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BTS Beta 5


HoF Quattromaster
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Jan 1, 2005
While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.

[size=+1](*) Please read the >> HOF rules << BEFORE playing!

  • Victory Condition: Conquest (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Monarch
  • Starting Era: Ancient
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Map Type: Big and Small
  • Speed: Epic
  • Civ: Any
  • Opponents: Must include Inca (Huayna Capac)
  • Version: 3.03.001
  • Date: 11th to 24th October 2007
The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.
Is the new mod 3.13 mod available yet? Or can someone direct me what to do to join this gautlet?
Is the new mod 3.13 mod available yet? Or can someone direct me what to do to join this gautlet?

Unfortunately the 3.13 version of the mod isn't complete yet, though we are working on it. In order to play this game you need to be playing on the 3.03 version of BTS. Start a game using Custom Game and choose the settings that are required in the first post. Also make sure you have 'Locked Modified Assets' checked. Once you've completed your game submit it like a normal game and so long as the settings are correct, the game will automatically be submitted for this gauntlet.
Question about Random Events:

On the Rules page http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ4/rules.php it states


The following must be checked:

    * Lock Modified Assets (previously named "No Cheating")
    * No Random Events

Suggesting random events are illegal,

but on the BTS page http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ4/rules.php?show=beta it has


    * Choose Religion
    * No Random Events

Suggesting they are legal.

I went through some player logs from the last gauntlet and saw people receiving quests, so that leads me to believe random events are allowed, but I would prefer some confirmation before I invest time in this :)
but on the BTS page http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ4/rules.php?show=beta it has


    * Choose Religion
    * No Random Events

Suggesting they are legal.

I went through some player logs from the last gauntlet and saw people receiving quests, so that leads me to believe random events are allowed, but I would prefer some confirmation before I invest time in this :)

Random Events are legal and are optional. It's your choice if you want to use them.
so if you have the new patch you cant play this game
Just posted in the minor thread, and that post can be duplicated here.
Good thing we can still use 3.03.
I suppose when the 3.13 will be ready will go out of the Beta phase?
ok so once i get 3.03 i should be able to play this. am i right that you could only use 6 civs or does it have to be 8 or something.
am i right that you could only use 6 civs or does it have to be 8 or something.
From the hallf of fame rules/faq:

You may select who your opponents are. The selection must not include any leader multiple times, nor can you choose an AI leader identical to the one you're playing. The number of opponents per mapsize should be between (or equal to) the following Minimum/Maximum per map size: (will be the same for any game type).

Mapsize Minimum Maximum
Duel 1 2
Tiny 2 4
Small 4 7
Standard 6 10
Large 8 14
Huge 10 17
I was looking into trying this, however one of the rules turned me off. I don't understand the logic of making "no technology brokering" illegal. Yet turning off random events is optional when that has a tangible effect on game play. Having the tech brokering off really puts a leash on Mansa and other tech trade fanatics.


* Advanced Start
* No Technology Brokering
* Unrestricted Leaders

I assume that the limited selection of maps is a beta thing and it will expand with time?
I was looking into trying this, however one of the rules turned me off. I don't understand the logic of making "no technology brokering" illegal. Yet turning off random events is optional when that has a tangible effect on game play. Having the tech brokering off really puts a leash on Mansa and other tech trade fanatics.
That has been discussed in this thread. Rather than drag this thread off topic, why don't you read through that and reply over there if you have any questions.
I assume that the limited selection of maps is a beta thing and it will expand with time?
All of the maps legal for Vanilla and Warlords are also legal for BTS. As for the new ones with BTS, I think that list is probably complete at this point. There was a discussion thread around here somewhere on the maps, too. ;)
I'm seriously trying this gauntlet, mainly for 2 reasons:
- Back to my usual playing level after some 6 months (not counting the SGs)
- First warmongering game with BtS

Two things make me see there are differences:
1) it's correct that after a trading of any kind you can't DoW someone for the usual 10 turns?
2) how comes that after you razed a city a bunch of angry units appears?

help appreciated.
I'm seriously trying this gauntlet, mainly for 2 reasons:
- Back to my usual playing level after some 6 months (not counting the SGs)
- First warmongering game with BtS

Two things make me see there are differences:
1) it's correct that after a trading of any kind you can't DoW someone for the usual 10 turns?
2) how comes that after you razed a city a bunch of angry units appears?

help appreciated.

The angry units are a result of Random Events, i believe. Ether that or its native to BTS, and has a small percentage of happening when a city is razed. I've only had it happen to me once, and it was during gunpowder/rifleman era. One thing is for sure, it does make warmongering a bit harder and razing has more of a consequense for razing cities. (besides a worthless diplo penalty.)

Answering backwards, but you cant DOW with anyone if they or you give in to a demand for a resourse or tech. Any fair trade doesnt apply. (fair being both sides benefit by recieveing something, not fair as in balanced). I personaly call it the hitler rule.

Anyone who can correct my view on why this happens, please do. I've played a bunch of BTS, but its been almost 2 weeks since i played it due to the fact i can now submit vanilla HOF games.
Thanks for your answer.
So, you confirm the 10 turns.
Well it has some meaning, if you're weak, you can give what they ask for and be sure they don't attack 2 turns later.
But the angry units, always the best melee unit avaible(but i suppose the best GunP units when you'll reach that stage), start to appear in ancient times (i've seen axes).
If it's native of BtS, razing a city will be a serious problem.
If it derives by RE, a good reason to check the "No RE"
It just happened to me when a size 1 city autorazed, spawning 3 maces, no less.

More anwers needed.

Anyway this can be one more big difference between BtS and V/W.
Thanks for your answer.
So, you confirm the 10 turns.
Well it has some meaning, if you're weak, you can give what they ask for and be sure they don't attack 2 turns later.
But the angry units, always the best melee unit avaible(but i suppose the best GunP units when you'll reach that stage), start to appear in ancient times (i've seen axes).
If it's native of BtS, razing a city will be a serious problem.
If it derives by RE, a good reason to check the "No RE"
It just happened to me when a size 1 city autorazed, spawning 3 maces, no less.

More anwers needed.

Anyway this can be one more big difference between BtS and V/W.

What I can confirm is, that if you demand tribute, you cannot attack immediately - you have to wait 10 turns. Standard tech-trade doesn't prevent you from attacking. What I assume is, that trading for resources triggers the 10 turn penalty too.
Ditto on the DoW after a one-sided 'trade' - I used to demand all an AI's gold and his map just before I declared on him with the intent to eliminate him. This prevents that, now.

I wonder if you can gift an AI 10gp every 9 turns to prevent them from ever attacking you? :mischief: I'm guessing not, that it's only demands, not gifts.

And the razing-creating-local-militia seems to be a Random Event - my first few BtS games I got that all the time, but since I cut over to HoF rules and unchecked RE, I haven't seen it at all.
I'm now playing a game with RE turned OFF, razed a nice number of cities in classical to the renaissance era, and never happens.

Pity, my previous game was with RE on and was goin' better, but the resistance spawning occured each time i razed a city, or this autorazed was unsusteinable.

Thus i think it's tied to the RE, but has to be confirmed.
you are probably talking about this random event:
	Prereq: Emancipation civic AND one of your cities was razed
	Obsolete: None
	Active/Weight: 35/0
1.a number of drafted units (equal to city's culture level -1) spawn at the city site
2.half that number of drafted units spawn in the capital
as long as your opponent is in emancipation it will occur always once it occurred once...
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