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C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More Release 20

Is your mod preventing ai from loading immobile units on ships in coastal cities?
Something just come up to me when I read above post about unit upgrades. Is it possible to upgrade stack units at once or all units in all cities if enough gold is available? Is it doable?
May be here Prof. Garfield`s great threads about Lua scripts for Civ 2 TOTPP could be helpful:
Interesting. That looks a lot more complicated than what I had in mind for Civ 3. Looking at that sort of thing is actually a bit discouraging, it reminds me of how big a job it would be to make the game completely scriptable. I hadn't even thought of things like diplomacy, which I barely understand the base game logic for anyway.

Hi, Flintlock. The ability to upgrade units in any city is a great addition. It's actually a better solution than separating the upgrade ability from the barracks. Were you ever able to see if the C3X building requirements for units could be waived when upgrading? I know army-flagged units are a different story, but enabling normal upgrades with the building prereq would be a great help. Thanks for your continued great work.
Hello. I looked into that and it's a bit awkward because the game relies on its usual CanBuildUnit function to gate upgrades. That function also gates city production and it's where C3X imposes the building requirements. The awkward thing is that to waive the requirements specifically for upgrading it's necessary to know in what context the function is being called. That's doable, it just makes things a bit more difficult.

Is your mod preventing ai from loading immobile units on ships in coastal cities?
Something just come up to me when I read above post about unit upgrades. Is it possible to upgrade stack units at once or all units in all cities if enough gold is available? Is it doable?
No, the mod fixes a crash that used to occur when the AI would try to unload immobile units from ships. It doesn't prevent it from loading them up in the first place, at least not deliberately.
Stack upgrade has been part of the mod for a while. It's activated like the other stack unit commands, by holding the control key. Upgrading all units in all cities is actually part of the base game, the hotkey for it is Shift+U.
Looking forward to R21, C3X has had be back playing the game for months and months and my mod is so much better now.

Most issues on the stack limit seem to have been sorted. Have to ask this one though: is it uniform across every tile or is it possible to do by terrain type? I guess it depends if the original code checks the terrain type at the appropriate point (I'm no programmer). Just wondered, seems to fit logically that you can't move huge armies across a desert as easily as you can grasslands which makes the terrain more important to strategy.
No, the mod fixes a crash that used to occur when the AI would try to unload immobile units from ships. It doesn't prevent it from loading them up in the first place, at least not deliberately.
Stack upgrade has been part of the mod for a while. It's activated like the other stack unit commands, by holding the control key. Upgrading all units in all cities is actually part of the base game, the hotkey for it is Shift+U.
Oh, well, will test it then. Thank you
Is there a way to make it impossible to capture city improvements if the capturer doesn't have the technology for it? This would help avoid medieval civs capturing factories and using them. Also, in my mod, I have lots of fixed fortifications that go obsolete with certain techs and need to be rebuilt. But if I capture an AI's more advanced fortification, I can still build my own older ones and create a super fortified city since I still benefit from captured fortifications that I don't have the technology to build.
This may have already been done, but is it possible to limit the unloading/loading of a unit in different transport ships during the same game turn (this would multiply the unit's movement, which is completely illogical)?
Hello. I looked into that and it's a bit awkward because the game relies on its usual CanBuildUnit function to gate upgrades. That function also gates city production and it's where C3X imposes the building requirements. The awkward thing is that to waive the requirements specifically for upgrading it's necessary to know in what context the function is being called. That's doable, it just makes things a bit more difficult.

I appreciate you taking the time to check it out. No problem, what we have going on now will work well. Thanks.
Sorry, can't help thinking of ideas as I pay. Just for consideration:

Seperate safe travel over sea/oceans and trade - currently we get tiny little boats going across great oceans latter in the game, it would be nice to keep coastal craft from doing this. Just having the option to remove the safe travel part of the tech would leave everything to the unit settings.

Make citizens go obsolete, so when you develop a better taxman or whatever you don't have to cycle past the old one and the AI gets a simpler choice.

