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C2C civilizations megapack

If they aren't in modules then @Joij21 should grab V41.2 and then copy those leaders and civs, as they weren't used by game, so they were removed from mod.
I think they must be converted
Yeah two of them belong to brazil while the five of them are from two civilizations(Great Plains and Outlaws)that are not in the game. There could be a sixth leader too but idk, maybe for the great plains civ I think. @strategyonly has great plains and outlawz civs mods to download but idk if their links are available anymore.
what leaders do u want or civs u want to add, but only very little at a time ok, it takes quite a while to reconvert them . .
eeehh not sure, maybe Taiwan, Bell Beaker tribe, Celtiberia or the Shoshone tribe, just one or two of those of your choice doesn't have to be all four since I understand. And as for a fictional civ, i'd say the Brotherhood of Nod from command and conquer with Kane as their main leader.
However while looking through the files, I also found some lost unused civ leaders, two of them for brazil (Vargas and Member de Sa).

This is correct, not sure if I mentioned this to anyone else, but yes there are in fact unused leaders in the pack. Many of them are deactivated due to not having any XML entry and only a leaderhead portrait, while others do have an XML entry but the file is either outdated or the leader is using traits that have changed or are no longer in C2C. I didn't remove these files or portraits because A.) the mod doesn't call these files anymore and therefore doesn't register an error because they are that outdated, and B.) I wanted to at least keep these hidden leaders in the pack in case I ever update the pack later on or if someone else wants to.

Now the reason I haven't activated the hidden leaders is because it would currently take a lot of work due to the missing or outdated XML files. This means assigning proper traits and giving each leader a proper AI through XML number values, it's very hard because many of these leaders I have no idea what they were like personality wise and I'm not exactly an expert on what each XML AI values do (I could end up making them all nuclear Ghandis by mistake!).

Six whos civilizations are not in the mod like Hoiliday and Earp for the Great Plains plus another guy who's name I don't remember maybe it's only five guys, and three leaders for the Outlawz named James, Kelly and Lopez.

The pack I updated was from a version of this pack that was updated by someone else, and that person updated it from one of the last versions from Sparth. Now I'm not too familiar with what this pack used to have in the past, but I know some of the civs certain people didn't like for being too wacky and so it's likely the person who updated before me removed some of the original Sparth civs due to personal taste (as when they updated it it was more for their own personal taste and the taste of those who they were updating it for).

However I also know that as Sparth updated his pack (when he was still active) people didn't like some of the civs he included back then either. So it could also be that with the later packs he slowly got rid of the more wacky/unpopular ones.

I would like to know how to add these two new leaders into the game to make Brazil feel more alive since they're in the files

Like I said that should simply be either XML file creation (if the leader doesn't have an entry) or updating their XML file. However I would need to know like the personality of these leaders and someone else would have to tell me a benchmark as to what XML aggression levels creates a literal nuclear Ghandi. :D

but for the other six guys I would have to install two new nations like the Great Plains tribe and the Outlaws to use them so yeah I need a few tips.

Yeah I didn't even know those were once in the pack until now. I might download one of the original versions of this pack to see what the original lineup used to be, but it would probably take awhile since like everything of those civs would have to be updated (C2C has gone through massive changes since even the last original Sparth pack).
dont see any of those on the mega list??

also do u still have C2C with the "outlaws" i listed, if so i need a copy of that??

i am presently working on a waaaay out list from FfH and my old civs i used to make: "Goblins", lol . ..
Well in the latest version of Caveman2cosmos 41.2 in the leaders file "Caveman2Cosmos\Assets\Modules\Custom_Leaderheads" in the MLF_CIV4ModularLoadingControls.xml document theres the list of leader names and load settings and thats where I found Earp, Holliday, James, Kelly, Lopez, Sa and Vargas set to 0 instead of 1 like everybody else.
I can send you the copy of the c2c file link or send you the xml file or folders of the leaders you're looking for its however you want it sent to you.
Caveman2cosmos 41.2 in the leaders file "Caveman2Cosmos\Assets\Modules\Custom_Leaderheads" in the MLF_CIV4ModularLoadingControls.xml document theres the list of leader names and load settings and thats where I found Earp, Holliday, James, Kelly, Lopez, Sa and Vargas set to 0 instead of 1 like everybody else.

Custom Leaderheads module? Well that's not this mod mod, because those files don't exist in the pack. That means that those were leaders/civs made for the base C2C, and yet they don't exist at all in the current SVN version.

