-> Longbow(3)
Khurasan spy-> spy(4)
Anjar Spy->Forge(12)

AP Vote comes up, go for Cathy.

[10]1525 AD
Kyoto treb->LB(1)
Basra Spy->spy(5)

missing the screenshot but that pos ice town sw of bags but it got a growth letting it get to size 3... it's prolly starving hehe.

Remember to drop Hinduism, doh! hehe.

[11]1530 AD
Kyoto LB->treb(3)

And we get a good event.

I think so hard about it I 'accidentally' click "EFF YOU RUSSIA"

Our intrepid agent wtfnumber got caught by monty hehe, oh well, he had a good run. Poor guy is prolly getting BBQ'd as I type this..

[12]1535 AD
Monty calls for peace, wow. Kufah is fine on caps for another few growths.

[13]1540 AD
Bags spy->spy(4)
Khurasan spy->Caveral(12) <-quest

Kyoto grew to 17. caps are fine.

[14]1545 AD
Mecca Finishes its University and since we are living fine without it building wealth, I go for a 3 turn Jewmon.

Cathy got a great profit and random dip + event for England and Monty.

So then time has come to hand the reigns over, one turn before 15.

The Power Graph all gussied up.

Stack o death minus one lb is all set to wake up and start their merry way to Novgorod.

That includes 2x LB to stay in the the newly re-walled town of Basra and the 2xLB/2xXbow iron denial crew all set to pownerize said iron. Oh and I promoted the jumbo killer Pike and stuck him east of Blackdot.

Quest wise, everything is either built or in queue being built except one more caveral. please push one out at kufah or kyoto.

Bother wang and Cathy are in Merc.

Can hand the turns back when there's crap to clean up.



  • Boff-03 AD-1545.CivBeyondSwordSave
    261.3 KB · Views: 66
Got it.

Time for :hammer::hammer::hammer:.
1545AD (329):

First I will admire the nice stack that Liq has prepared for me.

We are going to wreck Cathy with this stack, hopefully. Unless I screw up.

Going to of course do my customary run through the cities.

Mecca is working on a Jewish Monastery with massive overflow from something. Well, Monastery will boost hammer production, so good to go. Want to spam camels here later.

Medina pumping out a university. Critical obviously...

Damascus is pimped out to build military, so great. 1 hammer left on a Treb, so will look later. Camels most likely, for Rostov.

Baghdad still building spies. With likelyhood of getting nabbed, keep at it!

Kyoto building a Treb, but just started. That's fine, we need one anyways. Will let it build. However, it is still growing, and is near caps. We're about to war with the SoZ holder, so going to stop growth here by hiring two Merchants.

Najran almost done the harbor to help the health cap. Still growing, but will eventually want to stop this place too.

Kufah is still growing. Going to stop it as well. This town will concentrate on making support for Basra.

As for Basra itself, well need to change unit modes so I can actually see the city screen, lol. Building spies here, and it'll stay that way for a bit. Need to see how many we lose before terminating spy production.

Khurasan is working on Caravel spam to help us meet our targets. Have an archer here for some reason, but not important as we are behind lines. We want to stall growth here after the next pop, making a mental note to remember that...

Anjar growing in 1 turn to the happy cap, ugh... Well, going to stall growth and get the forge up faster, as we cannot afford the low cap...

Fustat is growing at a slow pace, but that's fine. Harbor will take 21 turns, but should be fine as well...

At Aden, note we got a forest spread, which is good, since we are earmarking this place for NP later. Harbor in 5, and uber library afterwards.

Hitting end turn for the attack to start in 1550AD :D.

1550AD (330):

Yakutsk gets Islam from DR. For anyone keeping score, that's the crap town on the copper beside Basra.

Moving the gigantic stack into Cathy's territory puts us at -44 gold, ugh... Putting us down to 30% research for Lib in 5 turns. Free Speech will rock the house.

A Treb finishes in Damascus, and damn those Camels are awesome. Dial one.

Basra done a spy, and order one more...

lol, wtf. We are somehow Monty's worst enemy. Well that would be bad except for the ocean separating us...

Course, we had to lose a unit, and it happened to be one of the X-Bows trying to take out the iron... But the hill is otherwise secure and we get on it and blow it up, taking 14 gold from it in the process, yay.

1555AD (331):

Hmmm... wtf indeed...

Well, that's 3 free kills for the HAs...

Nellie earns her next promo, and we get Cao Cao in Mecca.

Ok, well goofed and sent Erwin with the stack, so will have to wait a bit on this GG...

Spy done in Baghdad, order another.

Kyoto Treb -> Camel. Notice there is WW in here already, sigh...

Najran's Harbor is done, dial a Monastery.

1560AD (332):

Cathy's stack from hell is here.

Luckily, that is why I brought Cats...

I throw 3 cats at the stack, all promoted Barrage 2. They die. RIP Crazy Larry, Kooky Mary, and Tom Foolery...
Enemy is damaged, so here go the valuable units!

Mark the Elephant is new and dies :(
Next up is Pete, and he kills an enemy WE.
Bones is up and he pwns a WE.
Next is Beth taking out a Maceman flawless.
Then we have Lars, who saves his promotion and takes out a Crossbow.
Spiff is next and he kills a Treb, doing Flank attack to the rest of the positon.

Another Treb is up, but all of our mounted units are hurt, and could use rest, so we'll do something else for a change...

Mark the Crossbow kills the Treb.
Next Treb looks to be an easy win, but Leo dies despite 93% odds, wtf. And Catherine gets Ivan the Terrible, how appropriate.
Ok, well Manny and Pug both take out their Trebs, Pug going flawless.
Mick also takes down a Treb flawless.
The WE is up, so EXP for Todd the Maceman, flawless.
Last unit is a beat Treb. Gave Nellie Mobility, so use her to attack the Treb, and flee back to the stack for protection.

All is good, except we are chewing on 500ish WW... ugh...

Cathy now has less power than Wang...

Wang will not give Drama for a remotely fair deal, eff him...

Monastery done in Mecca, need to get back on Wealth....

Treb in Kufah, go for a Camel next.

Preparing for lots of unhappy...

1565AD (333):

Gold from +21 to -7, hate Zeus...

Riots basically everywhere. Medina gets on a Colosseum...

Kyoto has 7 unhappy people damnit. Getting on a temple ASAP, followup with colosseum...

Anjar has 5 unhappy, and so does Kufah. Should've known about Kufah, I switch it to a Temple.

No other towns have enough pop to get pissed, so yay... I guess...

Lib next turn losing 41 gold. Going for it as FS is major, and so is FR...

March another square towards Novgorod...

1570AD (334):

Did not fight in the inturn or last turn, so whee, no WW accrued, and some may have worn off!

Science back down to 30% to slow bleeding until we sack Novgorod.

4 turns on Drama, and we need it bad, lol.

We are next to Novgorod and will attack next turn if a spy can ditch the defenses.

wow, I lied. Revolt FS and FR, drama in 3 instead, can run 40% sci.

Fun stuff, Lib shot our economy up big. Only gained like 60ish points from it though, boo.

1575AD (335):

Too bad Time is UP for Novgorod...

Well, Agent 40 effed up and got caught, so Agent 16 had to finish the job...

Tubby the Treb goes first. Tubby promotes CR2 and has a 77% chance to withdraw. WTF indeed with the spies. Tubby gets out, and stuff is beat. Still has 2.6 out of 4 health, wtf...
Nigel is next, same deal, but wailing on a maceman instead.
Pinky is next... takes even less damage than the top two.
Hank is next, and it looks hilarious slapping a War Elephant with the lever arm, lol.
Barb is next, and we are beating on a Longbow. Wow Barb down to 2HP out of 4, lol.
Ian is slapping a WE too, and we are only dealing collateral to one unit now...
Ok, well The Brain wants in too, so also slaps a Longbow silly...

Trebs just went 7 for 7, no one biting it. The Brain didn't even take any damage.

Well, this is Boffo, time to XP the units!

Mack in first, and cleans up a Longbow, with no damage.
Manny follows up, but takes a beating. Whatever, Drill 4 on the way.
And, wtf. Pug had 99.8% odds and died to a Longbow. Talk about a bad roll...
Well, Mick is next, and does the job flawless.
Jack wants in on the action too and pwns a WE...
All Crossbows used up, so yeah, Todd XPing on an enemy Mace.
Now is a good time to get Erwin XP, so he flawlessly kills a WE.
Lars needs one XP for the next level, so he kills a normally scary spearman!
Well, Skip is a Drill 3 Longbow, so XP him next...
Only thing left is an enemy Longbow, so sending Kurt the CG3 Longbow to do the dirty work. He wins flawless, and we get...

