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C2C : City Growth


Mar 22, 2011
**Migrated from Ideas/Discussions thread**

Food required for growth HALVES across the PREHISTORIC -> ANCIENT transition. I think this is too steep a change. Currently it goes:


needs smoothing out a bit over those first 4 (175,150,125,100 say)

Going to be making some adjustments here as suggested by Koshling.

Since there is still Growth penalties in the Civics, I'm thinking we can bring Prehistoric to 150% and then scale down more slowly. How about this:

  • Prehistoric +150%
  • Ancient +140%
  • Classical +130%
  • Medieval +125%
  • Renaissance +115%
  • Industrial +100%
  • Modern +85%
  • Transhuman +60%
  • Galactic +50%
  • Future +25%
It's welcome by me.

I've been keeping track of how soon my 1st city reaches size 2. The earliest is 7720BC on Marathon. The rest range in the 7600BC to 7500BC. Really depends on how "lucky" you initial city placement is.

JosEPh :)
One of the things that the malaria component of the Disease Mod does is remove all the terrain unhealthiness replacing it with malaria. This mans that initial city placement is not such a big problem for growth up to 3 where the effects of malaria start to slow growth and production. No more starts with -7 health and no possibility of growing.
One of the things that the malaria component of the Disease Mod does is remove all the terrain unhealthiness replacing it with malaria. This mans that initial city placement is not such a big problem for growth up to 3 where the effects of malaria start to slow growth and production. No more starts with -7 health and no possibility of growing.

Been looking forward to your disease mod for awhile, DH. When will you be infecting us all? :mischief:
I would arrange it something like this:
  • Prehistoric +200%
  • Ancient +175%
  • Classical +150%
  • Medieval +130%
  • Renaissance +115%
  • Industrial +100%
  • Modern +85%
  • Transhuman +60%
  • Galactic +50%
  • Future +25%

Been liking initial growth rates.

and yeah... been looking forward to those diseases too...
Prehistoric at 200 is too slow on Marathon and Epic speeds. 175 for Ancient is too. I do Not play anything slower as it takes me Weeks on these 2 speeds to finish a game. In fact I don't think I've Yet finished a C2C game since version 12. I don't even know what the end of Modern Era looks like! Arcology shield? Domed Cities? Things I've heard about but never seen in C2C to date.

I'd really like to have a chance to use Eldrin's new suggested speeds.

JosEPh :)
I would arrange it something like this:
  • Prehistoric +200%
  • Ancient +175%
  • Classical +150%
  • Medieval +130%
  • Renaissance +115%
  • Industrial +100%
  • Modern +85%
  • Transhuman +60%
  • Galactic +50%
  • Future +25%

Been liking initial growth rates.

and yeah... been looking forward to those diseases too...

Keep in mind that game speed will affect growth as well. So if you like slower growth, you can play on a slower speed. :) Also, the growth was slowed quite a bit by Koshlings recent modifications and storage fixes, so this adjustment isn't going to be all THAT dramatic.

Unfortunately speeds faster than Marathon really make things too crazy for people to use them for the purpose of faster growth. :crazyeye:
**Migrated from Ideas/Discussions thread**

Going to be making some adjustments here as suggested by Koshling.

Since there is still Growth penalties in the Civics, I'm thinking we can bring Prehistoric to 150% and then scale down more slowly. How about this:

  • Prehistoric +150%
  • Ancient +140%
  • Classical +130%
  • Medieval +125%
  • Renaissance +115%
  • Industrial +100%
  • Modern +85%
  • Transhuman +60%
  • Galactic +50%
  • Future +25%

Pushed to SVN.

Looking through the Era file more, I think there are some other minor changes that can be made.

Classical age has a 10% bonus to research over the other values, and this perpetuates (even worsens) across the rest of the Eras. I'm just not sure how a balance can be made if Hydro has his own system for building/research cost, which I assume he is maintaining, but then those numbers get tweaked in various directions inconsistently. i.e. his values may be fine, but then they get manipulated by these multipliers in various directions.
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