[BTS] Realism Invictus - Need advice on my bad gameplay


Jul 23, 2022
Hello everyone,

I tried some RI games but I always end up at some points which i don't know how to react to the current situation. (I'm new at CIV 4)
I did read some guide in here but somehow i don't know to apply it.

Game setting
Mod: Realism Invictus - stable version
Nation: German
Leader: Hitler
Difficutly: Noble
save file is attached

My current situation: I can't finish the AI capital, please help
I'm on a continent with another AI. We had a long long long *ss war, i captured all his cities except his capital.

1. Any strategy to finish his capital?
Enemy: Aburk Bar II (seafarer, hummanist).
My current strategy is:
- His ship is monster, I tried to tech up to Sailing but my ship still can't beat him, so i gave up on sea warfar
- 1 stack cuts off his copper (resource for mele troop) supply and defend on the nearby hill,
- 1 stack cuts off his farm and defend in the nearby forest
- my plan: send another stack to cut off his iron (resource for mele troop) and timber (fast ship building) supplies. Then i will make a final push with all I have
Beside of that, I have no idea to penetrate his capital, It looks like his troop is better than me, and his ship is ever stronger. The war cost so much on my research and money

2. Any strategy to specialize my current cities?
I don't know how to specialize my cities. So i end up with a bunch of stuff all over every cities and my workers are uasually on their holiday.

3. Any advice on other aspect of the game?


  • German-Hitler p4.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Adding the the war map arround AI capital


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1) You have a substantial tech lag. It's pretty much impossible to take that city without Bombards and Lehnsmanns. My advice is to fall back, beeline to Gunpowder tech then try again with siege weapons. Even after full bombardment you'll need at least 2:1 direct city attackers compared to a number of defenders. Pay attention to aid bonuses. You'll need as many AID III bonuses as possible.

Since your enemy is seafarer you need a huge naval advantage to fight him on sea. I'd say at least 2:1 or even 3:1 number of similar strength ships.

2) Your city placement is fine except Leipzig:sad: (exactly two tiles down would be perfect). You generated at least 2 Great Prophets and put them in Hamburg though you could make two Great Buildings of your religion: The Church of Nativity and Mont St. Michel.

Generally the main idea is to maximize commerce:commerce:. Since you have no foreign trade routes make as many cottages as you can. For example, transform all grassland hill mines into cottages. I usually don't specialize my cities except two: the most food heavy city becomes a science city (full of scientist specialists) and a city with most production becomes a military city with Heroic Epic. You also for some reason haven't researched Drama though you have dye for theaters.
Promoted longbows on a hilltop are always problematic - you have no spearmen so your armies are vulnerable to cavalry attacks in the open field and you cannot move by sea on account of the superior enemy ships...

You will have trouble just getting your artillery in position - even after you build it.

Make peace and focus on developing your economy untill gain at least tech parity seems good advice here :)
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However I have quoted your message to the R:I forum.
Thank you, I will take a look into this forum

1) You have a substantial tech lag. It's pretty much impossible to take that city without Bombards and Lehnsmanns. My advice is to fall back, beeline to Gunpowder tech then try again with siege weapons. Even after full bombardment you'll need at least 2:1 direct city attackers compared to a number of defenders. Pay attention to aid bonuses. You'll need as many AID III bonuses as possible.
Since your enemy is seafarer you need a huge naval advantage to fight him on sea. I'd say at least 2:1 or even 3:1 number of similar strength ships.
I will fall back and do the land attack later as you and Snowygerry recommendation

2) Your city placement is fine except Leipzig:sad: (exactly two tiles down would be perfect). You generated at least 2 Great Prophets and put them in Hamburg though you could make two Great Buildings of your religion: The Church of Nativity and Mont St. Michel.
Lol, i get the your point about Leipzig now XD.
About the great person, don't know when we should save them for building or immediately integrate them to the city. Can you give me some advide or example?

Generally the main idea is to maximize commerce:commerce:. Since you have no foreign trade routes make as many cottages as you can. For example, transform all grassland hill mines into cottages. I usually don't specialize my cities except two: the most food heavy city becomes a science city (full of scientist specialists) and a city with most production becomes a military city with Heroic Epic. You also for some reason haven't researched Drama though you have dye for theaters.
I will do it as your advice
How about another type specialist? I have no idea about when and how we should do merchant/engineer/artist/priest specialist city.

Promoted longbows on a hilltop are always problematic - you have no spearmen so your armies are vulnerable to cavalry attacks in the open field and you cannot move by sea on account of the superior enemy ships...
I don't get it. Why do we need spearmen in here? doesn't archer/crossbow is better for hill defending? pardon me, I'm still new in CIV4
About the great person, don't know when we should save them for building or immediately integrate them to the city. Can you give me some advide or example?
If you found any religion there are always two special buildings that can only be built by Great Prophets. After that put Great Prophets in a city or use for golden ages. Most great people buildings are very good so I advise prioritizing making special buildings over putting in a city.

How about another type specialist? I have no idea about when and how we should do merchant/engineer/artist/priest specialist city.
Well, you generate Great People that you need. Prophets for the buildings discussed above, Artists when you need to contest with foreign culture, Merchants to keep a healthy science percentage, Engineers to hurry important wonders. However, your main specialist to generate is in my opinion Great Scientist. I usually generate 20-30 Great Scientists during a long game. In the late game I also create a specialized Great Spy city however it's not essential.
Having said all of that I value commerce higher: if you have surplus food prioritize cottages not specialists.

I don't get it. Why do we need spearmen in here? doesn't archer/crossbow is better for hill defending? pardon me, I'm still new in CIV4
You need Landsknechts to protect your army against charge mounted units. Tuareg Camel Riders are strong and have several upgrades. And AI will definitely attack your army with them.


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I don't get it. Why do we need spearmen in here? doesn't archer/crossbow is better for hill defending? pardon me, I'm still new in CIV4
Yes Civ 4 and RI especially uses a rock/paper/scissors relation for units - this means that, all other things being equal, one type of unit will always beat some other type.

Spear- or pike men are the anti-cavalry type - they get 100% bonus for defending against 'charge mounted cavalry', another type, they should be included in all armies that intend to move, just their presence will usually be enough to dissuade the enemy from attacking.

Crossbows can support them against horse archers but I wouldn't use more than 1 in a stack. But to attack a well-defended citadel like this one you will need artillery and units with double or triple the 'city raider' promotion, in this case likely grenadiers.

From memory - those enemy longbows in addition to having higher basic strength than any unit of yours, get boni from being fortified in a city, behind a wall and a river, on a hill with the applicable promotions, and well-supported by cavalry and archers - you're not getting in there without gunpowder imho, their basic 8 strength may well be closer to 24 in an actual battle :)
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