Novgorod is ours! Damn, took 5 turns of walking for that wtf indeed.

So Dean and Yanny clean up the mess by killing the two WEs which weren't in any stack. Free XP for them. Hope enemies don't come, so giving them Longbow backup.

Agent 17 stays in Novgorod to keep an eye on things, but I send all other spies for Moscow.

Damascus done a Camel Archer. Dialing a university for the express purpose of getting Oxford online ASAP. That, and massive cultural :hammer: from Damascus.

Baghdad also gets on a university for the above reason. We have enough spies I think...

Basra finished a spy, and I lied, we don't have enough spies. Dial another.

Novgorod asking what to build. Still in riot so whatever. Check out the loot haul though...

Dial a granary due to meh...

We're at 1.7 strength ratio with Cathy. Only 1.3 with Wang, so he might be attacking Cathy soon, lol.

1580AD (336):

A random Pikeman showed up in the inturn and pwned Sally, boo...

Ok, well... wtf we have 10 unhappy people in Kyoto? omg...

Well, mass unhappy means lost gold... so dialing down science back to 30%. We should lose WW as we are holed up in a city for a bit to heal.

Forge done in Anjar, should shut a few people up... Really doesn't matter what we build next here. Dialing a caravel to finish the damn quest.

1585AD (337):

Culture slider doesn't appear to help at all... Going to hope for fading WW while we rest... Whatever. Dialing up PP in 19 ugly turns. Hope to get better...

1590AD (338):

Zzz... Going to give another turn to heal, and hopefully fade some WW...

Kyoto done temple. Well we have dyes, so Theatre is cheap and helpful...

1595AD (339):

Stack is moving... Leaving behind some bow units as defense.

Basra done another spy. We will stop spamming spies for now and get a Forge.

Khurasan done a caravel, dial a theatre.

Wang is now preparing for war...

1600AD (340):

BUG for some reason, feels the need to inform me that Novgorod is unhappy... Uh, duh!

Kyoto downsizing next turn...

1605AD (341):

Wow, Cathy must've used counterespionage, as 3 of our spies went poof this turn... Ok, well that's why we built so many...

Medina built a crossbow, and I don't remember ordering one. A single pissed person, so dialing a Theatre.

Camel done in Kufah... Theatre...

1610AD (342):

AP vote comes up and we Abstain, lol :p.

Stack in position to attack next turn, and we got Leonardo da Vinci the GE, from Kyoto which is rapidly losing population. Oh it stabilized this turn, lol.

Saving for SoL.

Najran done a Jew Monastery, I think... Wow, we are at the happy cap in this damn town. Well, dial Taoist Temple; Monastery to follow, so we can spread Tao.

1615AD (343):

lol, Drill 4 owns. Mack just killed 2 Russian X-Bows taking no damage (he is defending Novgorod).

Cathy is the leading candidate, but does she win? Does it matter?

We lose another spy in Moscow. Good thing we still have 3, LMAO.

Agent 20 causes a city revolt... Well, there are 2 Guerilla LBs here, so may be messy...

Tubby leads off again, and only has an 11% chance of withdraw, YET HE DOES! Well thanks for the good roll after killing my Crossbow with 99.8% odds, stupid Civ!
Well, there are still more Longbows in the city, so Nigel has to die for the cause. He did good though, RIP Nigel.
Odds better than 50% now, and Pinky escapes but almost redlined.
Hank is next, and odds are suddenly at 90% for an easy withdraw.
Ian goes after a Longbow and dies with good odds! Damn. I think it was the same LB that killed Nigel. At least Nigel didn't eff up...
The Brain is next and slaps around a mace flawless.
Barb can go next despite no more units to collateral, to grab free XP.

Trebs went 5 for 7. Not bad... and expected results.

Sending in Todd to own the house and he hoses a Longbow.
Nikki grabs some XP off a Spear, lol.
Manny is a walking terror like Mack, and takes no damage from owning the garrison longbow.
Mick wants Drill 4 too, but he'll have to earn it. He gets some XP pasting a Longbow.
Jack follows up with rough treatment to a mace.
Erwin going in for XP! Pounds a Mace.
Bones gets the honours of running over a Pikeman... and...

Dean and Yanny are at it once more, and kill off two Elephants that are loose for some reason.

Kyoto is done a Theatre, so dial a uni, as the WW problem is going to slowly diminish.

Moscow wants to know what we want to build. I was going to get on a Granary, but it seems one survived. Loot haul pic.

End up going for an uber Library.

BUG tells me Novgorod is going to shrink. Well then... It's out of revolt... I use a 5 pop whip on the courts, as this town bleeds 14 maintenance. Still have 5 pop and starving, so gonna double up and whip a Jew Temple too.

1620AD (344):

Someone blows up a farm somewhere. Will investigate, but I suspect it isn't important.

We get this event...

Since we are flush with cash now, I use the chance to dump culture in Pyongyang's direction.

Hmm, ok so the farm was apparently near Novgorod, and apparently just entered its cultural borders. Whatever...

Medina finished a Theatre. Out of stuff to build, so dialing a Treb.

Anjar finished it's Caravel this turn, so just waiting on Black Dot. Anjar can build a Jew Monastery, just because.

1625AD (345):

Cathy attacks Moscow in the inturn with scattered units. OMG, we rolled bad and Manny died! To a Maceman! Flawless! WTF was that? (for anyone not keeping score... this was a Maceman, vs a Drill 4 Crossbowman in a city on a hill. BS).

Well, Cate and Fran tag team that Mace and kill it, yay. Fran gets the kill XP.

That roll was complete BS, no way the Maceman was not scratched. So rename Moscow "Manniville" in Manny's honour.

Kufah finished a theatre, and no longer pissed, so... Going to dial a longbow.

Jew Temple finished in Novgorod. Granary next.

Milestone this turn, as we are now DOUBLE Cathy's power rating.

1630AD (346):

Troops are fleeing for Rostov, good. They will die in the city to Trebs instead of us having to waste good units on them.

We lose another St. Pete's spy, so will need to train more...

Khurasan finished a Theatre, IT can build spies...

1635AD (347):


I was going to take the cash orginally, but that amounts to only 7 gold a turn in scattered crap cities mostly. Nav 1 is major, and 1 less promo we need to get our ships FAST.

Units heading for Rostov this turn. This city will be torched due to its crappiness.

Najran finished the Tao temple, go for Tao Monastery.

Fustat came through with the harbor, so will make Fustat do something less embarassing... Well, it needs a courthouse, and it needs a Madrassa. Will do Madrassa so we can run a priest.

1640AD (348):

Novgorod pops again. And we lose another spy in Rostov. Only 2 left, lol. Need more spies for Wang later...

Treb done in Medina, another Treb...

Damascus finished a Uni, so we can dial for... uh... Units I guess, as it needs nothing else. Crossbow.

Kufah Longbow done, dial a Uni.

1645AD (349):

Cathy dumped some Cats on our stack next to Rostov. Less units to fight I guess!

Agent 18 causes a revolt, and we go in!

Lowest XP Treb is the Brain, and he withdraws after pounding the whole Garrison.
Barb is up next, but dies. Oh well, hurt the mace good though.
Hank is up and we beat on a WE.
Tubby up, but he doesn't make it :(
Ok, going to stop burning through Trebs...

Everything is pretty beat so Bones XPs first.

Timur is born in Medina, btw.

Pete goes next and knocks down another WE.
Beth is up and plows through a swordsman.
Lars plows quite easily through another WE.
Todd is up, and down goes a Longbow.
All that's left is a beat WE, so Quincy XPs for fun and we burn Rostov.

Heading for St. Petes in 2 turns.

Anjar done a Jew Monastery, getting on a quick temple.

Novgorod finished the granary, and it wants a Madrassa!

1650AD (350):

Wang begs for Phil. No.

Wang adopts Theo too. Hopefully he is not coming for us, although we are prepared.

Aden (white dot) finished the Madrassa. Not that it matters back here, but can hire better specs now. Dial for a courthouse.

1655AD (351):

We are most advanced. Cathy is second most despite this thrashing...

Longbow done in Medina, no Ox yet, so more LBs!

1660AD (352):


Econ is next in 11.

Cause a revolt in St. Petes...