@strategyonly how old exactly is 41.2?
Huh, well that's not that long ago. So I'm not sure why there isn't a custom leaderhead module anymore in the SVN. Then again I found out in one of the recent SVN updates they got rid of the Confederate States of America unit art when I was updating this pack.
yeppers they got rid of ALL the "custom" stuff, and put "some" of it in the core, but tried to keep it "main" stream, to get better turn times. . .
Huh, well that's not that long ago. So I'm not sure why there isn't a custom leaderhead module anymore in the SVN. Then again I found out in one of the recent SVN updates they got rid of the Confederate States of America unit art when I was updating this pack.
You can still play as the Confederates in the current version without SVN, Just set the <bload> from "0" to "1" in the MLF xml document in the custom civilizations module folder its pretty easy.

Now i just have to figure out how to activate the unused leaders to use again with svn or not.
You can still play as the Confederates in the current version without SVN, Just set the <bload> from "0" to "1" in the MLF xml document in the custom civilizations module folder its pretty easy.

I already updated the civ megapack to include them in the SVN. What I was talking about was unit art. Besides I don't play the main version of C2C, but only the SVN version (due to having more polish and being somewhat more stable).
I already updated the civ megapack to include them in the SVN. What I was talking about was unit art. Besides I don't play the main version of C2C, but only the SVN version (due to having more polish and being somewhat more stable).
Also one question, what are the single style units set and what's the difference?
Also one question, what are the single style units set and what's the difference?

I'm not really sure as that version is obsolete.

It either was a version were all the custom civs used the default vanilla civ4 skins for units, or maybe it was a version were each civ was given it's own unique unit art. I can't tell as the title "single style units" sounds like it could be either one or the other.

And with Sparth long since gone, he's not around anymore to tell anyone what he meant by that title.
One last question, What new stuff will be added in this modpack when caveman2cosmos gets updated will there be anything new?
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One last question, What new stuff will be added in this modpack when caveman2cosmos gets updated will there be anything new?

Most likely nothing, maybe something like a new civ. It just depends on whether the next time I update on whether I want to spend a little extra time on said update for something extra.

Someone else can make a pack that adds even more civs if they want to.
Most likely nothing, maybe something like a new civ. It just depends on whether the next time I update on whether I want to spend a little extra time on said update for something extra.

Someone else can make a pack that adds even more civs if they want to.
Yeah my only idea for a new civ is the Brotherhood of Nod from Command and Conquer, while non fictional wise i'd say the Shoshone or Taiwan I even told Strategy about it too.
Yeah my only idea for a new civ is the Brotherhood of Nod from Command and Conquer, while non fictional wise i'd say the Shoshone or Taiwan I even told Strategy about it too.

I just hope you don't live in China, otherwise a Taiwan mod would be highly illegal if the CCP discovers it on your computer. :thumbsup:
I just hope you don't live in China, otherwise a Taiwan mod would be highly illegal if the CCP discovers it on your computer. :thumbsup:
Really? Wow, the gall of some laws. Maybe they really are planning to take Taiwan for themselves soon. This kinda forecasts such a move.
Really? Wow, the gall of some laws. Maybe they really are planning to take Taiwan for themselves soon. This kinda forecasts such a move.

Well I don't know if there is an actual law, but I know people do disappear in China if they even remotely signal some sort of indication as to Taiwan being an independent country. Having Taiwan as a playable civ in a game on a computer could indicate such individual believes Taiwan is an independent nation and thus be more than enough for the CCP to send one to the camps.
Well I don't know if there is an actual law, but I know people do disappear in China if they even remotely signal some sort of indication as to Taiwan being an independent country. Having Taiwan as a playable civ in a game on a computer could indicate such individual believes Taiwan is an independent nation and thus be more than enough for the CCP to send one to the camps.
I mean hey! Tibet is already added in the modpack, that's not turning any heads right? :shifty:
I mean hey! Tibet is already added in the modpack, that's not turning any heads right? :shifty:

That is true. Although I guess Tibet was a historical nation before it was conquered by China. Taiwan is a bit trickier because the historical Tawain was more Polynesian in its original ethnic makeup while the current one is predominantly Han Chinese and the direct successor state of the National Republic of China, the arch rival of the People's Republic of China.
That is true. Although I guess Tibet was a historical nation before it was conquered by China. Taiwan is a bit trickier because the historical Tawain was more Polynesian in its original ethnic makeup while the current one is predominantly Han Chinese and the direct successor state of the National Republic of China, the arch rival of the People's Republic of China.
Oh yeah Republic of China would work too! Despite Manchuria being almost close.
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