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[BtS-WoC] World of Civilization - Modding Standard

I know, i was in contact with Roger... I just asked if there's an easy fix for the population limit. Every time my cities grow to population 7, an immigrant unit is created and lowers the population by 1... very annoying!

Hi Lerinor hows school been? On the latest svn for immigrants it is reworked. You can download that and plug it in. Just make sure the schema files are the same. As the current svn version has had some schema updates.
Sorry as Ta said in other thread audio sounds cannot be made modular. That said, it is not too difficult to add the needed sounds to the xml. Critical thing is to make sure the path is correct of whatever sound you are adding. There is examples for Gorilla and Elephants in Animals. The Recon Hawk in recon units. Also for Leaderheads in Civilizations. Also if someone needs help on this just contact me by pm.
Sorry as Ta said in other thread audio sounds cannot be made modular. That said, it is not too difficult to add the needed sounds to the xml. Critical thing is to make sure the path is correct of whatever sound you are adding. There is examples for Gorilla and Elephants in Animals. The Recon Hawk in recon units. Also for Leaderheads in Civilizations. Also if someone needs help on this just contact me by pm.

I've always believed, if you can dream it, you can make it become reality. Yes, you can add the XML sound entries in the traditional way relatively easy. But, as I said before, that totally defeats the purpose of why we want use WOC. Every WoC module should be separate and "completely self contained", so that adding a new unit, a new building, a new religion, etc; is a simple copy and paste operation. Ever heard of the "Keep It Simple Stupid" (KISS) principle? The goal of WoC is to elliminate the combining of different Mod entries into one XML file, not add more complexity and unnecessary additional work to the mod.

I envision a day when we have an entire list of completely self contained custom units, buildings, religions, wonders, etc; to download in WoC format and all I have to do, as ordinary user, is to copy any one or more the Mods into one specific folder. There will be no XML to modify the 25 units I want to add to the game. The way it is now, I have to add 50 or more different audio entries to make these respective 25 units work. I may know how to do it, but that does not make it right. That leaves the WoC project unfinished. It's time to work around the roadblock Exe file.

Bottom Line: We need a work around for the audio problem and we need it now. If we can't get Firaxis to fix the EXE file now, than let someone create another file that can fix the problem in the interim. This is a challenge to our best and brightest developers out there. Let's finish the job and make the dream of WoC a reality.


Orion Veteran :cool:
Hi Lerinor hows school been? On the latest svn for immigrants it is reworked. You can download that and plug it in. Just make sure the schema files are the same. As the current svn version has had some schema updates.

It's good... hard, but good!

I'll update the whole folder, and look for it. Should I uninstall the whole woc 1.2 and reinstall it with the exe on the snv? Or just look for a patch, or something?

Thanks for the reply Roger...
if your getting it from the svn there has been many changes i am currently testing a complete game from the latest svn. Using the regular dll. Still getting some persistent asserts though, none effect game play or crashes. Also in WoC/Workshop there is a woc 1.30 rar file thats about a month old but it is setup correctly, perhaps that would be easier for you. https://worldofciv.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/worldofciv/Workshop/Woc/1.30.7z
I've been away for a few months finishing up the NBA season... have there been no new releases for WOC?
I miss the good old days where WOC was updated and new techs were added. Now, we can download a non-working update that has more bugs than Windows 7.

Here's to playing WOC over and over until you know each map by heart!
Ya... and I am SO glad Microsoft put those "Windows Extras" on Vista Ultimate too.
Ya... and I am SO glad Microsoft put those "Windows Extras" on Vista Ultimate too.


Yes there is some bugs. And too many real life issues. I am going through it and rebuilding some pieces. Just not enough time to fix the bugs from most. So maybe will get one working with less in it.
Hello everybody :)

After a year of working on the Star Wars Galaxies PreCU Emulator, SWGEmu, I am coming back to the WoC Project and CFC.

My hope is to see the WoC Core grow into a better and more universal tool for modders and I have started a new C++ book to help. Many years ago I programmed in Turbo Pascal and Fortran...in the days before Windows :lol:

For those interested in discussing the WoC Project, there is an IRC room #WoC that is setup on irc.swgemu.com using port 6667. And of course I will be on CFC and all my IM programs too.
Good to have you back! Now, what about creating a Sniper? Long build time for training, but good range and power for attacks.

I am still rocking WOC exclusively when I play BTS, so let's keep the good times rolling!
Where is the core version for 3.19?
There is no Core version for 3.19. There was a Full version for 3.19 which has all of the work still we stopped modding. So the Full version has everything from the core and more, but not everything working that we added.

Here is one download not linked here.


And the svn tarball is here I think.

http://worldofciv.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/worldofciv/World of Civilization 3.19.tar.gz?view=tar

It has a lot of things not finished. Most of which no ever used here in other mods.:lol: Mostly because no one bothered to look.
You could consider RevDCM the core for 3.19, they incorporated the WoC core into it ;)
Yes. If you are looking for just the core RevDCM is a good suggestion. As well it has BUG and some other common features found these mods in civfanatics. I mean it starts with Revolution and Dale's combat mod, but I think they can all be turned off.

If you want to go the most minimalist route you can look at WoC Lite, but there are some fixes you might want from RevDCM.

The WoC Full on the other hand has everything thrown in there. Meaning simple mods in it work and some advanced features work. Most are not update to the mods where they came from like for example Revolution.

So if you are looking for what the WoC was working on there are a lot of things in there that could be used, if just wanting to play go with RevDCM.

RevDCM never brought over the majority of work done in the WoC Full even though the WoC stuff was in modular format. The mods in WoC Full will have things not firing because RevDCM does not have the entries in the SDK. For example a lot of extra xml schema changes in the WoC Full.

So anyway in short the RevDCM probably is the best bet, but the WoC Full contains a lot of stuff that could be carried over. I don't know why people did not carry over, but never the less it is still there. RevDCM core default modular is nearly non-existent.

The full mods made from RevDCM have a lot of more stuff, but I think the only a few mods made a lot of modular content. The majority of RevDCM mods I think just added things non-modular. So in short you need to browse around for modular stuff if you want it because RevDCM has hardly nothing modular.

I think Orionveteran made most of RevDCM core stuff modular, but anyway the RevDCM core mod guys never caught on to liking the idea. I would like to know myself if anyone ever did make the RevDCM core completely modular, but I don't see anything telling me they did. The majority harped every time it was brought up.
I would like to know myself if anyone ever did make the RevDCM core completely modular, but I don't see anything telling me they did. The majority harped every time it was brought up.

RevDCM is not modular. In my mod, I modularized it though, so you could get a modular version from there {I believe I left out one or two minimal things from RevDCM, like the bomber and bunker or so changes in RevDCM).
RevDCM is not modular. In my mod, I modularized it though, so you could get a modular version from there {I believe I left out one or two minimal things from RevDCM, like the bomber and bunker or so changes in RevDCM).

Thanks for the quick response. I may dabble into some modding again if I ever get time. If I use Revolution or DCM, it is good to know where to find it. Yes I never got into he bomber and bunker thing from Dale's stuff as well. Thanks again.
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