Hank can take CR3 now and does. But he dies to a LB :(.
Well, Pinky is next, so send him in... and he lives! Barely...
The Brain is next. Terrible odds and he dies, oh well, we have Trebs up north.
Krazy Kern the Cat is next and shells out a WE before withdrawing.
Mad Madeline goes next, but dies to a Mace. These Withdraw odds are terrible.
Last Cat is Curious George, and withdraws. Good, had a 90% chance.

Going in with Bones! And he manages to take down the Pike.
Ok, all other WEs charging too. Pete goes in and DIES with 90% odds. What's with these rolls?
Lars is next and kills a Longbow.
Beth is the last WE and wins vs an enemy WE.
Todd goes in to clean out an enemy Mace.
Nikki gets an easy Mop up for a promo next turn.
Quincy the onetime medic goes in and dies. I hate these rolls...
Next up to try the odds is Erwin. And he makes it! Kills a LB.

2 maces left. Fran runs one down, and the other is dead to Spiff.

Now THAT was bloody and certainly not worth it...

Well we win a free worker. Like we need any more. Cathy's "Bequest".

Spies heading for the hinterlands...

Crossbow done in Damascus, Camel started.

Uni done in Kyoto, dial a Crossbow.

Khurasan finished a spy, dial another in case...

Anjar done a Theatre, Uni please!

St. Pete's dials a Madrassa for when it comes out of revolt. Oh look at the loot. Not much, but Cathy was so kind as to put a Great Artist here to kill Pyongyang with culture.

Our forces are largely depleted, so dispatching more from Damascus.

1665AD (353):

Monty DoWs on SB. Not a surprise. Now the entire freaking world is in war mobilization mode...

I forgot that Manniville came out of revolt last turn, whoops. I whip a courthouse then a Madrassa to get rid of the population, lol.

Cathy has forces fleeing northward (abandoned the fort), so use Abdul to attack a mace. Well Abdul blew it because he ran for it, so Skip has to back him up...
A battered mace is left, so Mack can clean this crap up.

Forge done in Basra, we can now do stuff here! Dial for a Barracks.

Spot a large pile of nasties from Wang. Hopefully headed for Cathy.

1670AD (354):

Yep, Wang definitely headed north... If he can clean up a city there, less work for us now (and more scattering for him later).

Medina finished a Longbow, Ox needs ONE MORE university... Sigh, nother LB...

Uni done in Baghdad, getting on a Barracks.

Crossbow done in Kyoto, still pissed people here, so getting on a Colosseum.

1675AD (355):

Wang DoWs on Cathy, no surprise...

Well, my forces are heading for Yakutsk and the shrine. Hopefully Wang doesn't head that way. Although we have spies to revolt the cities, and he needs Hwachas (never seen an AI use spies properly).

Tao Monastery done in Najran. Najran will now spam missionaries.

Maniville finished a Madrassa, dial a Jew Monastery.

1680AD (356):

We lose the spy in Yakutsk this turn, sigh... redirecting more...

Jew Monastery -> Jew Temple in Manniville.

1685AD (357):

lol, Wang wants to swap World Maps... No.

Wang definitely heading for Yaroslavl. Good luck with the Castle...

Medina done a Longbow... Another!

Basra done a barracks, go for a Crossbow.

1690AD (358):

lol, SB wants Edu for 160 gold. Take a hike buddy.

Some jerk stole Optics from St. Petes. Obviously Wang, as how exactly would anyone else be able to steal optics?

Ok, crap on a stick. Wang beat us to Econ. Not cool Wang...

Punking random Barbarian galleys...

Camel Archer done in Damscus, dialing up a Theatre.

Kyoto done a Colosseum, still pissed off people. Dialing a Monastery, not going to stress.

Khurasan finishes a spy, dials a forge.

Novgorod finishes the Madrassa! Culture! We want a Monastery (Jew) for sure.

1695AD (359):

We are at Yakutsk, so we revolt it and attack!

Fresh Trebs from Damascus have good odds, but the first one dies.
Next one withdraws, so we save a Treb there.
And the last one does too.

This motly crew is done, so Bigman Todd goes in and wipes out the top Longbow.
Bones is next and he dies! Again, 90% odds. Freaking RNG!
Well Beth goes flawless, but that certainly doesn't make up for losing a unit.
Lars takes out an enemy WE.
Nellie runs down a sword.
Bobby gets to face a spear and wins.
Spiff gets a flawless win against a WE.
And Fran goes up against a Treb. Wins flawless.
Still a mace and a Longbow, so Kate goes for free XP.
And Erwin, who is Woody 3, now goes in for the last kill.

It's ours, piling units in.

Barracks done in Baghdad, build a Theatre for the :hammer:

Yakutsk dials a Madrass, as important buildings survived.

1700AD (360):

Monty wants us to declare on Native America. No...

Not sure WTF Wang is doing at Yaroslavl. Will send spies.

Spread Tao to Medina with the missionary.

Longbow done in Medina, can FINALLY DIAL THE OX!

Tao -> Tao in Najran. Want to spread that.

Kufah finished the uni, but its still pissed so dial a Confused Temple.

Jew Temple done in Manniville, dial a Theatre.

St. Pete's out of revolt. Whipping Madrassa.

1702AD (361):

Year Increment Change. I've been playing too long, but Cathy must die first.

Madrassa whipped in St. Petes... Dial a Theatre for more culture.

1704AD (362):

Econ is in and Yaroslavl was taken by Korea.

Sending the troops to FINISH CATHY!

Dialing Replaceable Parts for Lumber and other fun stuff.

Theatre done in Damascus, go for a Confused Temple.

Kyoto done Hindu Monastery, dialing for a Grocer.

1706AD (363):

Wang is sending uber forces to Yekaterinburg... Tempted to let him handle it... But Wang is not reliable...

Baghdad done a theatre and out of stuff to build, so will spam missionaries. Start with Confused.

Crossbow done in Basra, dial a Theatre.

1708AD (364):

Next turn, Cathy is dead and this hellish set is over...

Damascus done the temple, dial a monastery.

Kufah also done temple, dialing Monastery.

Novgorod finished the Jew Monastery, stary a Christian one.

Theatre done in Manniville, also go for a Monastery.

Mecca starting on Taj this turn. 18 turns.

1710AD (365):

Manniville contributing already!

Of course the spy has to goof on the last Russian mission, so have to do this the hard way...

I use the 3 Trebs to bombard, and the 2 cats suicide. No more cats, sorry.

Todd goes first, and proves his bigman mantle by killing a LB.
Next up is Jenny the expendable Crossbow. Dies, boo.
Bobby withdraws from a Pike leaving Spiff to clean it up. But he also withdraws! Great...

Ok, well Beth is tough and takes out a Longbow.
We lose yet another Crossbow to a Longbow.
Nellie then cleans up a sword.
Fran easily takes down the beat Longbow.
Stan the Guerilla 2 LB goes in for the kill of the Pike finally!
And Ragnar the LB kills the final LB!


Russia is dead.

BTW, I close borders with Wang so his units are trapped.

And that's it. I won't even to a synopsis or anything. It's all Liqs to empire build to his hearts content. REMEMBER TO BUILD UNITS THOUGH SO WE DON'T GET ATTACKED!


  • Boff-03 AD-1710.CivBeyondSwordSave
    292.9 KB · Views: 67
Wow. I never use spies in my attacks, but they really speed things up. Your set was a great lesson for me, Silver. Very nice job. How much does it cost for a "settled" spy to take down the walls? What fraction of our accumlated spy points, I mean? How many more times could we have done that?

I like the part about trapping Wang's troops, too.

I'll have houseguests today until 8pm or later, so if you two want to give me another skip, that's fine. Otherwise, I can maybe play late night tonight or tomorrow morning.

I never use spies in my attack either, but the circumstances dictated that we needed to try something different in this case. :crazyeye:

Chichen Itza + Walls + Castles + Insane culture in many of Cathy's cities lead to a 125% defensive bonus. From previous experience, I believe a Treb shells away 2% of that per turn and we could not afford to have stacks of 25+ Trebs to deal with this problem... We also could not afford to sit around and wait while Cathy would likely attack our stack, as that would adversely affect our War Weariness, due to that Broken Wonder, Statue of Zeus, being in Moscow.

So I pulled out the spy card without knowing if it would actually be of any effectiveness. We redirected EPs to Cathy a few turnsets ago, and had several cities producing spies full time. As you can see from the report, many got caught, so it was a good thing they were rolling off the line constantly.

As for the EP cost to revolt the city, it was between 800-900 EPs base, but modified by our high spending and the fact that I had the spies sit there for at least 5 turns so we got the -50% cost benefit, so down to around 400ish EPs per city; well worth it instead of trying to shell away the defenses.

