
Zebra 9

May 17, 2006
Middle of Cyberspace

Version: 0.1
Type: Python MOD COMP
Compatability: BtS
MP: Should be
File DB Entry: Download Here

A little christmas something. :D
This MOD COMP allows MODers to restrict the movement of certain units to roads and railroads. I had tried this with warlords but it didn't work for the AI, this has been changed in BtS.
It uses an INI file for configuration, this file has comments to help you understand what it does. But here is an example.
[UNIT_WARRIOR]    ;We want to work with the warrior unit
ROUTE_ROAD = True    ;the warrior is only allowed to move along roads

[UNITCLASS_ARCHER]    ;we want to work with the archer unit class
ROUTE_RAILROAD = True    ;the archer unit class can only move along roads and railroads
Awsome - something like this i need in 1939 :)
The download was apparently eaten by the database loss... :(

Reupload, please?

Cheers, LT.
Heehe, I just finished a SDK mod like this and was searching for some new Routes graphics and happened across this thread. You really pump out the mods Zebra 9. Your like a little TheLopez Jr. of Python mods. :cool:
Hi Mr.Zebra!

I am not being able to make your zResource Promotions Mod worth. It simply doesn´t produce any effect in game (I mean BtS 3.13). Any suggetion?
I am not sure, what I did wrong... I installed zRoutes once ago on and it worked well, after some problems... Now I reinstalled it on a new computer, and nothing is working anymore. It seems to deactivate some screens, I can not open my civilopedia anymore, and when I start a game, the screens around the monitor are not shown. What is going wrong? Is there any problem to put this in an existing mod? What would I have to change in your / my files to make it work together?
Do you have other python code that could be interfering? Did you put it in the correct directory? Did you change the Call Backs XML file? Did you do the INI file correctly?
I think i put python in the correct folder, and there should not be any interferring python elements (at the moment I wrote the last reply. Now I am not sure). But I am not sure if I did the INI correctly.
The point is, that it worked once in a mod, but when I changed the computer, it did not work any longer. The second possibility is that I copied it from my "workshop" mod in my "playing" mod and did not change anything within the files.
Okay, I changed the Name in the CvModName.py, but it still does not work. I attached a screenshot of what happened in the game, the other problem is, that I can not open the civilopedia in the main menu anymore, as long as your mod is working. So, what did I do wrong?
WIll I have to change something in the ini?


  • Screenshot using zroutes.JPG
    Screenshot using zroutes.JPG
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