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BTS requires admin privileges to run under Vista?

I found another workaround for Vista. I just remembered using the Windows program gpedit.msc to set a few things for the Bit-Locker drive encryption. gpedit has something to do with the UAC. It is really hard to describe since I am using the German version of Vista, so I just added a screenshot of my desktop and you can see where I changed things (the symbols should still be the same). At a certain point in this progress the program is telling you to create something new, which you have to do in order to have all the options.
I know this is a real vague discribtion, but I am using the German version and so I have no idea what the right expressions are :(

About the sound device bug. That is also a problem caused by Vista. Vista is by default installing it's own audio software/driver whatever. You can read about this here. Why do you think Sound Blaster User have been so mad at Vista (and there is another irony, since BTS is supposed to sound best on X-Fi Soundblasters ;) )?
Anyway, just install the driver for your soundcard and the problem should be solved (at least that worked for me)


  • BTS - Workaround.jpg
    BTS - Workaround.jpg
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The 303 patch has fixed the Vista UAC issue. Some other things (pedia crashes, graphic glitches) may make you think twice about installing the new patch, but the UAC issue has been cleared up.
Not on my Vista, it hasn't...


Ok I downloaded the English pack for Vista to give you a good describtion on what I thought might be a sollution. Unfortunately Microsofts Patch Day must have been recently, which is why I can't reproduce what I did some days ago. I mean I can still do all the same settings, but the UAC still pops up as it usually does :mad:
The 303 patch did nothing for the UAC issue. I installed it the moment it came out but all it had was graphical stuff which I had no problems with anyway.
I've tried to do the regedit thing you described too Galatian, but I cannot get that to work either.
I guess it's just waiting for the right patch or just pressing an extra ok every time we play BTS.
I haven't tried the 3.03 patch. I'll have a go this evening.

I find it worse than just clicking the extra "Ok". My standard user is just that, a standard user... so escalating to super user means that all my save games get stored in the wrong user's documents folder. It is quite the pain, especially since I play in several play-by-email games and therefore need to transfer save game files around the place.
I was going to set myself up as a standard user on my computer, but having fumbled around a lot of strange things in Vista I've chosen to remain administrator with UAC warnings on. Sadly this still means that I'll be clicking that button for BTS. I hope you have more luck with 303 than me.
I am pleased to say that the patch has fixed the permissions issues for me.

The patch changelog did mention "Microsoft Fix for Manifest Requirements". The manifest is a part of a program that can request admin privileges, as I recall from my reading up on UAC earlier on in this thread.

So my guess would be that they made it stop requesting rights it doesn't really need. It's certainly worked for me!
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