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BTS-Pitboss Sunday gaming sessions

Doing tech trading in real time is going to slow things down(in gameplay time) and speed things up(in game speed) and facilitate for prearanged alliances(especially with that map...) as well as allow for AI abuse...
ok expected settings will be

no techtrading
epic speed
huge earth map
city flipping after conquest
barbs on
no goodie huts

I'm certainly interested in some multiplayer sunday fun... I should be available most of sunday to play as much as we want.

I'm inexperienced when it comes to multiplayer though, what kind of compatibility issues are we looking at here? I use BtS 3.13 with the BUG mod...
I'm assuming we'd be using at least patch 3.17, which is the latest patch. Regardless, we all have to be using the same patch, and can't have different mods (or lack thereof) running. Personally, I'd prefer avoiding mods, but that's just me. ;)

city flipping after conquest
I would prefer we didn't have this setting on, as it gives the defender too much of an intrinsic advantage. The default setting is off, so I suggest we keep it that way. :)
Hello again,

first off i won't be starting a game anytime soon because..
- i have grown rather tired of the standard game and have decided to have a look at modding.. So i will try to make/modify a mod suitable for a super earth realistic multiplayer! who knows how long it will take or even if it will happen at all. i will keep you posted..

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