Bug Reports - Post Here!

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Hello Gazebo, thanks for your great mod.

I have a save that always crashes on next turn.

Mods are latest as of this post, CP/CBP/C4D/CSD/MoreLux/NoEUICompat

Download: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?res...authkey=!AKOoChlAg8ZZxwo&ithint=file,Civ5Save

Also some other minor bug:

If you play only with CP/CBP and nothing else, the Corporations category text string in civilopedia is missing. Also the page that mentions the resources needed for monopolies, mentions some resources that don't exist without MoreLuxuries.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

When using the CP/CBP, did you clear your cache? Also, if you are seeing More Luxuries stuff, it means that you probably have a compatibility mod installed. Do you?
When using the CP/CBP, did you clear your cache? Also, if you are seeing More Luxuries stuff, it means that you probably have a compatibility mod installed. Do you?

Yes I always clear cache when I change/update mods.

The civilopedia bug happens without any compat mod, just CP and CBP. If I remember correctly only one corporation's resources is bugged. All the rest appear correctly (without any MoreLux stuff).


Update: My bad, the resources are correct. They were the indonesia resources that confused me. The bug is just the missing string of the Corporation category with CP/CBP only.
does anyone have the same issue with social policies? i neither recieve a golden age or a settller nor 50% bonus when producing a settler by having chosen the specific policy.

i use cp cbp c4d and csd

i have the civ v complete edition and cpp 8-10
Hi Gazebo, thanks for all the work on the mod.

I've noticed a bug for a few versions now, apologies if it's already been reported but I've read through a few threads and can't find anyone else with the same issue. I'm just using the CP, no other mods installed.

On the main deal screen you can still trade lump sums of gold with an AI, even if you're not friends. In vanilla the lump sum is supposed to be grayed out and a tooltip tells you that a friendship agreement has not been made.

The image below is from the first meeting with Ethiopia, so we're obviously not friends (the cursor is over the left side lump sum gold):-

Spoiler :

What makes this a bit more curious is that if you then click on the per turn gold, the behaviour becomes normal with the lump sum then being grayed and the tooltip showing:-

Spoiler :

Not sure what happens if friendship has been declared, if you need me to investigate some more I can.
Hi Gazebo, thanks for all the work on the mod.

I've noticed a bug for a few versions now, apologies if it's already been reported but I've read through a few threads and can't find anyone else with the same issue. I'm just using the CP, no other mods installed.

On the main deal screen you can still trade lump sums of gold with an AI, even if you're not friends. In vanilla the lump sum is supposed to be grayed out and a tooltip tells you that a friendship agreement has not been made.

The image below is from the first meeting with Ethiopia, so we're obviously not friends (the cursor is over the left side lump sum gold):-

Spoiler :

What makes this a bit more curious is that if you then click on the per turn gold, the behaviour becomes normal with the lump sum then being grayed and the tooltip showing:-

Spoiler :

Not sure what happens if friendship has been declared, if you need me to investigate some more I can.

I'll take a look. Thanks for the report!
Any ideas why all of the pictoral tile yields show as food rather than culture/science/gold/faith?

Also galleases for Polynesia lose the ability to cross ocean when I upgrade from Dromons.
You didn't read installation instructions carefully.
Can you be more specific because I thought I followed them pretty closely.
Can you be more specific because I thought I followed them pretty closely.

You did not specify your setup, but I think you forgot to delete the LUA folders from both CP and CBP as what you are describing is typical for this case. See the bottom part of the install instructions.
Great, I'll take a look.
Hi G,

I haven't played Civ V for a while. I just started a new game with CBP & YNAEMP but my game was messed up due to stacking civs at the beginning of the game. Some screenshots are attached if they could help. Btw, the YNAEMP was set up as followed:

Giant Earth Map with 22 civs & 41 CSs.
AIs and CSs starting locations were all random.
Min_city_range was set to 4.


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Hi G,

I haven't played Civ V for a while. I just started a new game with CBP & YNAEMP but my game was messed up due to stacking civs at the beginning of the game. Some screenshots are attached if they could help. Btw, the YNAEMP was set up as followed:

Giant Earth Map with 22 civs & 41 CSs.
AIs and CSs starting locations were all random.
Min_city_range was set to 4.

Probably related to the same problem skodkim reported to me. I've pushed it on to ilteroi, as he rewrote team logic in a recent version and I'd rather not step on his toes.
Production cost of some wonders seems off. 3 turns for this per player wonder (PALACE OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE) on the turn the tech was discovered.

I use Advanced Setup, CP, CPB, CSD, C4DF, EUI, More Luxuries (latest versions as of this post). 8 Civs, 16 City States, Marathon.

Compare with Cristo Redentor, both available on the same turn.
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

I have Order ideology and may have a perk to wonder construction but still...
Thanks for looking into it.
Production cost of some wonders seems off. 3 turns for this per player wonder (PALACE OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE) on the turn the tech was discovered.

I use Advanced Setup, CP, CPB, CSD, C4DF, EUI, More Luxuries (latest versions as of this post). 8 Civs, 16 City States, Marathon.

Compare with Cristo Redentor, both available on the same turn.
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

I have Order ideology and may have a perk to wonder construction but still...
Thanks for looking into it.

National wonders scale in cost based on the size of your empire.
Yes indeed, I just thought the math might be off since I had bunch of citites and 2nd in population. Will note down numbers next time. :)
I am being proposed Defensive Pacts that I can't accept. I am not sure if thats because it's trying to renew one? Been noticing this a few versions back. Using 8-10 atm.
Hi, the AI is trying to propose or renew a Defensive Pact and it won't go through when I press "Accept" the AI says something like "Unacceptable", and he/she proposed it. Are they confused about what they want? :crazyeye:
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