[BtS] Star Trek Mod

They are supposed to NOT be in My Games. BtS is probably installed in C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization IV\Beyond the Sword or something similar (the installer should find it). THAT is where the mod needs to be installed to. The loading for mods installed in My Games doesn't work correctly for themes; mods that don't alter the theme can go in either. The Star Trek mods should end up in the folder that contains the mods that came with BtS (Afterworld, Final Frontier, etc.).
A couple quick things I learned during early play. I played two games: Probably the first game every new person plays (Borg), followed by my favorite, underappreciated race in the series (Krenim).

First of all, the very fact that I could play as the Krenim was awesome (seriously, they showed up in one two-part episode and get a race spot? That's awesome). That being said, I noticed that they were... well, EXTREMELY strong. I found myself blasting through the tech tree, researching most technologies within 3 turns each, thanks to the Krenim research-emphasized unique buildings. This in itself wouldn't be a problem, except that during this time, I didn't actually do any colonization. I was more interested in seeing how quickly I could go through the tech tree than doing any sort of colonial expansion... but when I ran into my first race, I was pretty far ahead of him.

Take this with a grain of salt, though. As I said, my only two games were a Krenim and a Borg game. So aside from comparing the Krenim to the AI, my only other comparison is between the Krenim and a race that doesn't research. :p

Okay, now for thing #2. Now, this isn't a problem or anything... just more of a question. When looking through the races, there were two races in particular which I was looking to play. The first was the Borg. The second? Well, long story short, I was kind of surprised to find that Species 8472 doesn't make a guest appearance in the mod, considering both their iconic role as the menace to the Borg and in their great number of appearances throughout the Voyager series. I will grant that since Species 8472 didn't exist in normal space, it would be difficult to construct them in the game (my best solution would be either custom space stations or construction ships which would serve as the major economic and production base of the empire). But that's all side speculation, so I'll leave that to you to determine on the feasibility level.

Anyway, long story short, the mod is awesome! I'm having way too much fun! Thanks!
Mind creating second alternate download?

The main download is as you already reported having file errors.
The alternate require email address in order to download. I posted my two email addresses on two separate occassions. No responses with a link to download your file.

So please create second alt without email address requirement, if you can.
Question: In the Star Trek Galaxy scenario, are the Borg supposed to only be able to build probes? Considering they can only gain technology from conquest, it seems insane to make it so they are mainly left with probes. Is there a quick fix I can do myself to give the Borg at least warp-capable ships, or was the scenario meant to require the Borg to hunt down a warp drive first?

@os79 I was using a hotmail, and the response ended up going in my spam folder. Did you check that? Just throwing the thought out. :p
@Adam Smith

No such luck for me sadly.

So, Deanej, will you set up a new alt or wait for the main download website to work out first?
@Adam Smith: You should be able to build a lot more than probes! Looks like I forgot to add the tech declarations for them to the worldbuildersave.

@os79: Unfortunately you caught me right before lunch and most of my classes. I've had another download up for three hours now, but I've only been able to update the link right as I'm posting this.

If anyone can look into the barb-on intermittent CTD it would be appreciated. At the very least, could you guys post a save from right before one occurs?
Deanej, I would gladly post, but sadly my game is highly modified, but when I have the chance I'll check the asserts.

I remember having the CTD issue with either 2.xx or 3.xx and the only way I 'fixed' it was to play without barbarians, which I actually prefer so I can just add more civs and make the map crowded that way.
With the 2.xx and the 3.xx I was playing without mods, but I do concede I could be at fault... =).
@os79: Unfortunately you caught me right before lunch and most of my classes. I've had another download up for three hours now, but I've only been able to update the link right as I'm posting this.

Where is the second alternate download? I still only see two downloads: main one that give file error and the first alternate that requires email address...
Oh, thank you.

If I play this mod, I won't have Barbarians on because I dislike the concept of barbarians unless they can grow into full civs. So if I'm to report anything, it won't be related to barbarians.
Actually, one very slight change request. I know that the planet name orders are based on the relative importance of those planets. The Krenim only really mention a couple planets. Kyana Prime was mentioned as Annorax's home planet. When the Krenim Weaponship's first displayed temporal incursion gained a 98% restoration of the Krenim Imperium (a huge empire by their standards, encompassing thousands of planets), Annorax next asked if the Kyana Prime colony (his home colony) was restored. Kyana Prime wasn't restored because "the Krenim Imperium doesn't expand that far" in the new timeline. Kyana, far from being a nearby colony, should instead be much later in the list of planet names, because it was an outer border colony in the timeline.

This isn't an important change... mainly cosmetic. Know how I could change that in the mod?
I highly recommend a clean install of Star Trek. I deleted a couple files between 3.25 and 4.00, and unfortunately I don't remember which files so I can't tell you how much of a difference it would make (I think it's minor, though).

I'll be releasing a patch soon that will move Kyana Prime to the bottom of the Krenim city list, blocks the barbs from having probes, and gives the Borg the technologies they're supposed to start with in The Galaxy.
Oh, one other tiny question. I found it slightly odd how the Borg began with Total Logic. Granted, it is logical that their ideology abandons individualism in favor of collectivism. However, in the game, Total Logic benefits planets with a research bonus. Since the Borg can't research, this discourages players from spreading their bonus. Oddly enough, I find myself focusing more on conquering a Klingon planet and spreading Honor Code (+2 experience is infinitely more useful than +2 research normally. Once you factor in that the Borg can't research, and must win fights in order to develop technology, and experience is more of a research bonus than research).

Was this intended? I realize that these additional bonuses occur regardless of the state religion. That being said, it feels sort of weird when I find it more tactically useful in the long term to have the Borg, a collective, actively encourage Honor Code, an individually focused ideology.
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