BTW Grover, you are explicitly up after Liq finishes (whenever that is), as I don't really want to look at the game today :crazyeye:
Yeah, Liq was playing the turns and said he'd post them soonish.

BTW, now that we own the AP, we can take the cheese way out, or we can fight until the Industrial era with the punks from the other continent.
Yeah, AP vote is the cheese way out. We will have to gift a missionary to Churchill though, as he is in Theo right now (and somehow have to get OB with Monty).
Preturn:1710 AD
wow ok what a wasteland silver made of Russia hehe. Really have to just end turn now to cycle off the crippling WW. Trying to round up the newly imported (workers) first.

Notice we have more Cathy's "X" (worker) than either Sid's "X" (worker) or Toku's "X" (worker)

X = Offering joins the parade of "Imported Gift Workers Sally Never Built Himself" (TM). Should gather them all up some day and take a big family snapshot. Of course we will need the full line of Wang's "X" (worker) Models to complete the Continental Collection. So Far 17 Donated Workers vs. 0 DIY Workers.

Move huge stacks of Seriously beat down troops into cultural borders so save big bucks...30ish gold per turn hehe.

Mecca's GP in 1. A spy would be interesting.

Well hitting end turn so can see the what lasting damage silver did to the lands hehe.

[1]1712 AD

Ok that clears up the Zeus effect hehehe.

St. Pete Build's its theatre so hmm lets look into this newly aquired gem... hmm the screenshot is corrupt.. ok it's over half korean for some reason but spitting out 60 culture a turn hehe.

Looks like it's going to riot so plunk more troops into it until it's insane culture can take up the slack. Oh well lets pop a chirstmon first for the easy culture not to mention help spread christ around to fund the Shrine Cathy so thoughtfully left us.

We get a bad roll and end up with a great artist for the upcoming golden age extension I guess =/ ok not the worst thing in the world.

Ok what damage did silver inflict on us?

First I see we are in slavery and theres about to be a ton of work for our fleet of gift Workers to get on. I revolt to serfdom for the faster workers (as they converge on Nova) save quite a bit of gold dropping slavery hmm... so wtf 50% science at a mere -27 gold a turn.. 7 turns on replaceable parts.

Other than that, wow nothing is amiss. Did we not jsut have 36ish turns of silver running amok? Some minor mm and nothing seems wrong out side of pete needing a few turns to build some culture... odd.

Ok well whatever...

Bug let me know wang has 1400 stolen gold which rightfully belongs to us since he blatantly stole our Great Merchant from Econ. This dishonesty, along with his army on the wrong side of his getting his ass punked, means we pay him a visit....

He grovels and accepts our outrageous demand... wtf lol.

So I notice Wang has 400 gold to trade

So I make this deal

Notice Wang has nothing of value to trade for.

Notice Churchill has astronomy now

I make this trade to "Strengthen Relationships" as he's an easy pleased.

Mecca is now 21 health 26 happy cap at size 13. Doubt its ever going to hit those caps.

Funny thing is since Borders popped we now have stone, doubling hammers on the OX happening over at Medina.... 8 more turns instead of 16.

ok one GG needs to get embedded so we can nab a level 6 dude for west point in Kyoto... The other GG I'm stumped ATM. Normally I'd be carefully balancing Kyoto so that it could push out +2 move Transports (normally requiring 3 promos) out the door, as a transport isn;t the most effective unit when it comes to fighting to gain exp. Thing is, while completing that harbormaster quest, silver so adroitly chose innate nav1 which means it only needs flanking 1 to nab nav2 so a mere 5 exp nets it nav 2 promo. So trivially easy, it makes a liq blush. For the other GG, Thinking hold onto Timur the Teddy Bear to plop a war acad in a bit.

So for the First GG, we have Erwin at 12 exp and woods3

So liq runs Cao Cao (LOVE that name) on over to hook up with a galley in order to meet the Erwin that S.ilver so carefully exped. That's woods3 combat1 at least with is fine, even if far from perfect.

Tech wise, I stare blankly at the paths available and it's almost a guns or butter choice after printing press comes in. Way I see it, this stage is prep for rolling over Wang which will be done using the military tech we have now. The next step in warfare is at least 30 tech turns away and well by that time, if wang isn;t gone or about to be declared... well you get the idea.

So the buttery side wins here and relative butter is constituion/democracy which is showing a nominal 38 non golden year turns if I don;t even try. Wheeeee.. suffice to say that will get sped up by a lot in the fury of quiet building.

Oh as to *Why* con/demo, Con Gives us jails, the sooner we get those suckers up, the better. Jails are the guns half of the buttery side. Con also gives us access to Representation which is just the bomb under Merc.

Demo is two fold as well guns and butter wise, 'Spy huts' for funding the riots a silver so abused with his hammering of Cathy as well as another sweet Civic to use spiritual on; Emancipation. +100% growth on
Cottages + it annoys other civs and is cheap to run. Nova will really like those faster Cottages as its about to have 7 brand new towns-to-be planted. Suffrage isn;t as important to us using the synergy with rep+merc but the real prize is the SOL. No not S out of luck, that's the statue of liberty! we have a great eng all set to speed it up and copper is under the founder of Islam, not to mention just outside manniville.

So more specs which will never obsolete allowing us to move out to free market/state property less painfully. whee.

Con is a total no brainer tho demo is questionable hehe. Like it matters a single whit.

Actually our empire is large enough now not to need play by play like in the old days so this is going to be some infra, some mil and a who lot of not much said. lololol yeah like "not much Said" going to happen Liq. What a loser.

[2]1714 AD
Man wang still bothering nova with spies as another was just caught. Going to make sure spies are in town.

Medina is happy and it shows!

Mecca gets confused (yay)

[3]1716 AD

nova is most likely (80%) of getting a great profit in 18 turns, need it for Medinas shrine).

[4]1718 AD
Blackdot and Cathy's towns grow, yay.

[6]1722 AD
Some good news!


Mecca loses hammers on that but heck, we can use those gems!

We see a barb galley south of Bags...long time coming before you see any nets to wreck mr.

England is about to punk it with a caveral for us though so all is well.

tao fails in Mecca. =/
Kyoto gets confused.
Aden gets jew!

basically spamming missonaries to get the religion out.

Meccca growing to 14 next turn. Anjar grew to 13 this turn so we moving right along. This is just silly, where's the War Hangover.

[7]1724 AD
Dial up England to make sure no new tech and see he has 11 gold per turn to trade for phants... let him waste the hammers on obsolete jumbos, sure sure.

Medina is about to go critical hehe.

[8]1726 AD

Replaceable comes in and put con in 10.. OX is about to pop in Medina though so 10 is going down.

ok so waking workers to mill those forests. In other worker toy news, novagrad has a 7 food surplus so can support at least 6 plains cottages with the tech we have now... milled all the hills kept one plains farm and spammed 6 cottages, almost done with it all.

[9]1728 AD
Ox pops in Medina and con gains a turn hehe.
Kufah picked up Christianity via mission.
Monty completes the Spiral min.

[12]1734 AD
Monty wants to buy phil.. eff off.

Wang gets a Great Artist... hmmm

Wow even Khurasan is celebrating we love the despot.

[13]1736 AD
Rofl looks like Wang is going to culture bomb the crap town in the south... wow what a waste.

[14]1738 AD
England will trade Astronomy but well we are relying on the colossus for a ton of love.

I somehow manage to squeeze a longlong distance christmiss into medina on the very first try hehe.

That's it's 5th religion hehe.

Just missing islam! For you folks at home keeping track,that's 5x monasteries for the +50% beaker mod. Total being +250% +10% from Free Religion before Astronomy hehe.

And yeah culture bomb saves hyang from certain flip. Not even worth a screenshot.

[15]1740 AD
we are at .7 strength of England hmmm... why is England breaking the bank on a pre rifles army and/or navy hehe.

He's pleased with us due to the trades I made btw so no fear. Only person he's not pleased with is wang...oh no, wang is monty's worst enemy as well! Sucks to be a wang.

[16]1742 AD
Sittingbull will trade music but he wats far too much for it... phil + 2k gold? get out of town. will keep hammering that punk as fielding Cavalry is Music to a Liq's ears

[17]1744 AD

Taj completes so golden for 10 + 10 more from that artist.
Revolt to rep and we gain 2 turns on con, it's down to 8 now without touching the slider. get it to 7 turns going to 60% science at a minor bleed but well I can shave it to 5 turns going to 70% science with -79 gold per turn... that works.

Been making a wave of cats (since none of the old ones survived) as well as more than a couple pikes, as wang is running phants and knights.

