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Buffy- The Vampire Slayer


Feb 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
I am a big fan of the shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, and I have also seen a couple of episodes of Firefly.

I wanted to know what you think about the shows of Joss Whedon. Those being Firefly, Angel and Buffy!

I've been a Buffyholic for one and a half year, and i can say nothing but its getiing worse, is any of you as bad struck as I am?
MrPresident said:
For one thing, they're all cancelled.

Yes, but since I own both Angel and Buffy seasons on DVD, and they still shows re-runs of them you can stil like them(BTW there is a Forefly movie coming up... if anyones intrested)
Never heard of Firefly, but am a buffy and angel fan.
It provided some twist in vampire/demon mythology, and a great story too. Joss Whedon is a genius.
I liked it mostly - except feeling that it was a little overindulgent in teenaged angst and moping :p

What's Firefly?
10Seven said:
I liked it mostly - except feeling that it was a little overindulgent in teenaged angst and moping :p

What's Firefly?

Firefly is a show that is a sort of a 'Sci-fi Western'!
It stars, as the captain of the spaceship and Main character, Nathan Fillion('Johnny' in Two Guys and a Girl, 'Caleb' in Buffy season 7).
So my post so far has been confusing at the least so am gonna try again, its about the ship Serinity and the passengers on that ship. They are on the loosing side of an Inter galactic war, drifting around at the outer stars, flying into adventures.
It was canselled after about 6 shows, because people wasn't watching it. So now there is a movie coming up, it premieres in the states at about the 22. April next year!
I probably would have watched them if Sarah Michelle Gellar wasn't such a horrid actress. The redhead from american pie that was on Buffy is blazin hot though.
I’m afraid to hurt your feelings but it has to be said, I feel these are all complete nonsense. I do not consider any of them to be entertaining at all.


I think they should make an Underworld 2 (as long as we're talking about vampires). With Kate Beckinsale of course.
I think they should make an Underworld 2 (as long as we're talking about vampires).

They are, and they're also making Hellboy 2.

I think Angel was the better of the 2 series, easily. Even in the darkest parts of it it's still funny
I feel like an outsider in this thread, but I hate both shows and in fact I don't know anyone who likes either one of them.

But then again I'm not into Fantasy...
I never really get into watching Buffy that much, watched one or two episodes...
I occasionally see those shows on late night television when there is nothing else on.

As far as I can tell, one guy is a vampire and one guy is British.
They are both entertaining but they all end up being like a soap opera.
Buffy starting going downhill after season 3...I think the writers got a little carried away and forgot what they were actually supposed to be writing...
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