Unit healing, I wonder if there is any room to play with this? Units that don't heal at all (battleships at sea), units that heal double-quick (partizans) etc. Barracks is currently all or nothing, variation would add spice.
Seperate safe travel over sea/oceans and trade - currently we get tiny little boats going across great oceans latter in the game, it would be nice to keep coastal craft from doing this. Just having the option to remove the safe travel part of the tech would leave everything to the unit settings.
This can be done in the editor. Simply make ocean and/or sea tiles impassable to wheeled and make galleys wheeled.
Just having the option to remove the safe travel part of the tech would leave everything to the unit settings.
If you want to restrict certain watercraft to, say, Coastal tiles, the simplest thing to do is give them the "Wheeled" unit-attribute, and then make Sea + Ocean 'Impassable to Wheeled'

Damn, ninja'd again :lol:
If you want to restrict certain watercraft to, say, Coastal tiles, the simplest thing to do is give them the "Wheeled" unit-attribute, and then make Sea + Ocean 'Impassable to Wheeled'

Damn, ninja'd again :lol:
Sorry, but only make ocean impassable, as it is done in the mods RAR, RARR and CCM. In an early version of CCM I set Sea- and Ocean terrain to be impassable for ships with the wheeled flag and this triggered some bad pathfinding errors for the ships and lead to freezes and some unusual attacks of land units and harbour cities by those ships, especially when ships of other civs were on that path.
Interesting. That looks a lot more complicated than what I had in mind for Civ 3. Looking at that sort of thing is actually a bit discouraging, it reminds me of how big a job it would be to make the game completely scriptable. I hadn't even thought of things like diplomacy, which I barely understand the base game logic for anyway.
Large projects can be daunting, that's normal, don't be discouraged. Look at all the things you achieved with C3X already. Would you have thought you would do all of these four years ago?
Its good to have a plan of what can be done, that way you can oversee the scope better.
Not every aspect of the game needs to be scriptified at once. Maybe start with integrations in parts of the game you know the most about.
"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." Translation: Finishing something big requires starting to work on it.

Regarding helicopter on a carrier:
No matter which editor is used, an air unit cannot load in a transport, if it has transport slots itself. Even an air army cannot load into anything.
I guess the problem is the rebase command. It would require additional calculations to check if a carrier has enough slots available.
Maybe this was deemed "to much effort" from the devs, so they prevented it from happening.
Sorry, but only make ocean impassable, as it is done in the mods RAR, RARR and CCM. In an early version of CCM I set Sea- and Ocean terrain to be impassable for ships with the wheeled flag and this triggered some bad pathfinding errors for the ships and lead to freezes and some unusual attacks of land units and harbour cities by those ships, especially when ships of other civs were on that path.

Thanks for this.

To summerize, I set Ocean only to impassable by wheeled, and set all my coastal vessels as wheeled and it should prevent the little chaps from crossing oceans at any point, but the same trick doesn't work with both oceans and seas without unwanted side-effects? (not that is a great handicap, it was the ocean travel that seemed illogical).

I'll get editing... Cheers.
There's one thing that has been bugging me for a while you might be able to fix. It's possible to choose era-specific units for the barbarians. Sadly, this does not work in Epic games, since the units are chosen according to the era the Barbarians are in. Since they don't do any research, they will stay with the ancient units forever. Can we link them to Human Player 1's progress instead so that we get other units during the ages, for example guerillas once the player hits modernity?

Edit: Since people asked, here's an example of how to add era-specific barbarians to the pediaicons.txt


Barbar Reiter
Mounted Sergent
Rifle Cavalry
Rifle Cavalry

Barbar Ship
Small Medieval Galley
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There's one thing that has been bugging me for a while you might be able to fix. It's possible to choose era-specific units for the barbarians. Sadly,, this does not work in Epic games, since the units are chosen according to the era the Barbarians are in. Since they don't do any research, they will stay with the ancient units forever. Can we link them to Human Player 1's progress instead so that we get other units during the ages, for example guerillas once the player hits modernity?
Why not make them guerillas to start with?
20th Century Guerrillas running around in Antiquity would be quite absurd.
So are the Celtic Swordsman that I use running around in the Modern Era. My view of Barbarians is making them nasty enough to hurt. Which is why I use the Cossack for my advanced barbarian, and the increased hit points and combat data Privateer for the Barbarian warship. They are more than just an annoyance then. The Test of Time scenario for Play the World has a separate Pirate Ship that I use, again with boosted combat data. Theov's Conquest scenario has separate Barbarian land units, which I have made nastier as well. They can do a lot of damage. Then there are the Dinosaurs in Test of Time as well. Those I have made very nasty. If I am not loosing units fighting them, they are not deadly enough.
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The barbarian unit could be a separate one created that has era specific graphics. At least it won't look out of place. But its combat stats would still be the same. Unless Flinlock can remove the upgrade improvement requirement for barb camps. Then you have have these units upgrade into other units available to the barb civ. That would also require some kind of trigger like an age advance like that of stock game's massive uprising.
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