Gonna take a break here and converse with an awake silver... not to mention liq needs to lay down for a bit as well.

Posting the second set in a bit..

[17]1744 AD
Nice sleep.

ok so try for music again from Mr. Bull with just a straight up phil for his music and this time he takes it without demanding 2k gold =p

silver points out Churchill will sell map for 15 gold... no idea why he's begging for scraps. meh ok why not. lol

Seems that Wang takes his hidden valley incense seriously... that fort to nowhere has better defense than a few of his towns.

ok so 10 turns of golden age from teh Taj and we have a 'great' artist kicking around.... 20 turns of golden age.

So Sally's Patron Saint of Warm-Beer-Which-Still-Tastes-Great, came from the local bar.. er no. They Came from the Clouds and proclaimed, "take this golden light and Horses with Rifles shall appear."

Liq replied, "wtf, cav in 20?"

So two turns for an odds favorite Great priest... you know how those odds seem to pan out lately... Great Merchant for Great Victory!

[18]1746 AD
Omg... the unthinkable happened.... Wang blew up a random fort cathy had built. Almost not worth getting a worker to clean up on aisle 3 but it was hooking up a dye tile.

Cathy's towns give us our first GP next turn

[19]1748 AD

Wow we score the 10% Chance Great Engineer for the win, not the Great Merchant =p. Shuffle him off to Mecca as we'll have wonders to build maybe.

[20]1750 AD
Well Wang has his hands full and not much else other than us to attack hehe.. he;s a fool if he does. Churchill is building up an outdated army as well, he's insane if he plans on crossing the ocean to start a war.

[21]1752 AD

hmm quiet, manni is next gp and Since we really don;t need another great artist, I hire 3 priests to try and beef up the great profit odds.

[22]1754 AD
Wow wtf wang nukes the cows at mani... grr

[23]1756 AD
So Demo comes in with its supah sexy Statue of Liberty

Slot that puppy in Mecca and it's a mere 24 golden turns, of which 14 remain... Since no one else is even close, no need to waste a GE speeding this thing up.

Gunpowder in 2 turns.. Boggle. Rifling in 5 more. Miltrad (thanks for the music Mr. Bull!) in 7 Boggle

14 turns left on golden age hehe and this game is so very over hehehe.

I honestly don;t have the heart to continue on with this turnset hehe. This game is a done deal as soon as silver went into official mop up mode with cathy.

I load the save from silver and the empire looks in ruin, until I account for the Broken Zeus inspired WW into account. Refresh next turn and WHAM our core civ is just as good as when I left it except now we have 8ish new active wonders and a set of towns that were money in the bank the moment they came out of revolt.

Adding to that, wang is completely split in two with no hope of ever reuniting his main stack with his capital. We are 7 golden turns from fielding protective rifles... and 7ish more to field cav. All that with the money to upgrade our existing promoted x/longbows (and camel riders) the moment we get the techs. The cash which came directly from wimpywang caving in to a silly demand (and a good old fashion silver beat down of Cathy) I might add.

Meh indeed, hope something fun happens.

Ok Gover, your turn to play with this sg hehe.

Edit: Liq takes all blame for poor Gover's turns since he didn;t have a report to read before playing due to some forum problems.

Kill Liq!



  • Boff-03 AD-1756.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Reposting myself with a few pictures.

388 1756ad

We are in great shape, and this game is won.

We have 14 turns left of a golden age. We're teching at 70%, 2 turns to Gunpowder, 934 beakers/turn. 1515 cash balance, -97/turn.

Our capital has a galley as its only unit. Novgorod has 2 LB and a pike. That's more than it needs, so I move Kurt towards a galley to station him in Kyoto.

I will try to send Jewish missionaries to SB, Monty, and Churchill for AP victory. I track down our four galleys and start them heading back home for eventual missionary delivery duties. They'll get home in about 6 or 7 turns, and then it'll be about as long to get them back across to the other continent. That should just about take care of the golden age.

If the AP vote plan fails, I'll attack Wang when the golden age expires.

I hit enter.

389 1758ad

Our spy in Seoul gets caught.

Aden grows to size 8
Yakutsk grows to size 4.
Novgorod grows to size 6.
All are far below caps.

Medina: tao temple > jew missionary, 2 turns
Baghdad: spy > jew missionary, 3 turns
Anjar: Maoi statues > market, 5 turns (queue up grocer next, 5 turns, for health--we're 2 below cap, with growth in 6 turns), ocean squares are now better than plains farms--same food/hammers, plus commerce, so i switch off all plains farms and onto ocean tiles.
Novgorod: treb > jewish missionary, 1 turn (treb heads to st pete)

Diplo: We have open borders with Churchill and SB already, but not with Monty. I try to get them from Monty, but he isn't interested.

390 1760ad

A fort is destroyed by enemy infiltrators. I look for the fort. It's not our canal for up north. Instead, it seems like it used to be SW of StPete, possibly 1W of Wang's town of Ulsan, outside of any of our BFCs. Oh well.

Fustat grows to size 6. Growth in 13 turns.

Gunpowder comes in. Go for military tradition in 4 turns. We're still bleeding 95ish gpt, with 1328 gold in the bank and 12 turns of golden age left.

Basra: treb finishes and rolls to StPete > jewish synagogue, 8 turns
Novgorod: jewish missionary finishes and walks to near manniville to await a caravel > jewish synagogue, 7 turns
Damascus: treb > jewish synagogue, 7 turns
St Pete: aqueduct > jewish synagogue for the hammers and the culture, 8 turns

391 1762ad

Spies get caught in Pyongyang and Seoul.

Kyoto grows to size 17. Next growth in 10 turns.

Medina: jewish missionary (heads towards mecca to rendezvous with a caravel) > christian missionary, 1 turn (to start spreading religion for our other shrine, in st pete) note that if we got a great prophet, we could use the confucian shrine built in medina

Kufah: grocer > bank, 8 turns
Khurasan: jewish monastery > bank, 14 turns

392 1764ad

Enemy infiltrators destroy the madrassa in Medina. Damn. Maybe we should fortify spies in our own cities now.

Infiltrators also destroy a windmill near st pete.

Monty finishes Versailles.

LB Kurt arrives safely in Kyoto. Now our capital has at least a token defender.

One caravel makes it back to our east coast and gets loaded with a jewish missionary, bound for churchill.

A second caravel makes it back to our west coast and gets loaded with a missionary bound for Monty (with whom we still do not have open borders).

A spy reaches pyongyang and sleeps there. Let's see how long he lasts.

baghdad: jewish miss > spy, 2 turns
medina: christian miss (successfully spreads in narjan) > replacement madrassa, 3 turns
narjan: theater > bank, 15 turns

393 1766ad

Wang pops up and asks us to adopt Caste System. I decline.

Churchill pops up. He is pleased with us. He asks to trade world maps. I decline. He has rifling and astro on us. We have nationalism and lib on him.

We lose our spy in Wonsan.
An enemy infiltrator destroys a farm near st pete.

394 1768ad

Military tradition comes in. I choose rifling in 4 turns because Churchill has redcoats and galleys.

Third missionary loads into a caravel on our east coast and sets sail for Sitting Bull.

baghdad: spy (will fortify in medina) > spy, 3 turns

Monty still does not want open borders.

395 1770ad

Monty gets a great prophet.

A town near baghdad is destroyed by enemy infiltrators.

Anjar grows to size 15.
Kufah grows to size 18.

A missionary lands in England. Churchill is in theocracy, so the missionary can't spread judaism. I gift the missionary to Churchill.

Medina: madrassa > security bureau, 7 turns.
kyoto: bank > security bureau, 7 turns (i'm tired of stuff getting blown up)
fustat: jewish monastery > courthouse, 15 turns
manniville: security bureau > bank, 7 turns

396 1772ad

It's a miracle. Enemy infiltrators took a turn off.

Manniville grows to size 14.

Monty finishes the Mahabodi.

Our caravel bound towards SB sees 2 english galleons that might be heading our way. Hmm. I siphon some troops out of Damascus to reinforce Mecca and Narjan, the likely landing points if those English galleons mean to unload on us.

Our caravel to Monty can't unload its missionary because we don't have open borders. I can't gift Monty the missionary directly from the boat, and I can't get him into the city. I consider gifting the whole boat with the missionary on it.

397 1774ad

The good: The missionary we gave to England succeeded in spreading Judaism there, in Kassite.

Also good: We get a great prophet in Manniville. I route him to Khurusan to be boated to the SE section of our empire, to build either the taoist shrine (narjan) or the confucian shrine (medina).

