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[BtS] Star Trek Mod

i downloaded this mod and all i get is PINK everything is pink

i have latest version and updates (im playing other recent mods)

anyone know what i did wrong ?
i reinstalled and now i CTD when i choose wich race i want.................
i think so

drop everything in the mod folder and the assets folder
i even download that moo mod and it works (well its a .exe self installer so it helps :p )

guess ill try a third time
ok still same problem now but if i choose random it starts loading and then CTD this is going the play now option
well i tried everything i can think of so unless u get a .exe to autoinstall i guess i wont be trying this mod :(
well i figured it out finally my assets folder didnt override the old one it installed itself inside the assets folder............

sorry for my lameness :p

now to dominate with the klingons
Hey i tried out this mod, it was a bit confusing but managed to start a game called star trek galaxy... it was what i wanted, i started at earth at the beginning of tech tree with no contact. It was fun for the first 20 turns, but as i made contact and expanded each turn was taking far too long.

By time i stopped playing.. after maybe an hour? each turn was taking over a minute.

What can i do to speed those up? I dont imagine adjusting graphics would do much as i assume the slow down is due to so many AIs... is there a way to reduce the AI?

I have a Q6600 stock speed, 4 gig ram, 8800GT.

thanks for any tips, after playing final frontier, this was awesome to try...
The galaxy map is a large map that I think is using an older, slower version of the mod mod. Star trek 4.0 beta is VERY fast, but I don't think any of the scenarios or maps are using 4.0, only the epic game.
how do i get into the epic game? maybe i installed mod wrong, there were so many choices i didnt know which one to pick. I just want straight ST, no specific scenarios...
how do i get into the epic game? maybe i installed mod wrong, there were so many choices i didnt know which one to pick. I just want straight ST, no specific scenarios...

Play "Star Trek", not "ST Galaxy" to play the epic game.
Hey played ST last night for many hours. That was a lot better. It ran smoother, still long between turns but not as bad. I was cleaning room while waiting lol.

I think im going to try again on smaller map with way higher difficulty. As i was playing 3 of the AI had pretty high scores, higher than mine for a while. By time i quit, scores were like 1400 (me) 1000,900, 700, 500, 400, 400, 300, etc.. it fell off pretty quick.

How the AI does is so dependant on starting planet. the poor Terrens must have had a planet with no food. Because by end game, their capital city still only had 2 people! lol. I guess i can manage on a planet like that but the AI can't maybe.

I enjoyed the tech tree. And got to go to war with Slar ... the lizard guy... crushed him good.

I do wish there was a sort of road sooner in game though. I guess it doesnt fit with lore... but some sort of subspace enhanced travel would of been nice to get warships between planets lol.

Great job guys
How do I colonise planets? I have colony ships but no option when in a new system to try and colonise planets, at least that I can see? Do I need to terraform with constructor ships or something else?

BTW, I think the music accompaniment to this game is the about best I have ever come across! ;)

Live long and prosper.
Many, many, many thanks, deanej!

It is so obvious now. ;)

Glorious mod, glorious soundtrack! And it works without any tweaking in MS Seven! Which is more than can be said for some BTS mods!

Live long and prosper.
I am just exploring this Civ IV MOD of my favourite Sci-fi series with great pleasure, many thanks, deanej. Now I have worked out how to colonise!:)

It is a mystery to me that over the years the ST franchise has produced so many tactical games but no Civilization-like successor to Birth of the Federation. Well, you are supplying the gap, many thanks!

The one thing for which I particularly want to praise you again is your sound-track, the music and sfx; about the best I have heard anywhere not just for a MOD but for an independent game! Really gives the game atmosphere - much needed in the cold vacuum of space! Well done, and

Live long and prosper.
I am currently playing the 3.25 version of the Star Trek mod. I have noticed two things that might need to be changed. They may have already been added to the 4.0 changelist.

1. Global Warming (Still happens in the mod)
2. Scimitar with Blitz

The Scimitar can bombard while cloaked multiple times with blitz. 3 or 4 ships like this can easily destroy a stack of 5 or 10 Borg Cubes. A Romulan city led by Neral (aggresive) only needs 10 XP to give every new Scimitar Blitz. This seems a little ridiculous.

Other than that, the mod is amazing.
I am a Trekkie and a Civilization IV fan. It's awesome to have the possibility of playing in two fantastic worlds.

Of what I saw, your mod is very complete and enough beautiful graphically. If I could play, I'll happy. Hmmmph... yeah...I have a problem with the mod. I tried DS9 (my favorite show). Until the third or four season, no concern. But more I go in the game, slower is my computer. To pass a turn, I must wait 3 minutes and sometimes, it shut down... It's so long. I don't understand why it failed whereas I can play Starcraft 2 without problem.

My computer's specs :
Intel Core 2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13 GHZ
2 Gb ram
Nvidia Geforce 7600 GT

I'm so sad ... Your mod justified me to play.

Can you forgive my grammar faults? English isn't my mother tongue...Thank you, good evening
Final Frontier mod for Civ IV is a major resource hog and taxes any system heavily. Once Star Trek 4.0 is fully released and all the mods are updated, DS9 should move much faster, but with your system you'll probably still have some issues, but it should be much better.
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