BTS Elite pitboss III: Idea thread.

60% increase in tech cost from 2 leaders and 50% increase from gamespeed so about 140% increase in total if it is epic. There is also the fact that it cost more to produce units as well...
I don't think epic or marathon speed are a good idea for a pitboss game.

Assuming we do 10 turns a week, it will take 2-3 weeks to build the first worker!

Also these speeds favor early warfare, so in a map with close starts (7 or more opponents on normal size), people would be forced to build at least 2-3 warriors and then archers before worker as otherwise they would risk elimination.

So we are talking very slow growth rate but possible early eliminations.
And if random events are again on... then extra eliminations from the barb archers event are again possible (like mine in FCCP).
I'm interested in joining this kind of game. Might give a new kind of experience.

What about the map? Would anyone be interested in trying a Fantasy map? I was once in a pitboss game that used Fantacy map and it turned out quite fascinating and challeging. In that map resources are located in strange spots and many strategic resources are really scarce. Far from balanced, but interesting.
Good points. I will keep game speed at normal.
I don't think epic or marathon speed are a good idea for a pitboss game.

Assuming we do 10 turns a week, it will take 2-3 weeks to build the first worker!

Also these speeds favor early warfare, so in a map with close starts (7 or more opponents on normal size), people would be forced to build at least 2-3 warriors and then archers before worker as otherwise they would risk elimination.

So we are talking very slow growth rate but possible early eliminations.
And if random events are again on... then extra eliminations from the barb archers event are again possible (like mine in FCCP).

I hope an attempt would be made to get an initial online session. Some of us are comfortable at the slower speeds and like it :) Once you have a few cities and units the pace is OK.

I think close starts in general are bad. They boost up the luck a lot, in lots of ways. And far more than the bad early events although that barbarian uprising is especially nasty.

Oyzar - on the Highlands map there is no tech trading. Which was bad news for me as I did not realise until alphabet was almost researched :eek:
Tech trading shapes the game ALOT.. Knowing if it is available at game start is kinda crucial... In bts you can always use it for espionage anyways though... Close start just focus on a different set of skills and luck isn't actually a bad thing as if there wasn't for luck the same people would win every time....
I am not against luck....The only thing which I am against is barbarian uprising events and these can be excluded by turning barbs off.

At the FCCP game I went warrior, worker, warrior, warrior... 1 turn before the 3rd warrior was finished I get 4 barb archers show up at my border it took them 3 turns to reach the capital and I had no time to build a 4th warrior. Capital dead!!!!
The only way I could have saved this is if I had gone archery first but even then I am not sure I would be able to get an archer out in time.
Yeah the barb events are so unfun...
Yeah. There really should be some way to just turn that event off. It can be completely unbalancing. Even in SP it can be a killer or knock you back so far it completely changes the game.

In FCCCP I also got it, but after you. At first I tried to stop the Axemen but they killed the Chariots I sent against them. Then they marched through my territory without even looting a single square and went off to attack one of my neighbours :p
The axes event comes later and is somewhat easier to handle. it is the archers event that is a killer.

In the new 3.13 HOF mod they have excluded the archers event but left the axes one I believe.

They also exluded some civilization specific events, like the bad one for Montezuma and the good one for the French.

But I don't think the HOF mod can be used for multiplayer....
Any mod can be used for multiplayer..
Hmm maybe you are right :p
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