The bad: Those english galleons have multiplied and they are coming right for us. I see 9 galleons just outside our culture near narjan, escorted by english caravels.

Thought I'd caught a screen shot, but I can't find it. Take my word for it, though, those galleons were there.

baghdad: spy > cuirasser, 6 turns
novgorod: jew synagogue > cuirasser, 4 turns
st pete: jew synagogue > christian temple, 2 turns

398 1776ad

Rifling comes in. (No picture. Sorry. I was pretty distracted at the time.)

Churchill and Monty both declare war on us.

Churchill attacks Narjan directly from ship and without shelling. The turn he saves by not landing troops means that the reinforcements I started sending a couple turns back don't have time to arrive, and Narjan just has a single LB for defense.

Our single LB defender dies a hero. That one unit took out, in order,
a mace, a chariot, a longbow, a knight, and a horse archer before succumbing to another horse archer, which was gravely wounded. That's five units killed, and I think that qualifies him for "ace" status, even if the title is conferred post humously.

England also lost 2 ships on its turn. Churchill attacked our caravel near Husng-Nu with a galleon and lost. And he attacked our caravel near Narjan with a caravel and lost. That second caravel was then taken out by yet another English caravel. The first caravel, near Hsung-Nu survived but is badly hurt, 0.6/3.

I see 10 English galleons close to Narjan, and an 11th on the way. So we're not out of the woods yet. We've killed only 5 troops out of a possible 33 that I can see.

We also lost our jewish missionary in SB's lands. England attacked us there.

Monty adopts theocracy, slavery, and vassalage.

I drop off our missionary in Monty's lands and pull the carvel back out. No sign of any Aztec ships yet.

Dammit. Kurt (the re-based LB from Novgorod) was inadvertently moved out of Kyoto towards Narjan, along with the reinforcements from Damascus. I switch to Nationhood and draft a rifle in Kyoto.

England has only the injured horse archer in Narjan. The troops from Damascus are in range, and one of our camels makes short work of the English horse. Narjan is ours again. We still have a harbor, forge, monument, market, and courthouse. I guess we need a lighthouse, a granary, a library, and the religious buildings back. Set production to lighthouse, 3 turns.

I move in two camels, 2 LB, and a pike into Narjan. I pay to upgrade one of the LBs to a rifle.

Reinforcements also arrive in Mecca, which was the other likely invasion site. I pay to upgrade a LB to a rifle there, too.

I draft a rifle in Narjan and one in Anjar.

I set research to chemistry and dial down the slider to 0%. We are banking 455 gold/turn, and we can use that money to upgrade more units to rifles in case of emergency. Chemistry is 16 turns at 0%.

Kufah finishes a bank and starts a rifle.

Basra finishes a synagogue and starts a cavalry.

Anjar finishes a grocer and starts a rifleman.

Churchill's galleons have range 4, and Narjan is the only city in range for them next turn. It has 2 rifles, a LB, 2 camels, and pike as defenders. It's on a hill, and it's walls are at 60%. I upgrade the camels to combat 2 in case they get pressed into service as defenders between turns.

Mecca has two great engineers sitting around. It is 11 turns from SoL. I use one of the two engineers to finish the wonder so that Mecca can start cranking out troops.

All the cuirassers I started building last turn changed to cavalry when we got rifling this turn.

399 1778ad

Narjan is happy to be back with us and celebrates We Love the Prime Minister Day.

We lose two farms to enemy infiltrators. Both are by damascus.

The missionary I dropped off in aztec lands is killed. Oh well.

Novgorod grows to size 8.

England sends one galleon towards Kyoto.

England unloads 11 cats and nothing else on the hill near Narjan.

10 galleons drift two squares out to sea off Narjan's coast.

The galleon by Kyoto is a single ship. The galleons off Narjan's coast are a flotilla of 9 or 10 or 11. The stack of cats east of Narjan is just that—cats only, 11 of them.

Camel time. We have two camels in Narjan against those cats. Clyde is up first and has 99.6% odds. He kills his cat and drops to 8.7/10 health. He damages 6 other cats in the stack of 11.
After his attack, I upgrade him to cavalry for 155 gold.

Willie is up next. He also has 99.6% odds. He also takes out his man. Willie drops to 7.4/10 health. I upgrade him to cavalry for 155 gold, as well.

I send a rifle at the remaining 9 cats. 99.9% odds. Flawless victory.
I send the other rifle, too. Same odds. Also flawless.

Our pikeman has 88.9% odds, so I send him, too. He wins, but drops to 3.1/6 health.

That's it for the fresh cats. The others all took camel damage. I send Kurt the LB at the best of the bunch, a 3.5 health cat. Kurt has 98.1% odds and he wins flawlessly.

I'm feeling pretty good about Narjan, so I move 2 LBs into our capital to assist the lone rifle that is there. One english galleon is in range of our capital for next turn.

I send the galleys to meet the great prophet, but it might be a little risky getting him safely across with all those english ships around.

st pete: temple > stable, 2 turns

I set science to 60%, which gives us +30 gpt, and we'll have enough cash to upgrade a LB next turn if we need to.

An english galleon is in range of kufah, which has only a LB in defense. I draft a rifle there.

400 1780ad

Narjan and Kyoto both celebrate We Love the Prime Minister Day.

Churchill does not re-boat his injured cats near Narjan. Instead, he bombards the defenses. Narjan is down to 21%, but those cats will be dead this turn.

A galleon pillages our nets south of kufah. That galleon is in striking range of Khurasan, which has only a single LB for defense. I draft a rifle there. Kufah and Anjar are also in range, but they each have a rifle and a bow, and it's just a single galleon, so I feel safe enough.

We lose a spy in pyongyang.

Clyde (now a cavalry) is at 13.1 strength vs weakened cat. 99.9% and he wins, damaging 2 other cats in the stack. Clyde drops to 8.6/15 health.

Next is Willie. He wins and takes out 3 other cats by flank attack. We get a great general in anjar.

A rifle cleans up the last cat.

Ok. As much fun as this is, I think I need to call it a night and pass the baton to Silver.

Note that England sent us at least 11 galleons and that we've killed only 16 land units so far. So there is likely going to be a little more work to do. And it might only be a matter of time before redcoats show up. England has had them for a while.

I realize (now) that I deserve some blame for researching military tradition before rifling. We might not have lost narjan at all if i'd researched them in the right order. I thought i was following the path that Liq laid out for me, but I clearly missed a tech along the way. My bad.

Note that we have many cities that are running priest specialists. That could probably be improved. I didn't micromanage after SoL.


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1784AD (402):

Preflight check. Well, we are at war with Churchill and Monty, both who sailed across the ocean to get to us. Wang is also mobilizing and he hates us. Well we can all guess why the game was punted to me, lol.

Well, Chem in 1. Not expressly for Chem itself, but to pick up Mil Sci (for Churchill), and Steel (for Wang).

Ok, well Wang has been wasting EP blowing up farms and crap, so we have a sizable EP lead on him. Also leading with EP vs SB. So reweighing EPs. Church, Monty, and Wang get rating 2, while SB gets rating 1. Good to go.

We only have 8 spies left, and since spy abuse is so fun and fast, want to do that vs Wang since we have excess EP to burn (and tech stealing is too expensive, 7000+ EPs base, ugh).

Well, we are number 1 in all demographics that matter, so good to go there. Even our espionage is tops. Nice.

Ok, well going to look around the towns.

Mecca is building a Confused Monastery. No idea why. No spy hut and we are pushing health caps. Reassign a priest to a spy for more evil EPs on the stupid AIs. Will look to get this town into gear next turn.

Medina also pushing health caps, but we dialed a Christian Temple here with 16 of 35 out of the happy cap. WTF indeed! Has all building except a stable, so we need that if we WANT to build Cav, but no point. Just dial a rifle instead.

Damascus is working on a spy hut, which is needed as this town seems to be the first stop for Wang and his spammed spies. 10 turns. Switching a spy for a priest doesn't help it, so leave it.

Baghdad working on a stable here, no need for one. There is a Cav in the queue, which we also don't need coming from Baghdad... It is almost done though, sigh. Will let it finish and then build more spies here. Baghdad is like a Pre-Civil Damascus. While that might have worked for building Cats and HAs, it won't work for high hammer units like Cavs. We are better off doing something else.

Kyoto is on a 19 turn WP, not working one of its mines and instead growing towards a close health cap. Fix that, as we don't exactly need more growth here at the moment. Hmm, we actually have 3 turns left on a spy hut here, going to let that finish first as it would suck if Wang blew up all the hammers for WP...

