Building Graphics: Sauna


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
Ok, here's the most needfull improvement for Civ3 - Sauna! Sauna is so wonderful thing that I even added a wondersplash for it. Although you won't see the real naughty saunasplash I found from the net ;)

I guess can be used as a summer cottage improvement too! (Everybody wanted to hear this :lol: )

I remember seeing a documentary about this town in the US - they told that the town is so rich that almost third of the people had sauna in their home. Well, the Finns are not rich, but
there are 1,212,000 saunas in private apartments in Finland (2002 statistics). With another 800,000 installations in summer cottages and public swimming pools that makes for more than 2 million saunas for a population of 5.2 million, that means more than one per three Finns! For comparison, the Finns have a bit under 2.5 million cars and trucks. :D


Get your löyly here

This is how it looks, there a birch to make vihta there and some blonde girl in the lake to keep you company.

Absolutely hilarious. :lol:

Can we expect a winter version with snow and a hole in the ice for some ice pool swimming? :D

(Did it first time last winter BTW - without a sauna. Highly recommended for everyone. Talk about an energy boost. :D)
Hehe, perhaps I should do just the hole in the ice? :lol:

About 10 years ago did some ice pool swimming during one winter. When next winter came it didn't feel like a good idea at all. Got too comfy I guess. :) Another ok booster is to roll around in snow during a sauna break, if there's no ice pool around.
I'm almost afraid to ask but what does "birch to make vihta" mean?
Originally posted by chesspatzer
I'm almost afraid to ask but what does "birch to make vihta" mean?

Birch twigs with their leaves intact tied together in a bunch. You hit yourself with it especially on the back while in a sauna. Feels good and helps remove dead skin layers softened by the heat (ie. dirt). Fresh birch smells good too. :D

Here's a pic for ya:


  • vihta.jpg
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Originally posted by Chris85
That's neat little love shack you've made there Ukas. :beer:
Why do Americans STILL think sauna as some sort of a "love shack"?!? When I went to America, I was shocked how they abused the sauna by considering it to be some sort of a sexy place only because people are naked there! Those wussies don't even throw water to the hot stones because they don't want to get it "too hot", can you believe it?!?

Seriously, come to Finland and learn what sauna is all about ;)
Originally posted by Finmaster
Why do Americans STILL think sauna as some sort of a "love shack"?!? When I went to America, I was shocked how they abused the sauna by considering it to be some sort of a sexy place only because people are naked there! Those wussies don't even throw water to the hot stones because they don't want to get it "too hot", can you believe it?!?

Seriously, come to Finland and learn what sauna is all about ;)

There's nothing wrong with us Americans considering the sauna to be a 'love shack'. It's just in our blood, to the most eccentric things imaginable so that other people will be shocked and awed by it! As for us being 'Wussies', well... I'll tell my mamma on you! :)D )
Originally posted by Chris85
(whining) I don't wanna go to Finland it's too cold! ;)

Awwe, suck up and be a man/woman! :D
Sauna here is more religious place than sexual, in some mystic paganish way. Although I have been in some parties where...:blush: better not to tell here.

What I've heard is that in northern states there can be as harsh winters or even harder with Alaska being so cold it's not even advisable to go there?
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