Thanks - I'll go ahead and add this feature and use, it's so good - hope negative food icons get added at some point. Anyway to turn off all the little icons? Hide-non-bonus just does lux and strategic right? BTW I experimented with multiple bonus resource assigned to a building and it didn't seem to work - made it easier to add lots of variations without creating a mass of new resources.
I'll get the negative yield icons working soon.
Right now there's no way to hide the yields. You can turn off the resource icons that appear over the building icons by setting hide-non-bonus. That hides the strat and lux icons, the bonus ones are already hidden unless otherwise specified. It would be easy to make it possible to hide the yield icons too, but is that something you really want? I didn't bother including that as an option because I thought it would be confusing & annoying for players to have extra yields coming seemingly from nowhere.
Multiple bonus resources on the same building should work, I don't know why it wouldn't. To clarify, do you mean multiple of the same bonus resource or different ones? I'm pretty sure I tested different ones but I might not have considered multiple instances of the same resource.
Idea: Since the number of strategic resources a civ has have is a known variable (I assume) you could add an extra feature to the unit numbers function by having the option to multiply it by the number of resources a unit requires, or a fraction (double is quite a jump), so if you had two iron you could build more swordsmen than you've defined, with a default of x1. You would have to allow for multiple resources required for a unit, checking for the lowest value first. Just a thought. It adds the extra dimension of a large civ running on one resource fighting to get another so they can build more decent units and small civs with more than one getting a boost.
It would be relatively easy to make unit limits vary based on resource counts, so you could specify, for example, "Swordsman: 3 per Iron" like you can do "3 per-city" now. One little catch there is that players might have multiple trade networks, though the simple solution would be to take the resource counts from the capital's network and ignore the others. The real problem though is that the resources wouldn't really be consumed by the units that require them, so unlocking Med Infantry would let you build a new set of units based on your iron resources but you'd have those units in addition to, not instead of, the old swordsmen. Tracking resources consumed by units would be another layer of complexity, possible but definitely not easy. Same for having multiple resource limits on the same unit type.
Perhaps the food-eaten graphic from the growth box could be used/resised (as a placeholder at least)?
I have a couple of questions (with probably obvious answers) regarding the resource yields myself:
1. If you have multiple improvements in a city which produce the same bonus resource, will you get the increased yields from each improvement?
2. Are they subject to the normal calculations vis-a-vis corruption and the despotism penalty? (I think the latter has been explicitly answered before but I can't remember)
Maybe. I'll program it and use a reddened food icon for now. We can experiment with different icons later.
1. Yes.
2. Yes for corruption but no for the despotism penalty. Yields from buildings are added to the total that the city collects from its tiles. That total then goes through building modifiers and corruption. However the building yields aren't affected by the despotism penalty because the penalty is applied on a per-tile basis and the building yields aren't associated with any tile.
Here's a CivIII bug you might not have tackled yet - the offset overlay when you use landmark terrain on a custom map - instead of neatly covering a square it sits over the grid lines, centred on an intersection. It's a mess so is of limited use: it cannot be used near water for example and it's not obvious which square is actually the LM one. If fixed you basically get a whole new set of possible terrain types: steppes, scrubland, peat bogs, ancient forests, foothills or whatever. Ever looked into it?
That's interesting, I've never even heard of this never mind tackled it. Can you be more specific about what the bug is, like what you see in game versus what you expect to see?
One thing that would be nice is if there was a way of getting landmark terrain in the epic game, either through worldgen or IDK... some worker action? Maybe landmark forests for plant forest.
Oh right, I remember looking into this before. I could modify the map generator but if I were to do that I'd rather go all the way and replace it with a Lua script. Making it so that workers plant LM forests should be simple, though.