Narjan is working on a granary, as lots of stuff got blown up here. It is not working the coast, as boats are landing en masse. We need our Madrassa back here ASAP for the two priest slots, but not much we can do to help this place at the moment.

Well Kufah has gone stagnant as the fish got pillaged, but not starving, so we will live. Can hire an extra priest here instead of the engineer. Need a military academy here someday...

Basra working on Cav, looks ok... Still growing, but need Communism to have this place really take off.

Khurasan working on a bank in 2 turns. Modest hammers here, so cannot contribute much to the war effort. Was drafted already, so have to wait for anger to fade a bit (although with 14 vs 23 happy cap, we can double up if we have to).

Anjar's Moai is up and we are cranking here, good to go!

Fustat is still working on the courts. Not much we can do to help, at least it pays for itself.

Aden still in development mode working on a forge, and needing many buildings...

Novgorod still in recovery mode from the war and me downsizing the pop a lot... Moving work the grass cottages to speed growth.

Manniville is at the health cap, and building a cav with no stable. Also making 7 food a turn, so this place is nuts. Well stagnating for mass hammers and dialing a stable in 2 turns. 9XP Cav ftw!

Cav coming from St. Petes, looks good. We need to continue piling on culture here, or we can kill Wang. Going to look into that second option soonish. Looks like Wang blew up a farm here, so moving citizens around.

Yakutsk is about to pop borders but has no hammers if not for the priest specs. Woking max food, so keep that up. We can draft here maybe.

Well, went from -3 gpt to +7 gpt with the MM, so good to go! Will be damaging that soonish.

Drafting not done for this turn yet, so let's abuse it! The unlucky cities are Medina, Manniville, and Anjar. All were pushing caps and had to artifically slow growth, so good to go! Still had lots of happy to go too.

Ending turn now.

1786AD (403):

Wang continues to waste his EP by blowing up a lumbermill. In Medina. Where we don't strictly rely on Lumbermills.

We also get attacked by a Churchill Galleon, but it dies to a Caravel.

Going to get Steel before Mil Sci, as we need Cannons, and the age advance discount would be nice.

Mecca done the Confused Monastery, dialing a Cav.

Pro tip for the lurkers...

It looks like Lumbermills that are ADJACENT to rivers get the +1 commerce, but Lumbermills that are DIAGONAL to them do not. So this SG :smoke:ed when we cut down two of the forests for farms. Should have cut down the diagonal forests for maximum gain.

Forge done in Aden, Aden is coming along nicely. I dial a Jew Temple, as we need more for the next Synagogue, and we would like the extra hammers.

Drafting Novgorod, Basra, and Fustat, lol

1788AD (404):

Wang blows up another farm by St. Petes, continuing to stall growth.

We can now see Monty's tech, he is teching Nationalism. Churchill now on Constitution.

Well, we dial up the Confused Shrine.

Brings in 8gpt, but modified by Medina's buildings, so 16gpt, lmao.

We also sink a GG into Mecca as an Instructor. Wow our upkeep went down, lol.

Cav done in Baghdad, sending him up and getting Baghdad back to spies!

Cav also done in Basra, more Cav!

Khurasan also finished a bank to help our flagging finances. Dial a grocer, so the wine can help the health cap, lol.

Rifle done in Anjar. Anjar is a long way from any fight, so dialing a stable.

Decide not to draft this turn...

1790AD (405):

Wang blows up one of Novgorod's grassland cottages. Too bad we have 4 serfdom workers to rebuild it immediately.

Cav done in St. Petes, dial another. We also draft here. Also drafting from Mecca and Khurasan this turn.

1792AD (406):

Wang built a Musket in Yaroslavl, so eff him, let's take him out!

Pinky immediately strips away Yaroslavl's defense.

Send in 4 suicide trebs and 3 die, boo.
Drop all 5 cats on the city too, but the last withdraws.

First up is Cao Cao the medic rifle, who wins flawless.
Next we send in the 3 drafted rifles, and they all XP, the first 2 flawless.
Next, all 5 of our named Camel Archers go in and wipe the floor with Hwacha parts.
Uber WE duo Beth and Lars are next to XP against an Axe and Treb. Bad news for Wang if that's his best defender now...
The four Cavs on scene kill random units.
Bigman Todd takes out a crossbowman.
Our uber First strike units dispose of more Trebs.
And Dean and Yanny get in their usual trouble, but poke down some Trebs instead.

Ok, well we are out of units for this turn, but many units are not scratched, and Wang's army is largely devastated.

Also punk out some random units as stacks move from St. Petes and Damascus to hit Pyongyang.

1794AD (407):

Well, Wang did nothing in the inturn, but his power dropped to 2.1 ratio to us, lol. He is like in Monty territory now.

First, he sent a mini stack into our territory, trying to walk past the forces attacking Yaroslavl. Bad move as he is on flat land. Cao Cao, 2 drafted rifles and a crossbowman finish them off.

The city itself still only has the hurt musket, and 2 beat WEs in it from last turn, rofl. Wang did not put any of his troops back in.

Well, we run down the city with 2 cavs, and since we want to keep it, the last WE dies to a rifle.

Dean and Yanny are now in WTF mode as they get Formation. Pwn 2 knights. Last WE up there is killed by Bobby. We also punt the worker that was built here.

Ok, well Wang's main army that was stranded is now all dead, yay.

Cav done in Mecca, dial another!

Spy done in Baghdad, you know the plan. Should really just do perma spies but that is bad form. And might make too many eventually.

Rifle done in Kufah. Kufah is now far from the fight, so get on a spy hut.

Stable done in Anjar, also far from the fight, so another spy hut.

Cav done in Manniville, dial another.

Yaroslavl wants to know what to build in a bunch of turns. Uh, courts first is good.

1796AD (408):

Well... seeing as it was just the road, no big deal...

Still have 4 other sources of cows, so screw that, lol.

lol, ok so Wang blew up farm near Damascus that we weren't working. No big deal, and we send workers to get on it.

BUT Wang also blew up the plains windmill in Baghdad, and we WERE working that... well worker army was heading south to mill up a spot for another iceball city, so they will just have to be delayed for like a turn to repair the windmill, lol. 4 workers waylaid for a turn to get Baghdad back in business.

Chewing on a castle in Pingpong, so likely have to wait till next turn to attack earliest. Probably not even going to waste siege...

Rifle done in Medina. Well, dial another!

Aden finished... uh... I forgot already. I dial a Jew Monastery.

lol, what a fool!

I guess his boats got home and found no troops to bring to us...

Can't get peace with Monty yet, so might be some evil surprises still. Staying with Nationhood for now.

1798AD (409):

The Wangker got Physics this turn, so hopefully he settles or builds an Acad...

BTW, can any lurkers help us out? What does this event do to Korea?

Meanwhile, in other news, Damascus nabs a spy.

Continuing to shell Pingpong...

A spy is done in Baghdad. Another!

Granary done in Narjan so we can finally get on a Madrassa!

1800AD (410):

Well, we luck out and get a Great Spy...

I guess somewhat appropriate from all the spy abuse.

We finish off Pyongyang's Defense Bonus...

I throw 2 Trebs at the city to get rid of some health on the top Longbow.
Then we ride forth with 4 cavs to kill the best defenders in the city.
We lose a camel because I didn't want to use better units, but the next camel kills a knight flawless. Nice rolls. Third camel owns a mace.
Top defender is now a crossbow, and we run him down with a rifle.
3 crossbows kill 3 of the last defenders, and there is only the knight that killed the Camel Archer left...

Send a drafted rifle in to take him out flawless, and Pyongyang is finally ours!

Ok, so Wang is pretty much toast, as no more WEs or Knights. So our Drill units are back in business!

Well, all troops back in borders now, so making mad cash...

North legion is also in St. Petes now, so Wang's days are numbered.

Cav done in Basra, we sent him down, but way far from the fight now, so Basra can get back to Infra... Getting on a spy hut.

Fustat finally finished the courthouse yay. Getting on a Jew Temple.

Novgorod finished the bank, so spy hut! Everyone needs one of these!

Manniville done Cav -> Cav...

Pyongyang wants to know what to build, and most stuff survived, forge not included, so dial one.

1802AD (411):

lol, Wang just dropped 3 Knights on Yaroslavl and they all died...

Chuchill wants OB... fine... Also hit him up for the following trades because he no longer hates us.

Industrial era comes in with this.

Dial Corp in 5...

Well, unified stack into Pyongyang now...

