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Bring back Cheat Mode!

Bring Cheat Mode back into the game?

  • Yes! Solid Feature that added to the overall experience for many players.

    Votes: 167 52.7%
  • No, don't bring it back.

    Votes: 150 47.3%

  • Total voters
Comrade Pedro said:
The argument is wrong for you...but it's right for other people. So who's got the reason? Basically nobody, because discussions aren't made for winning or losing, but to expose the two ideals.

Expose ideas in a discussion is one thing, having a reasonable ground in one's argument is another, all normal human being has common sense. Every one can have different opinion, but that does not mean every opinion is reasonable. There are just mindless opinion which does not has any reason behind to support it. i.e. the right for everyone to put forward their idea in this forum is equal, but that does not mean all arguments are equal, some simply has no reasoning, like yours.

Btw, the anti-cheat mode party has zero reasoning behind their argument. Do you sense that?
Even Hitler had arguments, so don't say that anti-cheat don't has....

Just because you think it is not reasonable, it don't means that it is, because this is an opinion, that's all.
Definately a mindless for you, or maybe for much of us, but still he was elected by his ideals in the past. So there's a proof that today one thing can be wrong, and tomorrow that same thing can be right...
Man, this is becoming downright ridiculous to embarassing extend... -_-
Let's make things clear: this is only a GAME!
if anyone want to cheat - he can use a trainer.

If you don't want to use cheats, THEN DON'T, DAMN IT! The cheats are an added feature to the game, and you can cheat just as much in the scenario editor by giving yourself a lot of advantages and the A.I. a lot of disadvantages. It is pretty freakin' simple, include a cheat mode and cheaters like myself can use it and purists like you others ones can not.
I beg all of you my apologies if i break the forum rules. Sorry if i onfended anyone.
If some one doesn't like cheats, the don't use them. Why impose your ideology on others who want to try out different situations in the game ASAP.
It seems there are a number of different personalities:

1) People who don't want cheats, broken down into
1A) People will not play with cheats even if they're in
1A1) These people don't want cheat mode to exist
1A2) These people do want cheat mode to exist
1A3) These people don't care if there is a cheat mode
1B) People who consider themselves 'weak' who want to play without cheats but know they can't resist the temptation if it's in

2) People who do want cheats, broken down into
2A) People want to cheat because they think it makes for a more fun game
2B) People want to cheat to more easily win
2C) People want to cheat to learn

If cheating is out, the people who do want it are unhappy and if it's in, the 'weak' people are unhappy. I'd say, throw it in and for the 1B) people: work on your will power, maybe Civanon can help :)
You've forgotten probably the largest group, and arguably the most important group, who want this mode besides perhaps those in 2A: those of us who interested in modding the game and looking for fast powerful methods of testing those modifications quickly and efficiently. I believe that is the major reason Firaxis has decided that this mode not only be back in, but be very easily accessible. They're basically sowing the fields for customization, and probably hoping to reap the benefits of that customization later on.

If Civ II is any good example (a game whose vanilla version was wonderfully moddable), then as long as the vanilla version of Civ IV is solid, I think they will indeed profit quite a lot from having this back in.
I'm a 2C usually when I get a game then 1A2/2B after I learn the game ok but all depending on my mood. When learning a game like this, I like to see all the units on the board to get used to them and test their attacks against other units. Helps me learn the units.

I'm a programmer and sometimes I get home and my brain's pretty well fried from work (like today). Sometimes, I just want to blow stuff up. Sometimes I just want to type "~god" and pull out your BFG2K and blow the crap out of something. I think the nukes will be nice for this. But if my brain isn't fried, I actually do enjoy the challenge and play sans-cheat. I don't think it removes anything from the games that I do not cheat in to have games that I do.

I see the reasoning for 1B, but find it ill informed and maybe a little selfish. There will be cheats anyways, might as well have them come from a legit place. Sometimes I'm a 1B and I've found myself buying the super-coffee regularly when I played TS1.

But 1A1's don't make sense. You're not going to use the feature but it will add enjoyment to others. That's just plain selfish. Maybe you could probably deal with just having them in a less noticable place than on the main menu. Maybe there could be a code people would have to type in that they would have to find on the Internet? "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A"? I think that would be ok by me. (And you wouldn't have to know about it.)

One thing I think everyone agreed on is no multi-player cheating (or at least everyone is "out loud"). Needless to say, I voted yes.
Never used cheat mode before, probs wont use it in civ4, i just like to watch the game unfold how it was made.
gah....Poeple are to goody, goody. As long as it can't be used in multiplayer and as long as people aren't being forced to use it what's the harm? Just another feature in the game no worse then tweaking your options before game start.
I mean there is going to be some perverse pleasure of taking on an uppity 1400 AD civilization with Navy SEALS, and marines backed by the Airforce. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Who cares its just a game.... And definetly agree as long as "its not used in multiplayer game" let people do what ever they want....
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