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[BtS] Star Trek Mod

Cool. I was going to say that I had a peobpem where after I got the cloak tech every unit could cloak without cost.
It seems my problem still exists; each time I research cloaking devices, I gain the ability to cloak every unit unless the 'bcannotcloak' is flagged. I tried a 'clean install' of 3.0 and then patched up to 3.23, but the issue still exists. I don't have all my game discs available at the moment, but I was going to try a complete reinstall of Civ 4. I have tried modding the cloaking promotion in the units folder, but none of the changes show up in game. Any tips, or should I just try and clean install?
Cool. If I want to mod the file to require promo and/or cost, which file do I mod? I tried the promotions file and that had no effect.

Thank you so much.
Cool. So far so good. Thank you for the help. I need to read on python, the last programming I learned was FORTRAN...
Eugenics War CTD while loading in 323, but works fine without the patch. The rest of the patch works fine.

ETA: I'm running Blue Marble as well, but I doubt that should affect version 323.
That's really odd. Works OK on my end.

I'm going to try redownloading 3.0 and try to patch that version. The one I was previously using was 3.0 cobbled on top of 2.x, so that may be a part of it. I just wish I had kept a copy of 3.0 rather than have to re-dl 600 MB.

Edited: Just reinstalled clean from 3.00 to 3.23, and still CTD for Eugenics Wars.
deanej, I want to say thank you very much for making this mod available on filefront. I downloaded the mod about a week ago, and I love it. I just have one question, though. To move through the Bajoran wormhole in the DS9 scenario, do you need to control Bajor - where they have a wonder built called Bajoran wormhole? Or does it open later as the result of a random event similar to the Maquis rebellion?

(Side note: The Maquis rebellion was about as far as I've gotten playing that scenario as yet.)
You don't move through it. It's graphical only. Even the Dominion units that "come through" spawn on a different tile (as I wasn't sure what would happen if they suddenly appeared on a Federation tile). I don't know how to teach the AI to use the wormhole, and the map would need to be twice as big as it is now to have a meaningful Gamma Quadrant.
That's a little sad. :( I wanted to go through and pillage and plunder the barbs.

;) Just playing. It's great.

If you want working wormholes in DS9, download my Wormholes modmod- it does this.

What happens is that the Dominion ships appear inside Federation territory, but all they can do is move out of Federation territory (they can't move anywhere else in the territory). So for instance I was able to send some Dominion ships through to take out the Tzenkethi.

The AI doesn't use it, though, but for DS9 it would be easy to write some kind of Python script to move all newly-built Dominion units to the wormhole (since the Dominion doesn't have to worry about attackers coming the other way).
First off, let me just say that this mod has reinvigorated my love of CIV. There's nothing like having a fleet of Enterprises and Reliants blasting away at Klingon battle cruisers with themes from ST:TWOK playing in the background to really make a nerd such as myself wet his pants!

I was reading in a thread, not sure if it was this one, about some issues with ship upgrading. I'm of the school of thought that you should be able to keep the older ships in your fleet relevant as time progresses. In typical Trek fashion, this is done with refits. The game as it is has upgrades, and not refits, which to me is analogous to scrapping the old ship for credits, and just buying a new one at a "reduced" cost. Of course, when you've got 20 Light I star ships, upgrading them all to Light III can be pretty darned expensive. Maybe a Star Base could be a way to cheapen the upgrade/refit. So instead of spending ,say 300 credits for an instantaneous upgrade, you could park your ships in a Star Base and make a trade off between time and credits. So you could upgrade for 150 credits and 4 turns, for example. Perhaps you could even be given a range of combinations of turns and credits for the upgrade. I have no idea if the coding for that is even possible or feasible.

Anyway, sorry for the long winded reply. Again, great job :goodjob: on the mod. I dare say I may never play vanilla Civ again.
This mod* is a total conversion of Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword to Star Trek. You can play as one of 25 Star Trek civilizations, starting with a "city" and a deep space probe and are tasked with building a civilization to stand the test of time. Like the Final Frontier scenario for BtS, there are space features such as black holes, asteroids, and solar systems. Unlike Final Frontier, concepts such as Great People, unique units, etc. are back in the game**. This mod also has scenarios such as Deep Space Nine and Xindi Attack that let you play out specific events in the Star Trek universe.

*This is actually a mod-mod of the Final Frontier scenario. But is has its own mod-mods, so let's just call it a mod to keep things simple, OK?

**Corporations and random events are not in the game.

Requires the Beyond the Sword expansion pack (windows version) with 3.19 patch and the game language set to English.

Updated 05/31/10

Full Install (version 3.0)

3.25 Patch (requires 3.0 installed)

View the forum for this mod.

I must be dense, but I cannot figure out the Xindi Attack senerio. What am I supposed to do as the enterprise? I can't capture stars, I'm outguned? Help please.
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