Cav done in Mecca, dial a Tao Monastery.

St. Petes done Cav, we don't need anymore so dial for a Spy Hut.

1804AD (412):

Well, AP Vote is up, and I vote for us lol. No one else to vote for.

Ok, well riding on Ulsan with the North Army, as they are pretty much healed.

I drop 2 obsolete seige units on Ulsan, and Wang gets a GG in Cheju. Razing that blight, so I hope he doesn't settle it there.

Bobby and Nellie XP, and then I realize that others need XP too!
Next up is CaoCao and the 2 WEs to XP...
Last up is a Hwacha, so Bigman Todd takes it out...

Raze that blight!

Damascus done a spy hut, go for a jail...

Spy done in Baghdad, we have plenty now so go for a spy hut. Wang burned all his EPs so seems to be having trouble catching our spies lol...

1806AD (413):

Well we win the AP, but it's such a non-event that it's not worth SSing...

Wang punks one of our Caravels with a Galleon, so revenge with the other one lol.

Army in Pyongyang heading for Seoul now...

Mecca finished a Tao Monastery, so might as well get on Ironworks now...

Rifle done in Medina, spam a Christian temple for laughs...

Jew Monastery done in Aden. Aden needs some source of happy soon probably so dialing a cheap theatre...

1808AD (414):

Cutting off EPs to Wang now, as it's like 400 to 2400, and we won't need many more to revolt his towns.

Cav done in Manniville. Spamming a settler to replace those razed towns.

Yakutsk finished a Jew Temple. Home of Islam, so need a Monsatery before it goes obsolete.

I notice that SB is going for Rifling, so going to trade him it for Astro and some cash...

lol, lost like 40gpt from that.

Corp next turn if I burn 124 gold on it, so do it.

1810AD (415):

Corp coming in saves us like 30gpt, so whew a bit... Steam power next in 10 turns as we need to bank some cash...

Well, ok delay on attacking Cheju this turn as spies just got there! So both towns dying next turn I guess...

Monty still being a jerk and not talking, lol.

1812AD (416):

Churchill wants to swap Demo for SciMeth and 80 gold. I need to get a Islam Monastery up first bud, check back later...

Well Wang suicided a Hwacha on us last turn from Seoul, so we took a bit of damage...

Agent 17 causes a situation in Cheju, and we burn it out.

Nellie attacks last so she can return to the stack.

Next up is Seoul. Agent 21 gets caught, but causes a revolt anyways, LMAO.

Burn up all the Trebs and Cats first. Only one surviving Treb, sigh...

4 cavs run roughshod over the city and we get a GG in Kyoto, sending him to settle in St. Petes.
Next up is 2 camels and 3 crossbows to kill units with minimal damage.
All that's left is a sword, so we are a go for the rifle.

Medina finished a temple, and an Observatory is available, so get on that.

Kufah finished spy hut, going to work on some workboats to renet the fish, lol.

Khurasan finished grocer, get a market.

Jew temple done at Fustat... ugh... forge?

Aden done a Theatre, go for a jail.

Seoul wants to know what we want to build, and that would be a granary...

1814AD (417):

We get the 50% roll, for nice progress towards Steam. That crap town is still giving, lol.

Wang is trying to resettle Cheju so use a stock Cav to run over the settler and it's escort.

Workboat done in Kufah, got the fish back, so building more WBs.

Manniville done a settler and it is pissed due to war, so dial a Jail.

Monty ready to talk... Get peace with the raving idiot for 85 gold, lol.

Well, now that he's not fighting us, I revolt to Free Speech and Emanci.

1816AD (418):

Settle the GG in St. Petes...

Also settle new city Yamama.

We dial a Granary.

1818AD (419):

We get the dustbowl event at Damascus.

Farm goes boom, but we stop spreading.

Agent 20 causes a revolt in Wonsan, lol.

No seige left... Send 2 cavs. 1 dies, the other wins.
Cao Cao XPs and has 37 XP for next turn.
Bigman Todd cleans up an enemy mace.
Bobby cleans up an enemy Pike.
Mack goes in with Drill 4 and blasts an enemy Musket to gain much XP...
Next is an unamed crossbow who should have a really easy time against a mace, but dies wtf.
Well, Skip next for more Drill 4 happy time, kills a Pike.
Beth picks up some XP on a Hwacha.
Last is a beat Mace, and hey Kate can get XP for a promo next turn, so gogo!

Jail done in Damascus. Completely out of useful things to build here... Missionary time! Confused Missionary!

Kufah WB -> Jail as we are pissed here.

Anjar finished a spy hut, also pissed, so jail.

Wonsan will dial for a Granary.

1820AD (420):

Unit shuffle dance!

We dial a Tao Monastery in Najran in a hurry...

Novgorod finished the spy hut. I get us started on Wall St.

lol, Pyongyang has 15 out of 15 people pissed at us, and is out of revolt. Need 2 turns for a slavery revolt due to previous civic changes. Might not even bother...

1822AD (421):

I speed up the conquest of Pusan by attacking it with horse units from 2 squares away. Lose 2 cavs, but no one with a name died, so np.

Confused missionary done in Damascus, spread to Pyong and dial another.

WEST POINT! Done in Kyoto! Finally. Dial for an observatory, as significant science is still coming from here.

Manniville done a jail, still have pissed people, so go for a temple.

St. Petes done spy hut, go for a jail.

Pusan will start a courthouse.

Going to temporarily shunt EPs to Wang so we can revolt his two cities.

1824AD (422):

So Wang wastes time poisoning Seoul's water supply, lol.

Dialing up sci meth, as we don't feel like helping Churchill any.

1826AD (423):

Cause a revolt in Nampo...

2 cavs are enough to take out this dump...

Medina finishes an Observatory. Put it on a Tao missionary. I NOTICE NOW that someone blew up the rice (Wang). Gotta get workers there.

Damascus Confused missionary -> Missionary.

Basra done a spy hut, zomg Levee!!!

Aden done jail, go for Hindu Temple.

Manniville done a temple, still pissed. Whatever, dial a jail.

Nampo gets on a Madrassa.

1828AD (424):

Wang will live for one more turn due to not having troops at Hyangsan yet.

Kufah done a jail, still pissed. Dial for a Temple.

Yakutsk is finally done the Monastery! Well, forge first. This place can get a levee too, so that's a close second.

Well, damn looks like Churchill is teching Communism in 7...

So we do this trade to try and beat him...

6 turns to communism bleeding 281 gold a turn. Will have to go for wealth in some cities.

1830AD (425):

Well Churchill is a jerk, matching us 5 turns for Communism this turn. Going wealth in some cities and Research in others.

Medina, Damascus, and Narjan finished builds this turn, so get on Wealth. We switch Mecca to Research from IW... St. Petes puts the jail on hold for Wealth too. Other random cities going on wealth too.

Agent 17 dies, oh well... Cannot cause the revolt with the other spy, as not enough EP... Well, going in anyways...

1 cav withdraws, 1 dies... 3 cavs later, Korea dies.

City is burned. We win 4 workers which I will let Liq name...

lol, the tile is in our borders already thanks to Baghdad's uber culture. Will move all units in to save cash. Deficit down to -242...

BTW fixed Medina's rice, lol.

1832AD (426):

Let's see... Churchill got a GE... and looks like we will beat the bastard to Communism...

Aden done a temple and I note that we have oil here, lol. Dial the requisite spy hut here.

1834AD (427):

LOL. Churchill was in a GA and it seems I missed it, that's why he was close to us in tech. Well, no longer!

Baghdad done a spy hut, put out a jail.

Kyoto done an Observatory, going to slot in a drydock for uber ship production.

Market done in Khurasan, spy hut next.

Yaroslavl finished courts, saving us 8 gold. Dialing a lighthouse for this place.

1836AD (428):

Zzz... Going to finish the communism race, so Liq can concentrate on fixing stuff.

1838AD (429):


Hoover spawns in Kyoto.

Dropping to Suffrage and State Property...

Bio in 7 turns, running sci at 80%... but wealth is still running almost everywhere, so that will go up.

Seoul finished a granary and everything is uber cheap. Courts in 4.

Liq is up to fix the damage before passing it off so Grover can figure out how we'll win.


  • Boff-03 AD-1838.CivBeyondSwordSave
    353.8 KB · Views: 71
Good job, Silver.

What's the quickest way to win from here?

I'd like destroyers and transports before launching an invasion. Infantry and Pentagon would be nice, too.

Can we win without that? Can the AP vote plan be back on the table? It just takes open borders with SB and Monty now, right?
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