(BUG) Incorrect display of # of turns to research tech (in next-tech dialog)


Greater Ape of Antics
Apr 21, 2006
Austin, TX
Executive Summary: The number of turns to research the next tech is displayed incorrectly in the 'What would you like to research next?' dialog if the player has just changed the tech slider.

Note: To avoid endlessly typing "the 'What would you like to research next?' dialog", I will simply call it the 'next-tech dialog'.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Set the "Minimize popups" option. I do not know if this is relevant, but it is non-standard, and the instructions below will not work if it is not set. The effect of the option is to postpone the next-tech dialog to the end of the turn.
  2. Load my AD 1744 SaveFile
  3. Click on the beaker icon in the upper-right corner, to bring up the next-tech dialog.
  4. Hover over the Physics item. Note that the dialog and the hover text agree that Physics will take 10 turns to research (first screenshot below). This is correct.
  5. Click "See the Big Picture". When the Tech Advisor comes up, click Exit to return to the main screen. The "What tech next" dialog will be gone again. (Note: in future steps, I will refer to this sequence as 'Exit the next-tech dialog')
  6. Increase the tech slider from 50% to 60%.
  7. Bring up the next-tech dialog again.
  8. Hover over the Physics item. Note that the dialog still claims 10 turns, while the hover text reports 8 turns (second screenshot below). Both should report 8 turns.
  9. Exit the next-tech dialog.
  10. Bring up the next-tech dialog again (without changing the slider)
  11. Hover over the Physics item. Note that both dialog and hover text show 8 turns (third screenshot below). This is correct.
  12. Exit the next-tech dialog
  13. Decrease the tech slider from 60% to 50%
  14. Bring up the next-tech dialog again.
  15. Hover over the Physics item. Note that the dialog still claims 8 turns, while the hover text reports 10 turns (fourth screenshot below). Both should report 10 turns.
  16. Exit the next-tech dialog
  17. Bring up the next-tech dialog again (without changing the slider)
  18. Hover over the Physics item. Note that both dialog and hover text show 10 turns (fifth screenshot below). This is correct.

  • This bug is perfectly reproduceable on my system with the save and instructions above. If anyone has difficulty reproducing this behavior, please report.
  • No mods are loaded, and I have not put anything in the CustomAssets folder.
  • It appears that the dialog is not immediately recalculating the number of turns to research when the slider is changed. However, the number IS recalculated the second time the dialog is loaded.
  • The hover text, however, seems to immediately recalculate.
  • I did not find this bug on the consolidated list, or in a (cursory) review of the first few pages of the thread titles in this forum. Apologies if that was not sufficiently thorough. :)
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