jesusin, contender. Goal: fastest diplo.
The plan:
Gold or diplo? GLH, great research, concentrate on happiness, choose VC later. Pyramids if I can, pass Oracle probably.
First 20 turns:
Warrior W, finds nothing. Settle in place, because of the high food and because it's a PH, although it is not perfect in number of cottages. Next turn Warrior see's a possible culture bridge W.
Research Fishing, start Worker. Change from Worker to WB when available. I thought about finishing the Worker, to mine the sheep. I would have gotten 2 more worker-turns and 1 more hammer, but 9 food less. And eveybody knows my inclination for food.
While building the WB I was carefully planning my MMing in order to get 0 overflow when the Worker finished, in order to maximize food. Bum! since the WB took 11 turns to build, the Worker had lost 1 hammer. Why does the game forget to change so many things from normal to Epic?
Worker built 1 turn late than possible.
Up to 1000BC:
Research: fishing-AH-mining-Myst-Sail-Writin-Masonry-Alphabet. Trade for Pott, BW and Hunt.
Production: WB-Worker-Warrior-Warrior-Settler(at pop3)- Warrior-Worker-Warrior-lh-Settler...
1.- In place
2.- Corn,pigs,stone, silk,horses. Great production city.
3.- River, FP,corn,pigs, later copper. GPFarm.
4.- Far SW, fish, clam, river, sea. Moai later on (was that any good?).
Huge decision point upon 3rd city settling. I wanted GLH and Pyramids. I wanted 2WB and a Warrior to explore. I wanted a Chariot for protection. I wanted a GS for my Academy. I wanted a couple of early settlers. And some workers to go with the settlers...
My decision was to forget about GLH and concentrate on Pyramids, but delaying them a bit to get a WB first, while the second city got a Chariot and a settler out.
Pyramids 1050BC. Beeline CoL. I wasn't to build a single cottage the whole game.
Cought budism, that Pacal and SB had too. Converted for happiness. Revolt to Representation+slavery.
1000BC stats: 4cities, 13pop. fhg=44, 20, 44. 29sust bpt, 250g.Stone, horses, 0happy, 4health. 3Wor, 6War,WB, Cha. 2Monu. 12cpt, 2GPPpt. 1WW,0NW,0GP. 13techs: Alpha, BW, Sail, Mason. 0/0 cottages. 0civs killed. 4.5hours.
Up to 500AD
Barb Galley kills my exploring WB before meeting Musa.
Revolt to Castes 500BC.
Failed Oracle by 11 turns, no wonder.
Built GLH in capital.
Pacal beats me to a barb city, so he is not confined to his peninsula.
Suleiman places a city in my continent, taking both sugar.
GS settled 260BC.
1AD stats:8cities, 38pop. fhg=110,63,169. 112sust bpt. 5Wor, 10units(Swo). horses, stone, Iron, copper. 2happy, 7health. 37cpt,4spt, 13GPPpt. 2WW,0NW,1GP,0GG. 26techs: Alpha, IW, MC, CoL, Lite. 2reli. 0/0 cottages used. 0 civs killed. 8hours.
Revolt to Bureaucracy.
Built GLib and NE and Moai.
Second pop is a GE at 67%.
Free GA from Music, becuase I was not ready with 6 libraries yet.
Fail to get Colossus.
Academy 400AD.
500AD: Education, use GA for GAge to revolt to slavery and OR to whip 6 Universities.
I've been noting carefully at how many relation points each AI went Pleased with me, in order to know when they will vote for me (5 relation points more needed).